Eryu immediately affirmed: "Dongfeng Huayu is the sixth form of Ye Luo's volleying sword art, and it is also the first form of the second volume."

Shen Canghao described the final decisive battle between Wei Lin and Yuan Fei that day, Er Yu frowned slightly, "The Gale of Qingyang should be the performance of the seventh style of Gale by Day.

But the origin of space is imprisoned, and the power of drawing the void is not Ye Luo's volleying sword art. The eighth form of the west wind and evening light, and the ninth form of Xiaofeng Wanyue, the core is the law of wind and light, and does not involve the attribute of space. "

Shaohaoyue raised his eyebrows. It sounds like this Wei Lin has also changed and innovated. He has high comprehension, is not rigid, and knows how to integrate. Green gap.

She glanced at Shen Canghao, who is not sure who is the whetstone.

She cleared her throat, "Come and stroke, Wei Lin has ascended from the Canglan, and he knows all the moves up and down, so he must have the complete Ye Luo's volleying sword art.

Therefore, before us, there must have been someone who came here through many tests. This can be confirmed. Of course, the premise is that Bai Xi only put the sword formula in the pagoda.

As for the candidate who passed the test, it might be Wei Lin, or it might not be. "

The two of Shen Canghao nodded. Although the most likely situation is that Wei Lin came here and took away the sword formula, but it is also possible that someone else passed the test. Wei Lin's sword formula has been learned by the sages of Canglan.

"There is another doubt. Why do those who pass the test only take the second scroll, but don't or cannot take the first scroll?"

If Bai Xi only wanted to find a successor for Qing Luo, after he found it, he should ask the other party to take away all the first and second volumes; if he wanted to be killed by Brother Cang Lan, then the second volume should not be taken away either.

The first scroll is kept, and the second scroll is taken away. Do you want the monks who passed the test to find the first person who passed the test, and then kill each other?

After thinking for a while, Eryu guessed: "Could the second volume be forcibly destroyed by someone? Those who passed the test saw the extraordinaryness of Ye Luo's volleying sword art, so they deliberately destroyed it not wanting others to get it."

"Then why not destroy them all?" Shao Haoyue asked back.

This argument is untenable. If a complete person has this kind of mind, it should be completely destroyed. There is a sword formula for the first scroll, and those who pass it later will definitely recognize the person who took the second scroll. It was a life and death fight.

"After destroying the second volume, there is no energy left to destroy the first volume." Eryu guessed.

Shaohaoyue shrugged, "It's possible, but not very likely."

She inspected the pagoda, "I'm more inclined, this has something to do with the purpose of the old monster!"

Shen Canghao agreed with her. This pagoda is the core of Baidi Garden, and the weirdness here is probably related to the purpose of the old monster.

Next, they searched the pagoda carefully, but they couldn't find anything unusual, let alone the fluctuation of magic energy.

After thinking about it again and again, Shaohaoyue gathered strength in his palm and slapped it on the jade slip that recorded Ye Luo's volleying sword formula.

The pagoda is the core of the plan of the Gorefiend and Baixi, and the seventh floor is the core of the core, so it is not wrong to find a breakthrough here.

There were two clicks, and with the violent vibration of the tower body, the jade slip was reduced to powder, revealing a tiny and narrow space crack, which was extremely deep, and the spiritual consciousness swept over it, smooth and nothing.

Shield the consciousness inside!

Shen Canghao also took action, came to the sixth floor, raised his hand and hit a jade slip of martial arts, another space crack appeared.

"This is a formation, each layer of jade slips is a formation eye," Shen Canghao, seeing it as an identity, couldn't help but be surprised, "It's a good formation."

This formation is so strong that Shaohao and Yue, as the star towers, are unaware of it when they are in it. They are indeed the Blood Demon Clan directly under the Demon Emperor. Although the clan has been exterminated, they still have high-level and exquisite magic formations passed on.

The three acted and destroyed the jade slips that recorded the secret skills of the exercises one by one. The further they went down, the stronger the power needed to destroy the jade slips. When they reached the third floor, they couldn't be destroyed with only immortal power, and they were able to nirvana. , Sword Intent can only be destroyed.

This formation is completely opposite to the test of the pagoda, and the top layer is the weakest formation eye.Shaohaoyue was stunned. To reach the seventh floor, he must be the strongest, and the eye of the formation is the weakest. Doesn't it mean that those who pass through are likely to break through the formation.

Therefore, Ye Luo rolled up in the air, it is really possible that the passer did not have enough cultivation and did not have the energy to destroy it!

When all the formation eyes were destroyed, a magnificent hall appeared on the seventh floor of the pagoda, with long and wide stone steps leading directly to the gate of the hall; the majestic and majestic pillars, the horrifying reliefs on it, Lifelike; in the hall, there are vaguely visible statues of devil Shura, burly and imposing, with different expressions.

Without the cover of the pagoda, one can clearly see the continuous stream of demonic energy from all directions, following the trajectory of the mysterious formation, gathering in the hall, and the hall is like a living thing, swallowing and breathing the dense demonic energy around it.

"Nie Shi Sen Luo!"

"Nie Shi Sen Luo!"

Shaohaoyue and Shen Canghao exclaimed in unison, both of them were horrified. The Nie Shisen Luo is the magic weapon of the Demon Emperor's life. After the Demon Emperor fell, it and the Demon Emperor's body were sealed in the well of God and Demon by Goddess Ye Nian. How did it appear here?
Glancing at each other, Shaohaoyue and Shen Canghao attacked the Demon Palace together. The Imaginary World Ribbon was dotted with crimson lights, and its aura was like a rainbow, surrounding the entire palace. …

Feeling their aura, Nieshi Senluo trembled, and the billowing demonic energy swept and roared, circling upwards, condensing into a dragon, roaring and crashing into Shanhe Sword, the dragon's tail swung violently, and drew towards Huanshiling.

Shaohaoyue commanded Huanshi Ling to avoid the magic dragon deftly. The silk yarn was divided into thousands of pieces, and each silk was shot out like a scarlet arrow, piercing the body of the magic dragon from all directions.

The silk impregnated with Nirvana's Heavenly Flame has a very strong penetrating power, and soon pierces the dragon's hole like a sieve.At the same time, thousands of miles of mountains and rivers collapsed, and the broken dragon was crushed to pieces in an instant.

The demon hall was furious, and one after another the demon dragons condensed and flew out. Shaohaoyue did not continue to attack the demon dragon, and the silk gathered into yarn again, and directly entangled the demon hall itself.

In the previous fights, they have already seen that this is not Nieshi Senluo's body, but just a phantom, whose power is less than one percent of the body's.

Huanshi Ayano is a super divine tool. In terms of rank alone, of course it cannot be compared with Nieshi Senluo, but it is no problem to deal with a phantom, not to mention that Nieshi Senluo's phantom has no master to control.

She activated the mortal cultivation technique, the immortal power in her body was surrounded by clusters of heavenly fire, and the power of faith in her body poured into the fantasy world silk like a tide, pouring all of them onto the phantom of the evil world.

The demon hall trembled violently, as if a whale opened its mouth wide and swallowed all the nearby demonic energy into it. After being transformed and commanded by it, magic blades flew out to fight Huanshiling.

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