all the way to fairy

Chapter 863 The origin of the world

Chapter 863 The origin of the world
These fine needles pierced the body, but they did not penetrate, but remained in the body. In just a short moment, thousands of fine needles pierced into the body, and the body was tied into a hedgehog, the meridians were cut off, and the immortal power was blocked.

After a closer look, the elders of Zhou's family quickly discovered that it was not a thin needle, but a tiny flower of magic energy.

The petals were as transparent as nothing, and as they whirled, the immortal power in his body melted like ice and snow, at a speed that could be seen with the naked eye.

It was the flying flower condensed from the purest innate devil energy of the high-level demons. To the immortals, it was highly poisonous. Now, not only was he infected, but he also let so much poison into his body.

Zhou Shaoyou next to him was also under the coverage of the fine needles, and with his cultivation in the late stage of the Celestial Immortal Realm, he was reduced to powder without a single sound.

"Shadow Flying Flowers." Zhou's parents were astonished, he actually dared to use it!
Tana's unique skill Shadow Flying Flower has the spiritual imprint of Tana's old monster on it. Once activated, the old monster will definitely sense it. With Wei Lin's current state, even if he escapes death, he will no longer be able to resist the old monster.

When looking over, the elders of Zhou's family saw an unbelievable scene again. Wei Lin, who had been slapped by him, stopped his castration and stood up staggeringly.

"How... is it possible..." Zhou's elder's slender eyes stared round. It was a palm from the Dao Ancestor Realm, and at such a close range, even if there was a crocodile, he shouldn't have the strength left.

At this time, Wei Lin spat out a mouthful of blood, his feet were soft, and he was about to fall down. He hurriedly thrust his sword into the ground to stabilize his body, and at the same time quickly took out a few pills and stuffed them into his mouth.

The faint scent of medicine passed through the rain curtain and floated into the nose of Zhou's elder. He was even more stunned, "Nine-turn Xuanyuan Pill, why do you have the Phoenix Nine-turn Xuanyuan Pill?"

The Feng Clan's secret elixir, Jiuzhuan Xuanyuan Pill, none of the pill recipes is known to outsiders, and only a very small amount of Chengdan has been released, each of which is hard to find, even for those who are strong in the Dao Ancestor Realm, it is difficult to own.

With the ravages of demon energy flying flowers, Zhou's elders died full of unwillingness and doubts, and Wei Lin finally breathed a sigh of relief.

After taking the elixir, the wounds in the body healed a lot, but the golden law and the palm of the Great Chiba Palm that invaded the body are still causing damage in the body, and they must be expelled as soon as possible.

Wei Lin raised his eyes, Zhou Shaoyou's body had been pulverized by shadow flying flowers, and the corpse of the old man with slender eyes lay quietly on the ground.

As expected of the Dao Ancestor Realm, ninety-nine percent of the flying flowers of devil energy pierced his body, but they still remained.

Although the Dao Ancestral Realm powerhouse has rich wealth and many treasures, Wei Lin does not intend to take them. Who knows if there is any mark left on them. If it becomes a mark for others to track him like the magic weapon he bought earlier, the gain outweighs the loss.

He jumped onto the flying sword and was about to leave when three wisps of gray mist appeared out of thin air. These three wisps of gray mist were completely different from his gray mist. They were dark gray in color and had a majestic and mysterious aura. Suddenly, he seemed to see mountains and rivers, All creatures.

This is, the origin of the world!
The origin of the world is worth taking risks, Wei Lin didn't hesitate, and grasped it with five fingers, but he didn't expect that the three wisps of smoke and ash, which were as light as fine smoke, remained motionless.

He increased the output of spiritual power, and he did not shake it at all.

He imitated the method of sacrificing the gray mist back then, and tried to sacrifice the three strands of the world's origin, but it was still useless. What's more, with his current situation, he couldn't stay and slowly sacrifice.

His gray fog is only the source of space, a part of the source of the world, and it is essentially just building a world screen.

The origin of the world includes not only the space, but also the mountains and rivers covered on it, and the living things and creatures that grow on it, condensing the will of all living beings.

During this delay, he found that the origin of the three strands of the world has dimmed a lot, and it is actually dissipating!
No wonder there is no world where immortals ascend from the lower realms to rob the native immortals. The difficulty of sacrifice and the speed of dissipation are few people in time.

However, in such a long time, there are so many immortals who have ascended, he doesn't believe that no one has tried, why is there no one who succeeds?
Wei Lin's heart skipped a beat, and he decided to treat the dead horse as a living horse doctor. He sacrificed his own gray mist, which wrapped three wisps of dark gray mist.

This time, it finally worked, and the gray mist flew towards him with three wisps of gray mist.

At this moment, three wisps of gray mist also appeared above the corpse of Elder Zhou's family, and their aura was even more obscure and mysterious.

Wei Lin was stunned for a moment, and realized that the previous three wisps of gray mist belonged to the young master Zhou, and the gray mist breath of Zhou's elders showed that he possessed a higher-level plane world.

After a little thought, Wei Lin manipulated the gray mist to fly towards the old man's origin of the world, and also enveloped them in the gray mist space.

But how to put it away?

These dark gray fogs are the origin of the world, and now they seem to be floating in the air, but they are actually borne by the world plane of Xingque, so it is definitely not feasible to receive the ring.

Under normal circumstances, it should be absorbed into the body after sacrifice, but the problem is that there is no sacrifice now.

In desperation, Wei Lin had no choice but to take them with him, and after clearing the traces of his own breath around him, he left Heifaling Ridge.

On the way, he suddenly remembered something, the heaviness of the origin of the world needs to be borne by a complete world plane, but they can be absorbed into the body!

Since cultivating, in the cognition of all monks, it is common sense that sacrifices are treasures that are their own possessions, and can be stored in the body.

In fact, all items that have been sacrificed at a deep level can be absorbed into the body.

But the origin of the world is different from ordinary treasures. It is the origin of a world plane, and it contains a complete law of the law. If you want to accommodate it, you also need a complete world of the law of the law.

Wei Lin's heart was pounding, and he remembered a sentence, the human body forms a universe of its own, encompassing everything.

Can this sentence be understood in a literal sense?
The human body is a universe, which contains complete laws of the world.

It is rumored that at the beginning of the universe, there was chaos, and the great god Pangu woke up from the chaos, and split the chaos with an axe.

In order to prevent the heaven and the earth from closing again, the Great God Pangu stepped on the ground and raised his arms to support the sky. Every day he grew ten feet taller, the sky rose ten feet higher and the earth thickened ten feet accordingly.

After 8000 years, the heaven and the earth finally took shape, but Pangu fell to the ground exhausted, dying incarnation, his breath was wind and cloud, his voice was thunder, his left eye was the sun, his right eye was the moon, his limbs and body were four poles and five mountains;

Blood is rivers and veins, tendons are the ground, muscles are fields, mustaches are stars, fur is vegetation, dentary bones are gold and stones, essence is pearls and jade, and sweat is rain.

All the insects in the body, affected by the wind, turned into mobs.

The story of the creation of the world by Pangu, the great god of creation, has been spread both in the human world and in the world of monks, but the details are slightly different.

(End of this chapter)

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