all the way to fairy

Chapter 848 Fairy Demon Battlefield

As soon as he entered the inner circle, the aura of frenzy became even worse. Inadvertently, Shaohaoyue's toes touched a gun shaft inserted obliquely into the bone.

There was a buzzing sound, and a bit of ink rushed from the gun head to the gun head. The gun shaft trembled violently, and the cold demonic energy surged, and the bones pierced by the gun head emitted a piercing and decisive golden light.

The golden light from the devil energy collided, arousing several cyclones, which made Shaohaoyue's skirt rattle.

Her eyes shone slightly, she gathered strength in her feet, and stomped heavily, all the magic energy and aura were suppressed, and the bones of the ink spear were trampled to pieces.

Shen Canghao next to him also accidentally touched the object, and was sandwiched between two murderous intents that clashed. He swung his palms out, with great immortal power, and eliminated the two murderous intents at the same time.

The inner circle is really dangerous. With this move, the two of them are more cautious, and the crisis will inevitably be triggered.

After walking a few steps, Shaohaoyue's consciousness was in a trance for a moment, and she faintly screamed and screamed. She saw a group of monks who were devoured by the devil's energy and swarmed madly, and the strong devil's energy covered the whole field.

In the center of the churning demonic energy, a little snowmanship tore through the demonic energy and shot straight into the sky. The snowmanship became brighter and stronger, and the sharp sword intent suddenly exploded, pushing across the field, and all the magicians exploded like gravel. gotta smash.

In the endless void, the woman is holding a long sword, and her robe is automatic without wind, hunting!

Soon, the illusion dissipated, and the ruins of the battlefield were mottled and desolate again.

Shaohaoyue was slightly taken aback, it turned out to be the afterimage of Qingluo's battle back then, and she had a predestined relationship with them.

They tried to search for Eryu's traces, but unfortunately, in the leftovers of the battlefield, all kinds of residual auras and powers were scattered and disorderly, and there was no clue at all, so they had to give up and focus on finding the whereabouts of the demonic energy.

After more than a month of feeling and testing, they quickly realized that the devilish energy inside seemed to be chaotic and disorderly, but in fact it was slowly converging in a certain direction!

Shaohaoyue took out the formation map that sealed the battlefield of immortals and demons, and frowned.

According to the dossier, after the great battle that year, in order to prevent the overflow of evil spirits on the battlefield and harm the living beings, the immortal envoy led several strong men from the star field to seal the battlefield with a formation.

And this fairy envoy was the only Baixi who still had enough strength at that time, and all the magic energy created was poured into the battlefield of immortals and demons, so the sealing formation method back then must have been secretly modified by Baixi.

The end point of the magic gas flow is likely to be the goal of their trip.

With the sensitivity of Shaohao and Yue, since they noticed signs of gathering demonic energy, it was easy to track them down.

On this day, the two were walking along the direction of the demonic air, Shaohaoyue suddenly felt something strange, she walked a certain distance to the left, and caught the source of the strange, "There is the breath of a living person!"

Shen Canghao's spirit was shaken, and he hurriedly asked, "Is it Eryu?"

"No, another very strange breath, the direction is opposite to our goal."

If there is no accident, this breath should be the female cultivator who entered the early stage of the tribulation that the old woman said a few years ago. If she can survive in such a dangerous place for a few years, that female cultivator has some skills!

The two immediately decided to ask the female cultivator in the past. She had stayed there for several years, so she might not know anything.

Flying and flying, a chilly feeling came from under my feet, I looked down, and at some point, the magic cloud rolled back under my feet, and the momentum was surging.

There was a sense of sharpness and coldness in Sen Han's terrifying demonic energy, and Shao Haoyue frowned. Although the various forces in the battlefield were chaotic, they formed a delicate and fragile balance.

With previous experience, they have been able to skillfully avoid, do not touch the objects in the field, and look for the gaps to move forward.

Just now she was very sure that she absolutely did not trigger anything.

The doubts in her heart turned away, and she made a formula casually, and the pure immortal power quickly dispelled the attacking demonic energy, revealing a broken knife.

The broken knife was only half of the handle, and the other half was inserted into the leg of a corpse of a demon cultivator.

She made a false grab and put the broken knife into her hand. After checking, she raised the corners of her lips. The broken knife is an ancient weapon. The residual breath of low-level demon cultivators.

This is the inner circle of the battlefield of immortals and demons. Those who were able to fight here back then were all high-level powerhouses from both sides. There shouldn't be the residual breath of low-level demon cultivators, not to mention that the breath is quite fresh!
With a slight movement of her fingertips, the broken knife was reduced to powder under her palm. She sent a voice transmission to Shen Canghao, "Speed ​​up and find that living person as soon as possible."

It is obviously abnormal for the low-level demon cultivators to stand up and stop them when they do not hide well, and this situation only appeared when they approached the living breath.

There is no doubt that the living person is very important!

Shen Canghao glanced at the flying debris, keenly aware of something, he didn't ask much, fully opened his perception, and flew towards the breath.

Seeing that their speed was getting faster and faster, all kinds of restrictions on the battlefield of immortals and demons seemed to them to be non-existent. The magic cultivator in the dark couldn't sit still and began to attack frequently.

Their cultivation bases are low, and they dare not come forward to fight directly. They only use the characteristics of the battlefield of immortals and demons to break all kinds of balance and interfere with them.

As the distance drew closer, Shaohao and Yue could feel that there were still a few living demonic cultivators at the living person, and they were chasing that living person!

Judging from their positions, the two sides are very close, or they have already succeeded.

A little bit of crimson light oozes out, covering the whole body, Shaohaoyue no longer looks for various gaps to pass, but flies straight over!

The same is true for Shen Canghao next to him.

Soon, they rushed to the breath, and the first thing that caught their eyes was a white bone, with his left foot on the ground, his right foot slightly lifted, his body leaned back, and his right hand was holding a short spear with a cold light. His back, ribs Several pieces were broken, and the fracture was neat.

Before he died, he was supposed to be about to throw a short spear, but was stabbed into the vitals from behind and died.

The bones are as smooth as jade, emitting a faint light. Looking at their aura, they are infinitely close to the immortal bones. This is a monk who is about to ascend.

At the foot of the bones, there were seven people. The one at the front was a female cultivator at the early stage of crossing the catastrophe. She was trying to lift her back foot, as if pulling her foot out of the mud, exerting all her strength, her forehead was bruised. He got up, barely able to move his feet a little bit.

The remaining six are demon cultivators, whose cultivation base is comparable to hers, and their fate is much worse than hers. The female cultivators can barely straighten their bodies, but these demon cultivators seem to be pressing down on a mountain. Those who are slow, the snails are faster than them.

Sensing the arrival of Shao Hao and Yue, a demon cultivator's already distorted face became even more distorted and ferocious, gnashing his teeth and roaring, "What are those people doing, why did you let them come here!"

In the fight against the coercion of the bones, his strength and energy have tended to be exhausted. Although his mouth is opened wide, the roar he sends out has no momentum.

Shao Haoyue looked at the leading female cultivator, and the corners of her mouth twitched, damn, what kind of luck is this, the female cultivator turned out to be that Wen Xueluo, who the personal guards specifically declared had a grudge with her who had gone through a lot of calamities.

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