Mu Yan nodded, and continued: "The serious injury took a lot of effort on him, directly breaking the original weak balance, and his health deteriorated day by day.

However, with his cultivation base and the nourishment of various medicines and spirits, he could last for 80 or [-] years, but recently, he was poisoned by another kind of poison. "

"Another kind of poison?" Jun Yushan was startled suddenly, his voice was difficult and painful.

Mu Yan was very surprised when she heard this, and thought to herself: Could it be that someone else poisoned Jun Yuqiu?
"Yes, this poison is not fatal, but it will produce a sense of paralysis from time to time, making people unable to control their bodies."

Jun Yushan's face was pale, and the poison was not fatal, but for a warrior who fought every day, being unable to control his body was the most dangerous and deadly thing.

Obviously, this is an insidious and sophisticated murder.

It took a long time for Jun Yushan to control his emotions, and asked in a hoarse voice: "My elder brother's poison, can you cure it?"

"The poison that was given recently is easy to deal with, but the poison of Qiandaijuemai brought out from the mother's womb is tricky, so..."

"Qiandaijuemai!" Jun Yushan unconsciously raised his voice, stepped back a few steps, his face was full of disbelief.

"You... don't know?" Mu Yan was taken aback by his big reaction. Judging from his obscure expression, he clearly knew that Jun Yuqiu was poisoned.

Mu Yan is not good at hiding her emotions, and Jun Yushan has already seen her thoughts, and there is no need to hide her emotions until now.

He smiled wryly and said: "I only know that my elder brother was poisoned, but I don't know the specific poison. When I first entered the Tao, I liked to show off. I learned the concealment technique and hid in my grandfather's study. I wanted to give them a surprise, but I didn't expect it. Found the fairy servant who took care of the eldest brother, and reported to the grandfather the progress of poisoning the eldest brother.

One is my grandfather who loved me so much since I was a child, and the other is my elder brother who has a close relationship with me. I don't know what to do.

I know it's wrong for grandpa to do this, but he is my grandpa, and all he did was for me. If you report it to the clan, grandpa will definitely be executed. "

Mu Yan suddenly realized: "So you pretend to be a dude?"

According to rumors, Jun Yu Shanxiu, the third son of the Jun family, has good talent but is extraordinarily dandy. Disabled.

But after they came into contact with him, they found that he was a very righteous person, and he was also very persistent in matters of right and wrong, and he was a pretty good person.

Jun Yushan's expression became more and more bitter, "This is the only thing I can do for elder brother. I never thought that what grandpa gave elder brother would be such a vicious poison."

Qiandaijuemai, also known as Duanzijuesun, is a poison that acts on the male reproductive system. This poison is too vicious. The Immortal League once destroyed the poison recipe, captured a group of evil immortals who used this poison, and listed this poison as a taboo. use.

Mu Yan shook her head, Jun Yuqiu's crisis lies in poison, he doesn't matter whether he is rich or not, "Qiandaijuemai acts on the reproductive system, your elder brother's poison is a weak disease brought out from the mother's womb, so he is not the one who got the poison , but his father."

Adult males are poisoned by this poison, and there is no sign at all, but they will no longer have offspring, and this is a common occurrence for practitioners.

Therefore, this poison is very secretive, and many poisoned people will never discover it in their entire lives.

The father and son of the Jun family are surprised that after being poisoned by this poison, there are still descendants born.

"Uncle was the one who was poisoned?" Jun Yushan was stunned, "But I saw with my own eyes that grandpa and elder brother's fairy servant talked about poisoning elder brother."

Mu Yan frowned, and checked Jun Yushan's body again. From all aspects, he was indeed congenitally deficient. If he continued to be poisoned after birth, he should have died long ago.

"I didn't find anything else except these two poisons. I guess the poison they said should be to amplify the poison effect of Qiandaijuemai." After a pause, Mu Yan added, "It's just a guess. Only by seeing your uncle's condition can we be sure."

Speaking of this, she paused. She had lived in Pinglu City where the Jun family's base camp was located for a long time, so she knew the situation of the Jun family well.

Jun Yuqiu's father was of mediocre talent and had no sense of existence. His only contribution to the Jun family was to give birth to such a talented son as Jun Yuqiu.

In the single branch of the Jun family, he is a breeding existence. After so many years of hard work, only one child, Jun Yuqiu, was born.

There is no doubt that he must have been hit by Qiandaijuemai, and the toxicity is not weak.

In the case of Jun Yuqiu's serious congenital deficiency, his talent still has the ability to overwhelm his peers in every branch of the Jun family and become the first heir. One can imagine how amazing his talent should be.

Mu Yan looked at Jun Yuqiu, who was tortured on the bed so that he didn't look like a human being, and her heart was extremely complicated. The Jun family really cut their own way. If Jun Yuqiu hadn't been poisoned, with his talent, he could definitely lead the Jun family to a higher level.

She took out the improved Yuludan and fed it to Jun Yuqiu's clothes to help dissolve the medicine's power and guide the medicine's power to flow to the whole body. After the second poison was cured, she gave acupuncture to stimulate the body's potential vitality and suppress the disease.

This set of acupuncture techniques was created by Ji Ruochen after he had seen the magic of the vitality of Heaven's Punishment, and it can stimulate the human body's potential to the greatest extent.

Then, she quickly opened a bunch of spirit planting elixir, "The poison brought out from the mother's womb, there is no rush, first raise it slowly, and then stimulate the vitality of the organs one by one, it is best to find a way to get it..."

In the blink of an eye, she remembered something, and swallowed the words 'Nine Turns Xuanyuan Pill of the Phoenix Clan' that came to her lips.

Although the Jun family is only a low-rank family, it is also qualified to apply for the qualification to enter the lower realm.

Jun Yushan was listening attentively, she stopped suddenly, she couldn't help being surprised, "Mu Xiaomei?"

Mu Yan looked serious, and said: "You must know the viciousness of Qiandai Juemai. Generally speaking, your uncle will not have any heirs. Your eldest brother was able to be born because he was born with excellent innate conditions and resisted the erosion of toxins." .”

Jun Yushan's face was as pale as paper, and his whole body was a little shaky, subconsciously repeated in a low voice, "Withstand the erosion of toxin..."

Everyone is a practitioner, and Mu Yan doesn't need to say much to understand, which means that Jun Yuqiu's original talent is likely to catch up with the favored sons of the four families and four clans.

What his grandfather did was to ruin the Jun family's opportunity for promotion. It was the opportunity that the entire Jun family had been waiting for for thousands of years and finally came.

Family members often say that his talent is not much worse than that of his elder brother. Although he admires his elder brother very much, he also thinks that he can do no worse than his elder brother.

The real situation is that it is completely incomparable.

Mu Yan couldn't bear it, and after he had buffered for a while, Fang continued: "In the case of congenital damage, there is no elixir and elixir that can make up for it except Yuxue Lingseng."

Jun Yushan was at a loss. Yuxue ginseng is one of the nine wonder medicines in the world. It is so precious that no one will sell it. The owners keep it strictly confidential and will never tell outsiders.

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