After a pause, Jun Yuqiu said again: "Besides, after several epochs, which family sect does not hide evil, it is they who the Son of Destiny wants to eliminate. In other words, the rise of the Son of Destiny is to step on their footsteps." The flesh and blood of the corpse went up."

Wei Lin was silent, and said for a while: "Why did the eldest son tell me this? Your Jun family is also an aristocratic family."

Jun Yuqiu smiled lightly, "The ancestors of the Shen, Zhao, and Qi families back then were unfounded immortals who ascended from the lower realms, and the Song family was just a little-known small family. Because of their ancestors' insight and friendship with the goddess, they were lucky enough to rise up. , my Jun family is willing to follow the example of the Song family."

Wei Lin's eyes dimmed, "You are so sure that I am the Son of Destiny, I don't even know it myself."

"I'm willing to take a gamble!" Jun Yuqiu was very determined.

Even if he guessed wrong, Wei Lin is not the Son of Destiny, but with his talent, he will definitely play an important role in the troubled times of the future. Under the guidance of fate, he is likely to have an intersection with the real Son of Destiny. can rise.

Wei Lin looked deeply at Jun Yuqiu, and he admitted that he had underestimated this crooked eldest son of the Jun family in the past, only with Jun Yuqiu's acumen and courage, he had the potential to lead the family to a higher level .

He didn't agree directly, but changed the topic in a curious tone, "Where are the four clans? They also rely on the support of Goddess Ye Nian to become the pillar of the Immortal Alliance?"

Jun Yuqiu shook his head, "Monsters are very special, and their bloodline determines everything. Even a goddess cannot change it. The ancestors of the Xuanwu tribe were once the goddess' pets, and followed the goddess to ascend step by step from the lower realm. Goddess beat it."

Wei Lin's face twitched, and he thought that he was indeed a goddess who killed all the immortals in fear. This way of subduing her was simple and rude.

"However, the ability of the Xuanwu tribe to become four spirits is related to the support of the goddess."

Wei Lin suddenly realized that the four spirits of the monster clan, the dragon clan lived all over the world, led the scale clan, and was called the leader of the hundred scales; king of beasts.

Among the four spirits, only the Xuanwu clan has no clear subordinates.

He wondered before that monsters are ferocious, and they value strength more than human cultivators. The Xuanwu tribe has strong defenses, but they are not good at fighting, and they don't have a huge tribe of power.

Perhaps these turbulent past events have inspired Jun Yuqiu's passion, his eyes are bright, revealing yearning and admiration.

"Back then, Goddess Ye Nian rode a white tiger mount, basalt armor, a green dragon sword in one hand, and a divine phoenix feather arrow in one hand, leading four human race supremes to fight against the devil emperor for several years, and finally sealed it in the well of gods and demons.

In fact, seriously speaking, the Goddess is the demon emperor who gathers the power of eight supreme beings and seals them together. That's why in the fairy alliance, the status of the four families and four clans is so detached. "

He clenched his fists and looked at Wei Lin with fiery eyes. If the choice is correct, the four families now are the future of the Jun family.

Wei Lin looked at him, his eyes were calm, like a deep pool of tranquility, unable to see any emotion, he just said: "You should leave."

In fact, his heart was very restless, gathering the power of Goddess Ye Nian and the Eight Supreme Beings, he just sealed the Demon Emperor, how powerful is he?After being sealed for several epochs, how monstrous is the resentment and anger in the Demon Emperor's heart?
After parting with Jun Yuqiu, it took him a long time to calm himself down. No matter how powerful the enemy is, the only thing they can do is to become stronger step by step.

The plane world owned by Zhou Shaoyou is far away, and Wei Linyu finally arrived after flying in the void for several years.

He felt the location and looked for it. It was a huge lava mountain range. The whole mountain range was in flames. In the low crevice valley, red lava flowed quietly.

At this time, many monks during the Mahayana crossing the catastrophe period practiced here, tempering their bodies with fierce fire.

After a little thought, Wei Lin appeared, walking through the raging fire like so many monks who had come to practice.

With the strength of his fairy body, it is no problem to resist the fire of the lava mountain. He did not use the fire to temper his body, but was looking for the most suitable place to go down.

The origin of the plane world is at the core of the plane. From any place in the world, you can reach the core of the plane, it's just the distance of the path.

This lava mountain, the magma goes straight to the core of the plane, is the shortest path to reach.

After searching for a while, Wei Lin went straight down from a crack, only turned a corner at the innermost point, and reached the core of the earth.

Here, there is no hard rock mass anymore, only flowing magma, and the red light on it illuminates the surroundings brightly.

As soon as he appeared, he felt the terrifying pressure. Wei Lin's heart shrank suddenly, and he quickly raised his hand. Mo Lijian appeared in his hand in an instant, and the horizontal sword blocked it.

However, the pressure was too terrifying. He was pressed down on the ground like an ant, and the fairy light surged on his body, forming layers of fairy power shields.

It was still useless. In the face of that pressure, the fairy power mask that could block immortals and demons was as fragile as a blister and could not exert any effect.

The silk on his body jumped up, and in the next second, there was a light click, and the defense treasure that could withstand attacks beyond two levels of cultivation, a crack appeared!
In the blink of an eye, he remembered that he had used the gray mist to draw the origin of the world, so he quickly sacrificed the gray mist to form a barrier above his body.

Finally, I resisted it, and the terrifying pressure stopped falling.

Wei Lin exhaled heavily, his heart resumed beating again, his whole body was sweating profusely, everything from his underwear to his hair was soaked, as if soaked in a pool.

Feeling the frenzied heartbeat, Wei Lin finally had time to investigate. On the gray fog barrier he condensed, there was a ray of light gray that was as light as light smoke, and the terrifying pressure came from it.

After a brief moment of astonishment, he realized that it was the origin of the world of this plane, and the weight of the entire plane was so heavy.

His gray fog is the origin of space, part of the origin of the world, and it is barely of the same kind, so it can be resisted for a short time.

After a while, Wei Lin threw out all the gray mist, covered the surface of his body, disguised as something of the same origin, approached the turbulent gray mist above the magma, and entered the mysterious space.

There is no sky, no land, and everything is gray as far as the eye can see.

This is where the sacrificial refining takes place. Wei Lin pulled out a wisp of divine soul and forced out his blood to prepare for the sacrificial refining. Pieces of grayness dissipated, and his eyes lit up. The red fire light illuminated the magma below. The cloud of gray mist turned into wisps of light gray smoke, flowing within the magma.

Wei Lin's head is bald, and the method of sacrificial refining recorded in the Xingque, first the person will imprison the source of this world, and then the sacrificial practitioner will enter the mysterious space to perform the ritual.

But he has no helpers, how can he imprison the origin of these worlds?

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