all the way to fairy

Chapter 849 Fairy Demon Battlefield

The coercion of the bones that was about to ascend naturally had no effect on Shaohaoyue and the two of them. They brought the demon cultivator and the female cultivator together, opened the fairy cover, and isolated the coercion of the bones.

After a while, Wen Xueluo stepped forward to thank you: "Thank you two seniors for saving your life."

Shaohaoyue raised his eyebrows and thought: No wonder I had grudges with her before, look at this petty guy, he didn't even give his name to thank her, so he planned to thank her verbally?
Shen Canghao looked indifferent, ignored her thank you, and started to ask directly: "Tell me, why are they chasing you?"

Whether it's the indifferent look, or the understatement and natural tone, they all have a condescending meaning, and Wen Xueluo's expression is not good-looking at once.

"I don't know, seniors want to know, go ask them."

The cold tone and blunt wording made Shaohaoyue even more displeased. At the same time, she was also very puzzled, how could Wen Xueluo survive until now with an offending temper?
Firstly, their cultivation base is higher than hers, and secondly, they just saved her, and her life is still in other people's hands, who gave her the courage to be tough?

With such an unpleasant personality, and having grievances with her former self, and keeping her in danger of being discovered by her, Shaohaoyue said coldly: "If it's useless, kill him."

She was threatening words, but she caught a glimpse of anxiety flashing across the face of a demon cultivator, and the other demon cultivators were also nervous.

They cared about Wen Xueluo's safety?
What's so special about Wen Xueluo?

When she brought it from under the bones, she and Shen Canghao checked it one after another. Wen Xueluo was an ordinary female cultivator in the early stage of crossing the tribulation.

Wen Xueluo's face was very embarrassed, she clenched her fists with her hands hanging by her sides, and clenched them tightly, as if she was trying to endure the humiliation.

Who is Shen Canghao, the first in line heir of the first family of Xianmeng, he has been the existence of stars and moons since he was born, praised by his elders and complimented by his peers, he will have his own subordinates to serve him.

Even people of the same age who are of the same status and status are still polite. When did someone make such an embarrassment?
Wen Xueluo is not a demon cultivator, so she did not choose to interrogate, but asked.Since you don't want to face it, you don't have to be polite.

He got up and moved out of his seat: "Senior sister, come here."

Wen Xueluo was very vigilant, and when she heard this, she subconsciously looked towards Shaohaoyue, facing a pair of clear and lingling eyes, with a little bit of orange, as if it was the most gorgeous sunset in midsummer.

After a while, the glow swirls like a bottomless orange vortex, engulfing her mind...

"Why are they chasing you?"

The light and ethereal voice came from the distant sky, calm and casual, like old friends who have known each other for many years, brewing a pot of tea and chatting in the coolness on a hot summer afternoon.

"I don't know, since I arrived in Qingxuan, my luck has plummeted, and I have been hunted down from time to time, killing the young and then the old, endlessly, I don't know how many times this has happened..."

Drop in luck?

Shaohaoyue blinked. Luck is so mysterious and mysterious. Unless the luck is extremely good, or the person is very bad, most people don't pay attention to it at all.

Thinking about the grievances with the other party, Shaohaoyue didn't want to delve into her experience in Canglan, so she only insinuated that she was a heroic spirit in the ancient battle between immortals and demons, and she had very good luck in Canglan.

Shaohaoyue was a little surprised. After the immortals sacrificed to the world and became the way of heaven in that world, they would not pay attention to it all the time.

A careless person like her would set the rules after the sacrifice and completely let the world run on its own. As long as there is no demon invasion or world-ending disaster, she will not interfere or pay attention.

A caring person like Bai Xi only keeps his soul avatar, and if he thinks of it, he will look it up, and if he can't remember it, he will leave it alone.

According to the master, in those years of her calamity, Bai Xi never checked the memory of the soul avatar, that is to say, after protecting the heroic spirit Wen Xueluo, it was not his deliberate intention, but a subconscious bias.

He would actually protect the queen who died in battle?What do you think?

Although she didn't delve into Wen Xueluo's luck in the lower realm, Wen Xueluo's life in the upper realm was full of ups and downs.

All kinds of troubles came to her one after another, and the reasons for the conflicts were also various. There were so many vicious dandies around her, and it was common for them to be molested by dandies because of their beauty.

It was even so absurd that when passing by, his eyes were too indifferent, ignoring the beauty of a narcissistic dandy of the Luoyang sect, and he was chased and killed by the other party for six months.

At first, she thought it was maliciously designed by someone, but the weird and bad behavior of every dandy and evil cultivator was not only aimed at her, they were really like this by nature.

It is said that the Luoyangzong narcissistic dandy had the most ridiculous time, chasing and killing a monk who ignored his beauty for ten years, until the other party kissed Luoyangzong and praised him for three months.

Of course, Wen Xueluo's distasteful words were also one of the reasons why she got into trouble.

After she became a heroic spirit, she was much more relaxed than others in the battlefield of immortals and demons. Therefore, when encountering unsolvable crises, she would choose to enter the battlefield to get rid of the enemy.

At first, when she was being hunted down, she ran in in a panic, but the enemy didn't dare to enter. After feeling the danger of the battlefield, Wen Xueluo walked along the edge for a while, and then went out quickly.

Later, the enemies she encountered were getting higher and higher, and she dared to follow into the battlefield. She could only bite the bullet and go deep, and then found that she was more relaxed than others in the battlefield.

Whenever there is a big danger in the future, she will enter the battlefield to avoid it.

She tried this method time and time again. She came here a few years ago because she killed the descendant of the Qingxuan sect Bi Luomen, who was able to cross the catastrophe and perfect the power of Qiongying's mother-in-law. The other party personally shot and killed her.

And Qiongying's mother-in-law is the old woman that Shaohaoyue and the two met in the internal and external circles.

Shen Canghao glanced at the demon cultivators who were getting more and more nervous, and said softly: "Ask her about her experience in the battlefield."

Shaohaoyue nodded, "The battlefield of immortals and demons is both dangerous and a challenge of opportunity, why not take the opportunity to comprehend what the seniors have learned and pick up magic treasures and cheats?"

Those who were able to go to the final battlefield back then were all the best monks. The magic weapons left behind after their deaths, as well as the battle marks left by them when they fought against the enemy, were all opportunities of the younger generations.

This is also why the fairy and demon battlefield is so dangerous, and there are still people who will come in to experience it.

Wen Xueluo frowned, and a look of helplessness flashed across her frosty face very quickly, "It's bad luck, every time I come in, I will meet wraiths."

Wraiths are the remnants left by the undead. They are gradually transformed under the erosion of demonic energy. They specialize in attacking the spiritual consciousness and Tao heart, which is very difficult to deal with.

Fortunately, there are not many remnants that can form wraiths, and wraiths are rare.

Shaohaoyue raised his eyebrows, "Aren't you more relaxed than others in the battlefield? Why do you encounter wraiths?"

Wen Xueluo was able to easily walk through the battlefield of immortals and demons, even throwing off Granny Qiongying, who had successfully crossed the catastrophe period. It can be seen that her ancestors are very powerful in the battlefield of immortals and demons, and they are probably the leaders in human cultivation.

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