all the way to fairy

Chapter 855 Pagoda

Chapter 855 Pagoda
Lian Yang carefully checked the Shadow Moon Iron in his hand, and soon found a few irregular slight scratches on the edge.

She tried to splice the three pieces of Shadow Moon Iron according to the scratches, and two of them could be spliced ​​together, and the scratches were connected to form several weird lines.

The material of Shadow Moon Iron is hard, even for a strong Taiyi Golden Immortal, it is not easy to leave marks on it, these scratches are obviously left by people.

Casting utensils with Shadowmoon Iron will only engrave arrays on the finished product, and scratches will appear on the original stone...

Lian Yang's heart tightened, some special arrays of seal cutting really needed the Shadow Moon Iron.

Her eyes darkened, and she asked in a deep voice, "How did you get it?"

"Several Sanxians focused on the cargo team in Gray City Square, and accidentally intercepted it from the Mozu team. According to your instructions, any possible abnormalities must be reported."

Lian Yang nodded appreciatively: "Good job, let's inquire secretly, which faction does the demon team belong to, and where did Sanxian intercept it?"

The soldiers were ordered to do it, and within half a day, the result was placed on Lian Yang's case. The team came from a little-known small clan, and the intercepted location was in the hinterland of the Demon Realm, very far away from the sideline.

Except for a small number of daring ones, very few immortals went to that position.

After finding this, I don't need to pay attention to this matter, but thinking of Yan Qi in the city, Lian Yang was a little worried. She went deep into the Demon Realm secretly, personally investigated, and found that there were several small clans operating in that area.

This is not right, all forces have their own jurisdictions, unless the task is transferred, it will be regarded as a provocation to stay in other jurisdictions rashly.

Lian Yang retreated quietly, and decided to pay close attention to this area secretly.

Just after returning to the City Lord's Mansion, Lian Xue came to find her, smiling so hard that her eyes turned into crescent moons.

Lian Yang's heart sank a bit, and he said with a light smile: "Looking at your expression, the dark chess is not exposed."

"Not only has it not been exposed, but it has also received attention, and there is hope for promotion!" Lian Xue's eyebrows danced happily, "Jin Dian is really clever, with a few words, he provoked the Tana family to attack the Zhou family, and even helped our dark chess to save waves. Credit. The current Zhou family is like ants on the hot pot, so anxious!"

Lian Yang also beamed with joy: "Things are going well. This is the first thing to do to repay the casualty quota. Do it well, and our casualty quota will be expected in the future."

"Don't worry, I'll go out even in the snow, and I'll do it properly!"

Lian Xue patted her chest, her face was full of pride, facing Shang Lianyang's speechless gaze, she then remembered that the last time was also a mission for Zhou's family, and explained in a low voice, "The last time was an accident, who would have thought that someone would have an appointment at that time? frame."
Canglan Continent.

Shaohaoyue looked at the surrounding environment. Strictly speaking, this place could not be called Canglan Small World, it was a different space, connecting Canglan and Qingxuan.

In the different space, it is empty, without any living beings.

At this time, Wen Xueluo had already awakened, and she looked around the different space with a complicated expression. It turned out that the so-called place to pay homage to heroic spirits was the entrance to Qingxuan.

At this moment, out of the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of a cold light, and the exposed skin on her neck was tingling faintly. She quickly stepped aside to avoid the cold light that was coming quickly, and raised her body in front of her, staring at Eryu coldly, "what are you up to?"

Eryu remained silent, and the jade flute under his palm was filled with spiritual light, hitting Wen Xueluo directly.

Shaohaoyue twitched her eyebrows, and raised her hand to stop him: "The bridge is not over yet, is the bridge demolished? She has to rely on her to open the different space."

As he spoke, he looked at Eryu suspiciously, "Why do you hate her so much? It's you guys who have been stumbling her all these years, not her provoking you."

After a pause, she guessed again: "Because of her, too many Bai family members died?"

Thinking of Wen Xueluo's information collected, Eryu was indignant, "He gave the entire Bai family as a sacrifice to the devil, but blessed a so-called heroic queen who has nothing to do with it, so hypocritical!"

Shao Haoyue also felt that Bai Xi was very contradictory, she said lightly: "Even if you cut her into pieces, Bai Xi would not notice it, protecting the heroic spirits is just one of the rules of the world he set."

In the end, after she intervened and opened the channel of the different space, Wen Xueluo was sent back to Qingxuan, and her life and death depended entirely on her own good fortune.

Out of the different space, the greenery is approaching the eyes, and on the high and light blue sky, you can see the monk's sword flying by.

Feeling the qi training and foundation building monks, Shaohaoyue let the skylark out with a thought. With her cultivation base of the seventh level of qi training, there is no problem in practicing in Canglan, and she won't go out like Qingxuan. They were afraid that the senior monks would accidentally hurt her.

Skylark understood her painstaking efforts, and was also very curious about the life of monk Canglan, so he happily entered the nearest city square.

As Baixi's avatar, Eryu quickly found Baidi Garden and entered.

In the Baidi Garden, there is rich aura, strange mountains and beautiful waters, spiritual plants and strange animals, and the bone relics of monks who have died in many years of experience, which is the same as most secret realms.

Several people opened up their consciousness, and soon discovered that there was a seven-star blue light pagoda in the core area, which was exquisitely shaped and exquisitely crafted. Under the pagoda, eight closed doors could be seen.

The three walked in, and when they stepped up the steps at the base of the pagoda, Shaohaoyue clearly felt the flow of spiritual light, the bottom of the pagoda trembled, and the pagoda door closest to them slowly opened.

The inside of the tower was pitch black, and it was impossible to see the situation clearly, and when one's consciousness was swept away, it was like being mired in a quagmire.Without hesitation, the three flew in.


The sound of a sharp weapon piercing the air was resonant, Shao Haoyue spun around, avoiding sword qi one after another, Shen Canghao and Eryu did the same.

In this layer of space, the sword energy spreads across the sky, ten thousand ways are fired at once, and the use of spiritual consciousness is restricted, so you can only avoid it with your perception.

However, with their cultivation base, this is not difficult.

After about half a cup of tea, the sword energy disappeared, the restriction of spiritual consciousness also disappeared, and the tower lit up.
The inside is very empty, and there are eight small and large niches distributed on the tower wall. The night pearls are placed in the small niches, which are emitting soft light at this time, and the jade slips are placed in the large niches.

Shaohaoyue flew to the nearest big altar, reached out to grab the jade slip, but did not take it, the jade slip and the pagoda were integrated, she probed in with her spiritual sense, and a kung fu came into her mind.

Eryu was also checking, and he murmured in an extremely complicated manner, "The flaming meteor shower of Wanqizong."

While looking at the jade slips in other niches, Shaohaoyue asked casually, "Qingxuan's sect?"

"The sects that perished in the Seven Star Rebellion, Baixi established the Baidi Garden to find successors for those sects that perished."

The eight large niches were checked quickly, four books of exercises, four books of secret techniques, the previous sword energy should be a trial, after passing the trial, the secret skills of the exercises are up to you to learn.

Shaohaoyue couldn't help sighing, "The play is really well done."

What's even more amazing is that the jade slips here cannot be taken away or modified, which means that everyone who passes the test can learn it.

(End of this chapter)

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