all the way to fairy

Chapter 856 Test

Even in the Zangshu Pavilion of a family of sects, obtaining the secret skills of martial arts requires contribution points or exchange of spirit stones. Fortunately, here is fair and just, and it is directly open to all monks who have passed the trial.

It seems that Baixi really wants to find successors for those sect families that have cut off their lineage.

When the first floor passed, the outline of the second floor appeared. The three of them flew up, and all they could see was a white light. Under their spiritual consciousness, they saw stones of different sizes and shapes.

These are the divine refining stones, treasures for training the strength of the spiritual consciousness. Each piece is as heavy as a mountain. They appear on the second floor. Naturally, they are not used to exercise the strength of the spiritual consciousness, but for assessment.

This place is an assessment set up for monks in the Nascent Soul stage. The assessment criteria are based on the strength of the spiritual consciousness of the monks in the Nascent Soul stage. It is still not difficult for the three of Shaohaoyue.

They quickly pushed a sufficient number of god refining stones, passed the test, the space vibrated, and the white mist dissipated.

At this level, there are still four books of exercises and four books of secret skills, all of which require super-strength spiritual consciousness.

This Baixi not only helped to find the heirs, but also did not perfunctory, and really helped to screen carefully!
In the next few floors, the difficulty of the test increased, and the grades of the secret skills and skills rewarded were getting better and better. Shaohaoyue couldn't help wondering whether this tower was really just to help the heroes who died in battle find successors?

Soon, they passed the tests and reached the final seventh floor. The space here is much smaller than that of the lower floors, and the environment inside is quite different.

There is no niche or even a floor. In the center directly opposite the spire, there is a small magic circle. Through the lingering spiritual light, one can see a single jade slip inside.

This level tests the sword intent. Not long after entering, Eryu failed the test and was shrouded in a beam of silver light. Along with the power of space, he was about to be sent out of the tower.

Shaohaoyue raised her hand, and a dense celestial light gushed out from her palm, confining the power of space and blocking Eryu's transmission.

At the same time, the power of space also appeared around her body, and she followed the same pattern, overriding the rules of the pagoda itself with her powerful cultivation, forcibly blocking the teleportation, and at the same time urging: "Shen Canghao, what are you doing?"

She is not a sword cultivator, so naturally she cannot pass the test of the pagoda. Of course, with her strength, she can forcibly break through the formation, but with Shen Canghao as a sword cultivator, why bother.

Shen Canghao nodded slightly, swung the sword in his hand casually, and the mountains and rivers rolled up and down for thousands of miles, falling into the magic circle.

The light of the magic circle flickered a few times, and it shattered like glass, revealing the jade slips that radiated spiritual light inside.

Unsurprisingly, the jade slip contains a set of sword formulas, with only five forms. After seeing the content of the sword formula, Shaohaoyue frowned, turned his head and asked Eryu: "What is the origin of the Ye Luo Lingkong sword formula?"

This sword formula requires high training and is powerful. After comprehending the sword intent, the attack power is doubled, especially the last style of Wanshiqingliu. Compared with the first four styles, its attack power has been qualitatively improved.

More importantly, the power of this set of swordsmanship is not bad when practiced in the Nine Layers of Star Tower. Although the skills and secrets of the lower six levels are good, they are still limited to the middle plane, and this set of swordsmanship has already reached the star level. Que level up.

Eryu is extremely complicated: "Ye Luo's volleying sword art is a sword art created by Qing Luo in the bamboo forest watching leaves. This is just the first volume."

"The first volume?" Shaohaoyue was a little surprised. Looking around, he did not see any other alcove circles. "What about the second volume?"

If the second volume can continue to maintain the mystery of the eternal green stream, then this set of sword formulas is no worse than the secret skills inherited by the great forces of the Immortal League.

Eryu shook his head, expressing his ignorance.

"What Wei Lin practiced is this Yeluo Lingkong Sword Art." Shen Canghao said suddenly, his eyes fell on the empty space next to the jade slip, "He should have taken the second volume."

"Isn't it impossible to take it away?" Shao Haoyue was puzzled.

From the perspective of the first six floors, the jade slips in the pagoda are connected to the pagoda and cannot be taken away. The same is true for the jade slips recorded on the seventh floor. How come the scrolls were taken away?

Shen Canghao lowered his eyes and looked down lightly: "On the surface, this seven-star blue light pagoda looks like it is looking for successors for various forces, but in fact it is just looking for successors for Qingluo's Ye Luo Lingkong Sword Art.

In the state of forbidden spiritual consciousness on the first level, thousands of swords are fired at once, testing the body skills and reaction force; the second level tests the spiritual sense, and the third level tests the will to fight...

It is difficult for Cang Lan to find one who can pass the seven tests. Now that he has found a successor, there is no need to save the second volume and let him take it away..."

Speaking of this, he stopped, frowned and looked at Eryu, "Does the Bai family have this set of sword formulas?"

Eryu shook his head, "Our Bai clan doesn't have many sword masters."

Shao Haoyue's heart moved, and he also realized that something was wrong. Ye Luo's volleying sword art practice is extremely demanding. If he wants to find a successor for Qing Luo, he should naturally cast a wide net. Qing Xuan, who has a vast territory and more monks, is Bai Xi place of choice.

Moreover, the Bai family is a super family with a long history and profound heritage, and the chances of the younger generations meeting the training requirements are higher.

As she looked at the pagoda, she knew that it would not be as simple as simply looking for the successor of the secret technique, this pagoda must be tricky.

Looking at Shen Canghao, she couldn't help but said: "You pay close attention to Wei Lin, you even know what sword art he practiced."

Shen Canghao didn't seem to understand the sarcasm in her words, and said lightly: "In the battle of Yinliu Fjord, Yuan Fei's attack power was resisted by him with the crocodile silk, but he broke Yuan Fei's defense and killed Yuan Fei. , but his own real swordsmanship strength.

A mere mid-term cultivation base in the fairyland, but its attack can break through the defense of the Youmo Realm and kill them, isn't it worth paying attention to? "

Shaohaoyue nodded, being able to kill enemies across two great realms, this attack power is indeed sharp enough.

It's a pity that Qing Luo was able to create this level of sword art on his own, and his talent and understanding are much stronger than Bai Xi's.

While thinking, Shen Canghao's admiring voice came to his ears, "He is a whetstone worth looking forward to."

"Whetstone, haha." Shaohaoyue couldn't help rolling his eyes, Shen Canghao's words seemed to appreciate, but inside and outside the words all revealed the aloofness of "It's his honor to be favored by this young master" feel.

"Be careful that your sword breaks people to death." She muttered, and continued to work, "Are you sure he took it? Are you sure he used the second scroll of Ye Luo Lingkong?"

The secret realm of Baidi Garden has existed since the separation of the small world of Canglan. It is likely that more than one person has passed through many tests to get here in tens of thousands of years.

Shen Canghao was silent, "During the battle with Yuan Fei, I can be sure that he used Wanshiqingliu and Dongfenghuayu, and the last move that gave Yuan Fei a fatal blow. I don't know the name. It should be a combination of several moves. It should have used Yuan Fei's own attack to arouse the power of the void."

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