all the way to fairy

Chapter 876 Particles

Chapter 876 Particles
After waiting for a long time, the scattered sources of the world gathered together again. Wei Lin took out a set of confinement circles and placed them around it, and then entered the mysterious space again to perform sacrifices.

Together with the sacrificial hand formula, if those world origins have wisdom, they immediately escaped, and the mysterious space formed by them collapsed. Under the backlash, the blood in the body surged continuously.

To make matters worse, the scattered origins of the world seem to sense the influx of aliens, like a tail of vigilant fish floating over, constantly patrolling.

Soon, they discovered the origin of space different from their own, and besieged them viciously.

Feeling the pressure, Wei Lin's complexion suddenly changed, and he left the place without hesitation. He decided to take a rest first, and figure out how to deal with it before going down.

At this moment, a sharp voice sounded from the side, "Is this the first time for fellow Taoists to come here? Hey, this Zhurong Mountain Range is a good place. The fire spirit is rich and the Taoism is natural, but there are also many dangers.

It’s the first time for a fellow daoist to come, it’s better not to come to the core, and slowly accept tempering from the outer edge, and the effect of comprehending the dao rhyme is better. "

Wei Lin knew that the other party had misunderstood him, he emerged from the lava cracks in the ground, his complexion was pale, and his spirit was sluggish, the other party's words were not only kindly pointing out, but also somewhat tentative.

"Thank you, fellow daoist, for letting me know." He said lightly, he found a completed rock, set up a simple isolation formation, took Dahuandan and Xuanyuandan, and sat on the ground to heal his injuries.

The burly and cheerful man's eyes twitched, and his fingers opened and closed unconsciously. He looked at the young man who looked like no one else, his expression fluctuating.

The isolation array was very simple, and could be smashed with a single punch. The young man inside was obviously seriously injured, his complexion was as pale as gold paper, and his spiritual aura was particularly unstable, looking very weak.

However, for some reason, after watching for a long time, the burly man felt a growing chill in his heart, and his sweat suddenly rolled down. It was an instinct for danger honed in thousands of battles.

He shrugged his shoulders pretending to be relaxed, and retreated ten feet away from Wei Lin who was healing.

The Great Returning Pill and Xuanyuan Pill took effect one after another, Wei Lin's internal injuries improved, he finished his training, casually glanced at the big man who was far away, stopped paying attention, and began to think about how to sacrifice the origin of the world.

The origin of the world does not have spiritual intelligence, but it has instincts. When it senses someone intruding, it will disperse and flee. If you want to sacrifice, you must first imprison them.

The problem is that they are the origin of the world, and imprisoning them is equivalent to imprisoning the entire plane, even for Da Luo Jinxian, it is only barely possible.

Among the magic items he owns, the only thing that can be imprisoned is the gray mist of the space origin, but without the protection of the gray mist, he will be crushed by the world origin in an instant.

That mysterious space is made up of the origin of the world. They are very strange, clearly in the shape of wisps of light smoke, but the space formed by gathering together is stable and solid, without any gaps.

When he usually uses the origin of space to build a space, in order to make it more stable, he will weave it with gray fog, but these world origins are not like this. They are gathered together so simply and randomly, but the effect is much more stable and firm than the space he built. You can also split up at will.

Wei Lin called out the gray mist to observe carefully, and manipulated the gray mist to gather at will to build a space. He tried again and again, trying to achieve the stability of the mysterious space where the world's origin gathers.

He tried many times, but still failed. The most stable and solid state of the space he built was still woven with gray fog.

He couldn't figure it out. No matter what he thought, the braided lines were more stable, just like a rope bridge. No matter how tight the ropes are on the bridge, it is easy to step on the air; while the braided rope bridge has not only vertical support, but also horizontal support. Supportive, with little or no voiding when stepping down.

Could it be that the origin of the world seems to be loosely gathered, but is actually "woven"?

Wei Lin's fingertips were lingering with wisps of gray mist. He let go of his divine sense, carefully perceived and inspected, and suddenly found a shocking thing. Those wisps of gray mist were actually connected by extremely tiny particles.

He tried to separate these connected particles, and then some particles lost contact with him, Wei Lin was shocked, he dismantled all the space origins, and re-sacrificed those lost particles.

When all the space particles were sacrificed, he manipulated them to combine and connect in the way that the previous particles were connected into strands to form a space. This time, the stability of the space was greatly improved, and its strength was already comparable to the world wall of the small thousand world.

After constructing the space, Wei Lin's celestial power was exhausted, and the sea of ​​consciousness felt tingling. This sophisticated and complex construction was a huge consumption of celestial power and spiritual consciousness.

A few months later, Wei Lin entered the core of the plane again, covered his body with gray mist as usual, and then directed some space particles to scatter into the world source, looking for the space source.

The origin of the world is composed of multiple origins, and it is too difficult to complete the sacrifice at one time. He decided to start with the experienced origin of space first, and complete the sacrifice of the origin of space in this world first.

The level of sacrifice to the origin of space is down to the grain, each grain is his perception, and soon he found the origin of space of this plane from the light gray mass.

Wei Lin cautiously surrounded a grain of space origin of this plane with a few grains of his own space origin, and then carried out the sacrifice.Because there is only one grain, the process of sacrificial refining is very fast, almost instantaneously, without giving time for other world origins to notice.

After the first pill was successful, Wei Lin breathed a sigh of relief, and started the second and third pills...

He felt like an ant general, leading a small group of ants into most of the enemy, encircling and nibbling the enemy one by one.
Time flies, and it has been more than a year in a flash.

Yan Qi took the candied haws from Shaohaoyue, and said softly, "Do you like Mortal World very much?"

After leaving Yuecheng, they traveled all the way and went to several city squares, but the place where they stayed the most was Fanchen. They have been in Fanchen for three consecutive months.

"The words here are even more exciting." Shaohaoyue nodded with a smile, and then told through voice transmission, "Don't mention the world, it's no fun to reveal the identity of the immortal."

She was also very helpless, and took Yan Qi out for a stroll, intending to see what kind of medicine was being sold in her gourd, but as a result, she did not encounter any assassination, nor did she meet anyone by chance, so smoothly that she didn't even know where to go next where to go.

In some respects, Yan Qi is a very qualified spy. Whenever she asks if there is any place she wants to go, Yan Qi will keep her personality in mind, saying that she has never been anywhere, and it is the same wherever she goes.

However, she didn't propose to turn back, and the corners of her brows and eyes were full of interest, and she still wanted to continue playing.

(End of this chapter)

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