all the way to fairy

Chapter 858 Resurrection

However, without a master and a body, no matter how powerful a magic weapon is, it is just rootless water.

With the passage of time, the magic blade transformed by the magic energy was completely burned by the fire of Nirvana, and the condensed magic dragon was also wiped out by Shen Canghao.

Nie Shisenluo struggled unwillingly for a moment, the demon hall disintegrated, smashed to pieces, and something as black as ink rolled out of it.

boom! boom! boom!
The sound of heavy objects hitting the ground sounded, smoke and dust rose everywhere, and the ground shook.

Shaohaoyue held the Huanshi Ling tightly and looked at the ground warily. Under the scattered smoke and dust, a round pit with a size of tens of feet suddenly appeared on the ground.

The circular pit is in the shape of an upside-down cone, and the area becomes smaller as it goes down, and when it reaches the deepest point, it is only the size of a palm.

She cautiously released her spiritual sense and explored down the round pit layer by layer. There was no abnormality above. The round pit seemed to be rippled on the surface of the water, and there were circles of protrusions on the wall.

This kind of situation often occurs when heavy objects hit the ground, and they are small but very heavy objects. During the landing process, because of their huge weight, they penetrate the ground at an extremely fast speed, and the falling energy spreads around, causing the ground to collapse. collapse.

The consciousness slowly reached the bottom, and in the wet red rock mud lay a few pieces of shells that were as black as ink and glittering and translucent in disorder.

Although the carapace is crystal clear, it is not exquisite, but reveals a breathtaking and hideous beauty.

"Devil's egg!" She was shocked and exclaimed, thinking of the phantom of Nieshi Senluo, she blurted out, "The Demon Emperor! The Blood Demons want to revive the Demon Emperor!"

She was shocked when she said the words, but she was convinced that the guess was true.

At the same time, the price to be paid for planning all this without the knowledge of the immortal clan and the demon clan must be huge. The only thing that can make the blood demon clan do this is to resurrect the demon emperor and reorganize the blood demon clan.

After the shock, Shen Canghao said in a deep voice, "There must be something wrong in the well of gods and demons."

Shaohaoyue took a deep breath, "The question now is, where did the resurrected Demon Emperor go?"

There were only a few fragments of the devil eggs at the bottom of the pit, and the revived devil emperor had left long ago, and they didn't realize all of this!
Eryu was stunned. The Demon Emperor knew about it. Back then when he realized that the Immortal Alliance restricted the promotion of Feisheng Immortals, he secretly investigated the reason. In the process, he learned about the history of Xingque.

At the beginning of the universe, the world was in chaos, and the Great God Pangu created the world, and the world began a prehistoric era.

At the beginning of the prehistoric era, three chaotic beasts, Zulong, Yuanfeng, and Shiqilin, were born first, and then various fierce beasts and demons were born one after another, with the dragon, phoenix, and kylin being the most powerful.

In order to prove the way of killing, the Demon Emperor Chu Jun wanted to kill all the creatures in the world, and provoked the three tribes of dragon, phoenix and kylin to fight against each other. Almost every prehistoric race was involved in that war, causing countless casualties, and the three tribes of dragon, phoenix and kylin also suffered heavy casualties.

The Demon Emperor gradually grew up and led the Demon Clan to conquer everywhere. The people who passed by were devastated. The three fighting clans let go of their grievances and jointly defended against the enemy. They also invited the ancestors of the three clans to take action, and finally sealed the Demon Emperor.

The prehistoric era ended, and the universe began the ancient era headed by dragon, phoenix, white tiger, basaltic and four spirits.

However, with the passage of time, the seal weakened, the demon emperor was resurrected, and fierce revenge was launched on the world's creatures. Immortals and demons fought, Taoists and devils fought, and a large number of world planes collapsed in the flames of war every moment.

Later, Goddess Ye Nian rose from the mortal world, ascended to the fairy world, created the Goddess Palace, established the Immortal Alliance, drove the demons out of most of the small worlds, and once again sealed the Demon Emperor.

