all the way to fairy

Chapter 869 The Healer

At present, the ones who may have Jade Snow Spirit Ginseng are the Feng Clan or the White Tiger Clan. This is inferred based on the cooperation between the two Clans, the Sanhua Yuludan.

"Do you want the whole Jade Snow Ginseng?" Jun Yushan asked anxiously. If it wasn't the whole plant, with all the efforts of the Jun family, he might be able to buy part of the Jade Snow Ginseng from the two tribes.

Amid his anticipation, Mu Yan nodded: "Of course. Although the roots and skin fluid of Jade Snow Ginseng also have powerful medicinal effects, they are innately mysterious, and only the whole Jade Snow Ginseng can repair their shortcomings."

Jun Yushan was desperate, even if the entire Jun family was handed over, the two clans would not be able to give them Yuxue ginseng.

"Actually, there is another person who may have a solution."

Jun Yushan, who was wrapped in guilt and despair, was like a drowning man grabbing the only life-saving straw. He almost rushed over, grabbed Mu Yan, and asked anxiously: "Who? Who can save my elder brother? Where is he? "

Mu Yan is an alchemist, her cultivation base is also weaker than him, and her arms were almost cut off by him, "Let go!"

Jun Yushan was startled by her gaffe, and quickly let go, "I'm sorry, I'm just..."

Mu Yan rubbed her arms, and keenly sensed that the two arms were swollen at a speed visible to the naked eye, and quickly circulated the celestial power to dissolve them.

"It's okay, the family members of the patients, I've seen a lot of emotional ones." However, she used to watch Ji Ruochen face the passionate family members.

Mu Yan didn't hold back, and said directly: "He is in the lower realm, his name is Ji Ruochen, and he is our fellow student. I learned my medical skills from him. Compared with him, I have only learned a little bit."

"The lower realm?" Jun Yushan was taken aback, his excitement stopped abruptly, and his expression was not very hopeful.

"It doesn't matter that he didn't ascend, but in terms of medical skills, he is ranked second, and no one in the world dares to be number one." Mu Yan admired Ji Ruochen, and hurriedly introduced Ji Ruochen.

"He comes from a family of mortal medicine. He has been obsessed with medical skills since he was a child. Since he started practicing, he has never forgotten to study medical skills. Even training is second-class to him..."

Since Ji Ruochen was frustrated in love, he devoted all his energy to the great cause of spiritual medicine. With the support of Qingyu School, he directly let himself go, and did not learn attacking techniques.

If it wasn't for worrying that he would not be able to continue to study medical skills at the end of his lifespan, and some exquisite spiritual healing techniques also required a strong cultivation base, he might have given up his practice and devoted himself to medicine.

The monk easily refused to hire a spiritual doctor, and did not have enough cases to accumulate experience, so he went to the mortal world to be a doctor, using mortal herbs to save people, and intensively studied acupuncture and moxibustion;

He also often discusses spiritual plants with her and alchemists of the sect. He once said that natural treasures and rare spiritual plants are not the only ones that can cure diseases and injuries.

Inspired by Ji Ruochen's theory, the Yulu Dan she developed added ordinary herbs, which has a better detoxification effect.

Mu Yan was able to diagnose that Jun Yuqiu was poisoned, and she had previously detoxified Nightingale Green Burning Palm from the poison. Jun Yushan was very convinced of her medical skills.

Seeing her admiring Ji Ruochen so much, she also had hope for Ji Ruochen's medical skills, and asked expectantly, "When will Ji Lingyi, your school's doctor, be promoted?"

"He doesn't care too much about cultivation. When we ascended, he had just broken through the late stage of Mahayana."

Jun Yushan couldn't sit still anymore. From the Mahayana period to the ascension, for the Xingque fairy clan, it was just a beginner. If the talent is good, it will be done in a few hours, and if the talent is not good, it will be done in a few years.

However, he often discusses with the Ascending Immortals from the Lower Realm, and he is very clear that for the lower realm monks, the process of ascension is very long.

From the end of the Mahayana period to the completion of the Tribulation period, it will take thousands of years for a talented and hardworking monk. Ji Ruochen is still not active in cultivation, so how long will it have to wait.

What's more worrying is that he may not be able to fly up.

Mu Yan shook the opened list, and handed it over: "Prepare the spirit plant medicine first, and I will help him recuperate first."

Mu Yan is not good at negotiating deals, and besides, Wei Lin is the one who has good friends with Jun Yushan, she doesn't know how to control the speed, so she decides to hand over the matter to Wei Lin.

Jun Yushan nodded, took the list, and sent someone to purchase with a thoughtful expression. He needed to think about it.

Mu Yan looked for a reason and hurriedly passed the news to Wei Lin who hadn't left yet.

Hearing the good news, Wei Lin was overjoyed.

The next day, Jun Yushan finally got over his entanglement and sent a secret letter to the ancestors of the Jun family, saying that Jun Yuqiu was weak because he was poisoned by the poison of Qiandaijuemai, and those who can detoxify are in the lower realms, just hide the poisoned person It's his grandfather.

After making the decision, he was relaxed, and in the process of personally urging the purchase of the elixir, he was stopped by a guard on the street: "Third Young Master, Xiaoxian has something to tell."

Jun Yushan looked suspicious, this person was just a temporary guard hired by the Jun family to escort Mu Yan here this time.

Now that the task is completed, the hired wages are also paid, and the money and the goods are paid, what can I tell him?
He looked around and took the guards to the private room of the tea house on the adjacent street, "Tell me, what's the matter."

The other party didn't answer, but made a trick, and a familiar face appeared in the surging fairy light.

"Brother Weiwei?" Jun Yushan's eyes widened, he turned his head and looked outside nervously, and lowered his voice, "Why are you here? There are a lot of aristocratic families in the city waiting to arrest you..."

Before he finished speaking, he discovered Wei Lin's cultivation, and his jaw almost dropped in shock, "Heavenly Wonderland! You are actually in Heavenly Wonderland!"

Wei Lin covered his ears, "Brother Jun, calm down."

It took a long time for Jun Yushan to calm down, looking at Wei Lin as if he was looking at a monster, "No wonder all forces can't find you, who would have thought that you are already in a fairyland!"

For the improvement of his cultivation, all forces have taken into consideration, not only strictly investigated the middle stage of the fairyland, but also the late stage of the fairyland, especially the middle and late stages of the fairyland that appeared around him and Mu Yan.

Who would have thought that he would have cultivated in the Heavenly Immortal Realm!

This talent is really enviable!
After thinking about it, Jun Yushan thought of his elder brother. If the elder uncle didn't have the poison of killing thousands of generations, the talent of the elder brother should be like this.

For a moment, his expression was extremely complicated.

Wei Lin was keenly aware that, in fact, he didn't hide his cultivation from Jun Yushan, what he wanted was this effect.

Jun Yushan will understand what his grandfather's selfishness has destroyed when he has a living benchmark example in front of him.

In this way, the greater the guilt towards Jun Yuqiu, the more beneficial Wei Lin's purpose will be.

"Brother Jun, my younger brother is here to make a deal with you."

"Deal?" Jun Yushan was puzzled, now Wei Lin is a hot favorite in all major forces, what kind of deal can he make with him.

"Junior Sister Mu told me about your elder brother. It's a pity. Being in a family, I can't help myself." He patted Jun Yushan on the shoulder and sighed.

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