all the way to fairy

Chapter 862 A cautious old man

Chapter 862 A cautious old man
This discovery made Zhou Shaoyou very uncomfortable. He was also known as a genius since he was a child. Although he was not as talented as Shen Canghao, Zhao Yuyan and others, he was also well-known among the middle-grade families.

But facing Wei Lin, he subconsciously showed timidity.

Zhou Shaoyou's expression was ferocious, and he said in a vicious voice, "You're quite sharp-tongued, hmph, even if you name a flower in front of the Venerable Dao Ancestor Realm, you will definitely die today!"

Wei Lin secretly sighed that it was unlucky, the old man with slender eyes was indeed in the Dao Ancestor Realm.

If you think about it, everyone in Xingque now knows that he has a scorpion next to him, who can withstand attacks of more than a few bodies and two big realms. There is a precedent for Yuan Fei. The person who came to intercept him must be Da Luo Jinxian The above is repaired.

He tightened his grip on Mo Lijian, and said coldly: "Whether you can escape or not, you have to try it!"

After the words fell, he leaped high, swung the long sword in his hand, and swayed the autumn wind to blow the leaves. Out of nowhere, gusts of breeze rolled up and struck towards the old man, but his body was like an arrow leaving the string. retreat.

The old man lifted his drooping eyelids, and the sweeping breeze stopped abruptly.

Wei Lin, who was flying away, suddenly felt his hairs standing on end, and his whole body was screaming for danger, so he suddenly changed direction and moved several feet away.

On his original escape route, the dark yellow earth wall was solid, and then became illusory in an instant, disappearing without a trace in the blink of an eye.

This is how practitioners in the Dao Ancestral Realm use the laws as they please, and directly mobilize the energy elements in the environment. For a few people, there is almost no consumption.

Wei Lin was very helpless. With this level of power, he was extremely sensitive to energy elements. Unless he was not given time to react at close range, Shadow Flying Flower would most likely fail.

That was his only chance, and he had to use it at the best time to injure the enemy in one fell swoop.

What made him even more helpless was that the old man of the Zhou family was extremely cautious and had no intention of getting close at all. After blocking him, he was not in a hurry to take him down, but the old god was waiting for his next move.

Wei Lin quickly realized what the other party was afraid of. Yuan Fei's life-saving card was on him. This was a well-known fact. The old guy was worried that he would go crazy and die together.

It seems that without paying some price to dispel the vigilance of the old guy, he will not get close.

The elders of Zhou's family have been floating in place all the time, lightly preventing Wei Lin from escaping again and again, thinking to himself: This kid's agility is also good, a veritable genius.

One needs to be cautious when dealing with geniuses, even those with low cultivation bases.

Because the reason why geniuses can be called geniuses is that they can do things that ordinary people can't do, or even dare not think about.

After a few times of blocking and getting a rough idea of ​​Wei Lin's body speed, Zhou's elders took the initiative to attack, flicking their sleeves lightly, golden sharp arrows condensed from nothingness, and shot towards Wei Lin.

Wei Lin suddenly changed color, and the golden rain of arrows poured down, almost melting into the heavy rain, without any momentum, as if it was just the color of the rain.

However, in his line of sight, those golden colors seemed to be slow and fast, as fast as jumping in space, and they arrived in front of him in an instant.

Wei Lin's body whirled around, avoiding the rain of golden arrows, and formed a defensive shield in front of him, and the crocodile silk on his body shone with aura.

While evading, out of the corner of his eye, he caught sight of the golden sharp arrow falling to the ground with the rain curtain. After a few small golden splashes, it merged into the torrential rain and disappeared without a trace, as if it was really just golden rain. .

Wei Lin knew that if he let down his vigilance and got caught, what would shoot into his body would definitely not be golden rain, but a sharp arrow that contained the law of gold.

The rain of golden arrows seemed inexhaustible, batch after batch of arrows shot towards him, Wei Lin knew that the old man was consuming him.

His heart froze, his body turned, and while avoiding the rain of arrows, he threw himself at the old man. Mo Lijian swung his sword with a fluttering intent.

Under the intent of the sword, the body of the old man of the Zhou family disintegrated like glass, but there was no trace of blood, it was just a phantom.

Wei Lin tilted his head, and the figure of the old man appeared on the other side, still standing indifferently with his hands behind his back.

Turning around without stopping for a moment, Wei Lin was persistent and attacked the old man again.

The old man still dodged calmly, like a stroll in a garden.

After several attacks, the distance between the old man and Zhou Shaoyou was widened. Wei Lin's Wanshi Qingliu didn't stop, he turned abruptly, and moved towards Zhou Shaoyou with a fleeting move.

His speed was very fast, and with the speed bonus of fleeting images, he was in front of Zhou Shaoyou in an instant.

During this process, one after another of fierce attacks landed on his back, but he ignored them completely. The blue light on Mo Li's sword gleamed, and the sword light rushed like a rainbow, unstoppable.

Feeling the power of the attack, Zhou Shaoyou's face turned pale, and he swung the magic sword in his hand, and the rich fairy light gushed out.

Unfortunately, his speed was not fast enough, and his defense was not strong enough. Wei Lin's stormy attack soon broke through the defense, and the cold and cold sword touched his neck.

Elder Zhou's parents were shocked, this kid was not only cruel to others, but also extremely cruel to himself, he dared to take the attack of Dao Ancestor Realm head-on.

I have to say that this is a commendable junior. Facing a strong enemy, he is bold and ruthless, and dares to go all out. He really has a little hope of escaping.

Appreciation is appreciation, he will not let Wei Lin control Zhou Shaoyou.

Elder Zhou squinted his slender eyes, his body was like green smoke, and he came silently behind Wei Lin, and slapped his thin palms like butterflies with withered leaves, fluttering lightly.

Wei Lin took advantage of the momentum to turn around, his lips curled up, "Now, is it possible for me to escape?"

As soon as the last "?" came out of his throat, a big dry palm slapped his heart, and the old man's skinny face appeared in front of him.

The crocodile on his body flickered rapidly, dispelling the palm, but there was still the power of the palm, immortal power, and energy pouring into his body.

Wei Lin used his skills to mobilize the immortal power in his body to defend, but the old man's attack was too overbearing, his immortal power could only resist for a moment, and then was smashed by the palm force, destroying him all the way, wreaking havoc in his body.

This palm is the unique hand of the Zhou family elders, and the palm is lifted lightly. It looks light, but in fact it is extremely powerful. Even the same level with a higher level of cultivation can't stand it.

At the same time that Elder Zhou slapped Wei Lin, Wei Lin who turned around also slapped Elder Zhou with his left hand, and a jade pendant in his palm was shattered.

Wei Lin's hand retracted at the touch of a finger, and flew backwards following the old man's attack power. At the same time, the Nine-Turn Xuanyuan Pill in his body melted, and the majestic medicinal power merged into his body, repairing the meridians destroyed by Da Qianye's hand flesh.

Feeling the abnormality in the chest, Zhou's parents were shocked, and the immortal power was surging like a tide, and they wanted to protect the whole body, but before the defense was successful, they felt thin needles piercing the body.

(End of this chapter)

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