She set up a magic circle to prevent Baixi's soul from escaping, and then raised her hand to cover Eryu's head, a majestic immortal power gushed out, and Eryu's body braved the demonic energy to resist the immortal power.

Eryu's cultivation base is low, and his soul is also suppressed, but within a short time, the magic energy in his body was completely destroyed by the immortal power;

If it were a cultivator or even a Xingque immortal demon's body, it would have been reduced to dust at this time, but the body of the chaotic green lotus was extremely domineering, and the body was not destroyed at all.

With the infusion of celestial power, Baixi's sub-soul struggled violently. At the moment when the sub-soul was about to be shattered, in the dark, there seemed to be invisible eyes watching over. The sight was indescribably cold and huge, revealing endless majesty. It seems to be able to penetrate all her secrets.

Soon, the whole world was exuding malice towards her, the vegetation, soil, monsters, and even the aura around her all attacked her.

Shaohaoyue's face was cold and cold, the imaginary light of the fantasy world silk flowed on his wrist, and a phantom flew out from above, shot straight into the sky, and sank into nothingness.

At this moment, Jiu Chong Xing Que felt the crisis of soul separation, Bai Xi immediately used his kung fu to check the situation with the help of the divine sense in the origin of Canglan World, but only saw an extremely bright fairy glow.

He thumped in his heart, no good, Xianmeng sent people to Canglan, and even entered Baidi Garden!

The place where the Demon Emperor was resurrected may have been discovered!
What did Zongsu do to eat? The immortal clan found out that he had gone to the Baidi Garden!

With a sudden flash of his heart, he decided to take advantage of his home field to kill the fairy envoy in one fell swoop, so that there would be no proof.

At this time, an orange shadow suddenly appeared in front of him, singing and praying with the vast and pious sentient beings, and it sank into the center of his forehead like lightning.

Bai Xi opened his eyes suddenly, groaned, and spit out a mouthful of bright blood, but he didn't check the backlash for the first time, his eyes were filled with horror, and he cried out: "Yuedian!"

The fairy envoy from the lower realm turned out to be her!No wonder the Baidi Garden can be found. Where is Zong Su, is he still alive?
Bai Xi was a little uncertain. Back then in Yueqing Realm, Demon King Ye Shiyu fully displayed his strength in the early stage of Demon Ancestral Realm, but he was still killed by her;

Zongsu is also in the early stage of the Demon Ancestor Realm, and is still in the lower realm. He can display the same strength as her. Can he be her opponent?
It has to be remedied, the Feng family has something in his hands...

After three unhurried knocks on the door, the ban was opened, and a soldier in Beifu Army armor walked in, "Your Majesty, what happened?"

The soldier's battle armor was very neatly dressed, the helmet covered most of his face, only his eyes and nose were exposed, and his voice was extremely concerned.

Meeting those eyes, Bai Xi's pupils shrank, Kong Qing!The personal guard of the Jiuxi God!

Seeing Kong Qing's lips curved into a sharp arc, and his fingertips covering his eyebrows, Bai Xi's consciousness became confused.

After a while, he wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and his pupils were filled with horror, that Xianmeng sent Yuedian to go down to the realm in person.

No, next to that extremely bright celestial light, there is another radiance that is evenly matched. There is not only Yuedian in the lower realm, but there is also a person whose strength is not weaker than hers.

Bai Xi took a deep breath, trying to calm down, thinking about how to deal with it.

There was an unhurried knock on the door, Bai Xi checked the restrictions, and saw a few strangers standing outside the door, all dressed in tea-white plain robes, with patterns on the skirts, a few simple lines, outlining the Out of the mountains and rivers.

Bai Xi's pupils shrank, it was the emblem of the Shen family in Cangling, the first family in the Immortal League!
At this time, the knock on the door sounded again, and it was still three times in an unhurried manner.

Bai Xi stabilized her mind, stood up and opened the door.

An elder in plain robes said lightly: "Immortal Baixi, the deity is here to invite you."

The Shen Zun in the Shen family's population is naturally Shi Yan Shen Zun, the number one Supreme Being of the human race, Bai Xi pursed his lips, and said, "Lead the way."
Canglan, Baidi Garden.

After solving Baixi's malicious manipulation, the world recovered, and Eryu, who did not wait for Baixi's support, his soul disintegrated and scattered into dark and light blue soul fragments.

Shaohaoyue controlled the celestial power and suppressed the dark soul fragments with all his strength. In the light blue fragments, the chaotic Qinglian spirit swam around and bit Eryu's soul fragments fiercely one by one.

Eryu's body disintegrated, revealing a mass of chaotic energy, with a few wisps of devilish energy lingering around the edge, and within a short while, he was assimilated into chaos.

Suddenly, a touch of color appeared in the chaos, first it was very light blue, and slowly, the blue color became brighter and brighter...

There was a soft 'Bo' sound, the extreme light suddenly disappeared, and the blue buds broke free from the shackles of chaos and popped out.

The buds grow swayingly, and the buds grow larger, slowly blooming in the bright light.

Shaohaoyue's consciousness was in a trance for a moment. At the moment when Qinglian opened, she seemed to see the birth and evolution of each plane, and then declined in prosperity and returned to chaos.

Chaos Qinglian is a thing of the same origin as the universe, just now it was a simplified version of the evolution plane.

A little enlightenment rose in her heart vaguely. The formation and evolution of a plane, the perfect rules, step by step towards prosperity, and then from prosperity to decline, are all extremely slow processes. However, from the perspective of the universe, it is just It's flowers blooming and falling, just at the flick of your fingers.

In her opinion, the life of a mortal in the world is less than a hundred years, but to a mortal, it is already a long enough life...

As the chaotic green lotus devoured more and more soul fragments, Eryu had no power to resist at all, Shaohaoyue no longer suppressed his soul fragments, she put her mind on the blooming chaotic green lotus, and tried her best to catch it A little enlightenment.

Shen Canghao on the side took out the fragments of the devil's eggs at the bottom of the pit and sealed them in the jade box. He also seized the time to observe the chaotic green lotus and understand the original way of the universe.

I don't know how long it has passed, Eryu's soul was completely devoured, and a white face, a completely unfamiliar face, appeared on the lingering green lotus.

The temples were cut like knives, and the eyebrows were painted in ink. It was clearly the handsome face of an adult man, but there was a bit of childishness between the eyebrows.

To smash the body, for Chaos Qinglian, it can be said to be put to death and then reborn. The chaotic energy consumed is very large, and it is impossible to condense the body in a short time.

However, devouring Eryu's soul is very beneficial to him. After re-condensing his body, his potential will definitely exceed that of his previous body.

"Let's say it first, I am very grateful that you have helped me, but I will never recognize you as masters!"

As soon as that face appeared, Shaohaoyue was forced to withdraw from the mysterious perception. At this moment, the heaviness of the demon emperor's resurrection in her heart eased a bit.

She pulled out a friendly smile, "Don't worry, I will never let you recognize the master. These low-level planes have insufficient aura. We will take you to the star tower and keep your cultivation level up!"

The chaotic Qinglian spirit thought for a moment, and quickly agreed, "Okay, I will follow you."

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