all the way to fairy

Chapter 850 Fairy Demon Battlefield

With the power of her predecessors, it is no problem to protect the good and bad luck of the younger generation in the battlefield. Why does Wen Xueluo encounter wraiths frequently?

Someone drove the wraith to attack her?Do you want to drive her out of the battlefield of immortals and demons, or do you want to force her into the inner circle?

With a vague guess in his heart, Shaohaoyue glanced at the six demon cultivators, and asked again: "Have you met the demon cultivators before?"

"No, they only appeared a few days ago."

She asked some other questions, but Wen Xueluo didn't know much about it.

Seeing that she couldn't ask anything, Shaohaoyue turned her gaze to the six demon cultivators, her orange eyes rippled, and her voice was ethereal, "Why did you chase after Wen Xueluo?"

Moxiu, who was questioned by her, looked blankly, "The young master asked us to catch him."

Shaohaoyue twitched her eyebrows, what use is Wen Xueluo to the devil's plan?Using her identity as a heroic spirit?
Turning her thoughts, she continued to ask: "Who is the young master?"

"Er Yu."

Thinking of Bai Zheng Eryu's disagreement, Shao Haoyue thought, "What's the relationship between Bai Zheng and Eryu?"

"It's all magic cultivators..."

Wen Xueluo stared wide-eyed, looking at Moxiu who always answered questions, she felt deep fear and fear in her heart, did she also answer questions like this just now?Have all her secrets been revealed?
Qingxuan demonic energy is scarce, and it is mainly used for the planning of the demon envoy. There is not much demonic energy that can be used by the demon cultivators to cultivate. Every hundred years, only a few demonic cultivators can obtain the qualification to enter the battlefield of immortals and demons.

These six demon cultivators were the lucky ones who entered the battlefield of immortals and demons 70 years ago. They have been practicing hard in the inner circle. Until a few days ago, under Eryu's order, they came to arrest Wen Xueluo, and the information they knew was very limited.

In their cognition, Eryu and Bai Zheng are two people, Eryu is a noble young master, and Bai Zheng is just an ordinary demon cultivator.

After questioning all six demon cultivators, he killed them, took Wen Xueluo to turn around, and continued to rush to the place where the demon energy gathered.

At this time, there is an unnamed space somewhere in the inner circle of the fairy and devil battlefield.

A strong demonic energy diffused from the formation below, and slowly floated into the giant gate in the depths of the space.

There are lines and runes engraved on the door with unclear meanings. When the magic energy drifts by, the runes flicker and emit dark lights, indicating the operation of the array.

Under the giant gate, stood a man wearing a long cloak that stretched the floor, his face hidden in the churning devilish energy.

"Old guy, if you don't come out again, your key will be destroyed."

After a long period of silence, rustling sounds sounded in the space, as if thousands of people were whispering in their ears.

In front of the giant gate, demonic energy wandered away, and a dry face appeared on the door, with a distant and hoarse voice: "Young man, you must maintain due respect for the old man, even if you are your own body, you dare not be here Presumptuous in front of the seat!"

There was a sneer on Eryu's lips, "He wants to cultivate immortality and prove the way, so naturally he doesn't dare, I don't care, if he feels offended, he will kill me."

The withered face on the door smiled, and then said: "Tell me, what happened to the key?"

Eryu's sarcasm was even more serious, "It fell into the hands of the fairy envoy."

The talisman on the giant door was on and off, flickering extremely fast, endless coercion radiated from behind the door, and all the elegant devilish energy sank, as if loyal subordinates were welcoming their master.

The giant door opened slowly, and in the endless darkness, a dark red sarcophagus floated silently. Thick chains protruding from nowhere hung from the four corners of the coffin, as if it was hanging from the coffin.

The chain and the coffin are made of the same material, covered with bloody runes, exuding an aura of time.

Suddenly, the chain vibrated, and the huge coffin lid slid open little by little, as if a pair of invisible hands were pushing it.

When the coffin lid was fully pushed open, accompanied by the crackling sound of dislocation of the joints, a skinny hand stretched out from the coffin with only a layer of skin and bones wrapped around it.

The magic energy in the space continuously gathered and penetrated into the withered hand, and the hand immediately became full and tender at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The fingers are slender and strong, the skin is fair, and the youthful state is restored in an instant.

With his fingers resting on the edge of the coffin, with a little help, the handsome man with white hair sat up. His left eye was as red as a clear ruby, and his right eye was as blue as a sapphire.

One red and one blue, it looks very seductive.

"Is there a fairy envoy from the lower realm?" He looked up at Eryu, and asked quietly, with a sense of relief in his voice that he had finally waited for this day.

Eryu's face was covered with frost and snow, "Your formation is useless, it was forcibly broken open after a single encounter, and everyone died. Now except for the two of us, only some juniors are running away. This is what you call capable The formation of sleepy immortals and demons?"

Speaking of the latter, his voice was tinged with anger.

Everyone in his clan died under the enemy's butcher's knife, but he could only shrink in the depths of Bai Zheng's sea of ​​consciousness, unable to show anything unusual.

The anger and depression were suppressed in his heart, and when he saw the old monster who gave them the formation, he could no longer suppress it and burst out.

If the tribe died in battle, he could accept it, but it was a massacre, a unilateral massacre.

The seductive young man frowned slightly, "Are there any portraits of them?"

"With my cultivation, can I see their true faces clearly?" Eryu seemed to be looking at a fool.

Being ridiculed by Xiaoxiu again and again, the young man's face turned cold, "A bunch of trash, in 300 years, the best ones have been produced, and they can't catch a little female cultivator."

Eryu looked gloomy, "We forced her into the battlefield of immortals and demons time and time again. If you hadn't been in seclusion and couldn't make a move, you would have caught her long ago."

Speaking of this matter, Eryu was very angry. The Bai family is a giant in Qingxuan, and everyone's attention is drawn to their every move. A tough move will definitely attract the attention of Wen Xueluo from Qingxuan factions, and they can only set up a trap secretly.

I don't want to, Wen Xueluo is in the Immortal Mansion, and the low-level monks have nothing to do with her, and let her discover the favorable place of the Immortal Demon Battlefield.

And the demon envoy is in the battlefield of immortals and demons. As long as he is willing to temporarily suspend the retreat and make a move, Wen Xueluo has already succeeded, how could he develop to this point today.
In the place where the devilish energy gathers, as Shaohaoyue and the other two play the formula, the array is triggered, and the traces of the lines appear.

"It's the Nine Palaces Mitian Formation." The expressions of Shaohaoyue and Yue were ugly, their position was not the final place where the demon energy gathered.

According to the exposed part of the Jiugong Mitian Formation, it can be inferred that the final gathering place of the devil energy is in the lower plane.

Demonic energy is created in the Qingxuan Star Field and the surrounding subordinate worlds, and it gathers in the battlefield of immortals and demons, together with the magical energy of the battlefield of immortals and demons, it gathers in the lower realm.

With such a huge handwriting, the Demon Race's plan must be not small!

Shen Canghao glanced at Wen Xueluo, and said, "It should be in Canglan Small World."

The layout of the demon clan is one ring after another, and the final destination must be very safe. Canglan, the Xiaoqian world to which Baixi belongs, is the best choice.

Shaohaoyue even suspected that when the demons in the lower realm created a war, the main purpose was not to create demon energy, but to create an absolutely safe Xiaoqian world.

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