Wei Lin asked about the origin of the world again, and it was sealed in his gray fog space. The origin of the six worlds did not stop dissipating, but the speed was much slower. If he could not sacrifice and recognize the Lord as soon as possible, it would sooner or later dissipate completely.

The problem is, he tried various methods of sacrificial refining, but none of them worked.

Mu Yan shook her head, "It's useless, the sacrifice world must go to the core of that world to perform sacrifices, and the origin of the three worlds left after death can only provide a specific location information."

Wei Lin has a headache, doesn't this mean that he has to go to the lower realm.

Mu Yan saw what he was thinking, and without waiting for him to ask, she replied: "There are three ways to go to the lower realm, one is to apply for a warrant from the Xianmeng, and use the warrant to cooperate with the token of the Jieyin Temple to open the passage to the lower realm;

Second, forcibly break through the lower bound of the magic circle;

Thirdly, ask Nanmi for help. The saintesses of the Goddess Palace practice special skills, and they can travel through various planes at will. This is the privilege given to the Goddess Palace by Goddess Ye Nian back then. "

Wei Lin was completely speechless, saying that there were three ways, but for him at present, the last one he could adopt was the last one.

However, they already owed Nan Mi a lot, and he didn't want to continue asking Nan Mi for help unless it was absolutely necessary.

After a pause, Mu Yan said again: "In addition, the origin of the world will not obediently allow others to sacrifice and refine. It needs to be suppressed. Without the help of the elders, the sacrifice will be very dangerous. I advise you to give up first. This matter cannot be rushed."

Wei Lin was very hesitant. If the Qingyu faction wanted to develop, having their own world was very important. If they wanted to gather the immortals who had ascended from the lower realm, they had to have confidence.

The world plane that produces the power of faith is the best confidence.

At this time, the ban sounded, Mu Yan's spiritual sense probed, and she said helplessly: "The twelfth miss of the Fang family should come to me to discuss the way of planting spiritual medicines."

The corners of Wei Lin's mouth twitched slightly, and he said "Thanks for your hard work", then he disappeared and walked to the door.

As soon as the restriction was lifted, the woman at the door smiled and said, "What is Fairy Mu up to? Cultivation is hard, and you have to relax occasionally. The scenery along the way is beautiful. Isn't Fairy Mu going out to share with everyone?"

As he spoke, he blinked his eyes playfully, revealing a bit of a joke.

Mu Yan smiled softly, "It's time to water the pots of spiritual plants."

Miss Fang Twelfth turned her head slightly, and saw several pots of spiritual plants placed by the porthole, "It turned out to be Jiyun grass. This grass is very delicate, and I raised several pots to death."

As she spoke, she walked into the house naturally, came to Jiyun Grass, and gently plucked the leaves, "What trick does Fairy Mu have?"

When Miss Fang Shier entered the room, Wei Lin quickly left.

He sneaked in as a guard, and fortunately he is now in the Heavenly Wonderland, and all forces are focusing on the middle and late stages of the Earth Wonderland.

Mu Yan turned around slowly, and replied with a smile: "These delicate flowers and plants can only be paid attention to from time to time, so there is no trick."

She spoke slowly and closed the restriction slowly, leaving enough time for Wei Lin to go out.
After Shaohaoyue returned to Yue City, he immediately called Lian Yang to ask, "Is there any news about the fairy who ascended with Wei Lin?"

Looking forward to the stars and looking forward to the moon, I finally hoped for her to come back. I didn’t expect her to open her mouth with a nonsensical question. Although Lian Yang was puzzled, she still nodded and replied: “Now all forces can’t find Wei Lin, so they are all paying attention. Put it on Mu Yan.

The Zhou family, Fang family, Ling Xiao faction and other forces even shamelessly let the juniors live in Mu Yan's mansion under the banner of learning alchemy. "

It turned out that the reincarnated Huahua was named Mu Yan.

Shaohaoyue was stunned at first, but after hearing this, her heart arose, and she couldn't help complaining: "What's the trend now, if you see other people's treasures, you have to grab them directly, and if you are a fairy, I think they are robbers. This Wei Lin It can really cause trouble, and I don’t know how to solve it after the trouble!"

Lian Yang blinked, you didn't have this attitude towards Wei Lin before, she reminded: "Your Highness, it's not Wei Lin who wants to cause trouble, but something that wants to provoke him."

Shaohaoyue spoke eloquently, "Knowing that his own strength is low, he still can't bear it. He hides like a chicken thief and makes others fearful..."

Lian Yang: Huh?what's the situation?
In Silver Stream Fjord, it is no secret that Wei Lin and Yuan Fei fought in Xingque. Judging from the results of various investigations, Wei Lin was already very cautious. Wei Lin had no choice but to fight for his life.

In the previous discussion, His Royal Highness also laughed at Yuan Fei because he was hunting geese all day long and was pecked by geese, which could make His Highness overturn his opinion, and there was no reason to protect his shortcomings. Lian Yang had a guess in his mind.

"Your Highness, who is Mu Yan?"

"Flower reincarnated."

Sure enough, the only one who can make His Royal Highness unprincipled to protect each other is Huahua Fairy.

Lian Yang was overjoyed, Xuan Er recalled the investigation of Yan Qi, and couldn't help muttering: "Master Guan Nan's Tianji technique is not wrong, Fairy Huahua has indeed reincarnated and came to Xingque!"

"Yes, there is nothing wrong." Shaohaoyue was both joyful and worried, "Are there any suitable guards among the killers in Qiuxi Tower?"

Right now Yan Qi is an impostor, and she can't recognize Hua Hua yet. Ever since she found out about Hua Hua's reincarnation, she has been thinking about who she should send to secretly protect her.

The personal guards and important subordinates around her are under the attention of both the immortal and the devil, and these people cannot be moved. In addition, she is not at ease with the people inside the Feng clan.

After thinking about it, the best way is to choose a suitable candidate among the killers in Qiuxi Building, and hire the killer to protect her in the form of missions.

"Nightingale is by her side. She seems to have a good relationship with Huahua Fairy. She was the young lady who was intimidating all forces before." Speaking of this, Lian Yang paused and took out a few pieces of Shadow Moon Iron.

"There is a change in the demon clan. Several clans have set up formations in the Nvluoyan area. The formation is very complicated. The group of demons have been tossing around for half a year, and they still haven't completed it. We don't know what the formation is. We suspect that, Their target may be you."

"Nvluoyan?" Shaohaoyue raised her eyebrows. Nvluoyan is already the hinterland of the demon clan, but it is not the core of the heavily guarded demon realm. High-ranking personnel of the fairy clan should be cautious, and it is completely feasible to sneak into that location.

It's really hard to say who it is targeting at that position.

If the formation really cost a lot of money, the picture must be not small, and he is very likely to be the target of the devils. Could Yan Qi's purpose be related to this formation?
After thinking about it for a while, she said: "Since the target may be me, you don't want to make a fuss. Let Chuying investigate. She has two skills in formations. First, she must find out what formations are."


"You should also pay attention to Huahua. If anyone wants to harm her, he will be killed. Everything depends on her safety."

"Understood!" Lian Yang was very clear about how much she valued Hua Hua, and she deserved it unambiguously.

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