The ancient era ended, and the universe entered the ancient era. This time, it was sealed for an extraordinarily long time. After the ancient and ancient eras, it has not yet appeared.

Almost every appearance of the Demon Emperor means the end of the cosmic era, and a new era is about to start, and the new era is bound to be accompanied by earth-shaking changes!
Ontology chooses to cooperate with the blood demons, is it because they want to attach themselves to the demons and earn a share of what the mortal world calls the merit of being a dragon?Or do you want to muddy the water, fish in troubled waters, and gain benefits?

Eryu suddenly became dazed. He had been wandering in Qingxuan for many years. He had a grudge against the main body. He was even more furious when he learned that the main body concealed information about cultivating demons and used the Bai family as a sacrifice for cooperating with the blood demons.

Now that he knows the real deal between the main body and the blood demon clan, he is shaken. If the Bai family can follow the demon emperor, in the new era, it may be able to replace the current four major demon sects, and they will never be underestimated and trampled.

"The jade slip that records the second volume of Ye Luo's volleying sword art may have been destroyed by the resurrected Demon Emperor."

Shen Canghao's deep voice pulled back Eryu's thoughts. Looking at the two immortal envoys in front of him, the hope raised in his heart was extinguished. Now, no matter whether the Demon Emperor can defeat the immortal clan and regain control of the demon clan, Bai There is no hope for everyone.

Shaohaoyue shook his head, and said firmly: "Now you can't jump to conclusions, for fear of being deceived by the other party, go back and report to the venerables first."

As she said that, she cast her eyes on Eryu, "You understand their plan, now it's time to get rid of you."

Eryu turned pale, "I..."

"Countless souls died because of the evil you created, you must die!" Before he could argue, Shao Haoyue interrupted coldly, and slapped him until he passed out.

Those pure and charming pupils closed slowly, and then slowly opened again, with a sense of bewilderment flowing inside.

"Bai Zheng? Maybe I should call you the Spirit of Chaos Qinglian," she said.

The pupils of 'Eryu' turned slightly, and the eyes fell on her, focusing a little bit, and the dazed pupils regained their spirits, "Is it over?"

Shaohaoyue nodded, "Do you have a way to separate his soul?"

There was another reason why Eryu had to die. He was likely to be an extremely crucial link in the arrangement between Bai Xi and the Blood Demon.

Eryu didn't know the preciousness of the chaotic green lotus, but they knew it. It was one of the nine wonder medicines in the world. Humans, immortals, demons, and beasts, no creature would not be tempted.

Unless his brain is broken, it is absolutely impossible for Bai Xi to use this kind of treasure as a clone to shape his body. As for the strong demon ancestors of the blood demon clan, he let the chaotic green lotus jump around under his nose, but he did not try to snatch it.

There is only one explanation for this situation. The chaotic green lotus was handed over to Bai Xi by the old monster of the Blood Demon Clan, and it was a body-building material prepared for the revived Demon Emperor.

Chaos Qinglian inherits the undeveloped power of chaos in the universe. It can not only swallow the light and spiritual energy of the world for cultivation, but also absorb the turbid devil energy and resentment for cultivation.

The old monster should be worried that the strength of the revived demon emperor will be low, and the demonic nature will be transformed and eliminated by the power of chaos, so he first nourishes the demonic nature of his body with Baixi's seven emotions and six desires, love, hatred and hatred.

This is good news for them, it means that the resurrected Demon Emperor has no strong strength for the time being.

Hearing this, excitement flashed in the chaotic Qinglian's spiritual eyes, and said: "Suppress our soul with immortal power and destroy our body."

Shaohaoyue understands that Baixi's sub-soul has been demonized, and under the power of the fairy, it will suffer serious damage, while the spirit of the chaotic green lotus is essentially the power of chaos, which does not conflict with the power of the fairy, and suffers little damage much.

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