Obviously, the goal of Yan Qi's trip has not been achieved.

There is no other way, Shaohaoyue has no choice but to find another way to take Yan Qi to Fan Chen, Fan Chen must not be Yan Qi's target, if he stays for a long time, Yan Qi must be anxious and has to confide a little bit.

In addition, Rongshu Village and surrounding towns and villages are all mortals, so Shaohaoyue can use this to see how mortals live, and find some material for his own fantasy world.

She cheerfully held up the storybook, pretending not to see the flash of anxiety in Yan Qi's eyes, "I used to like listening to you reading the storybook the most, with your ups and downs, stories unfolded one after another with ups and downs.

At that time, you liked to sit on the window sill most, blocking most of the sunlight and breeze. At that time, I always thought that those wonderful stories were behind you, and I could see the boy's adventures when you squinted your body. The rivers and lakes are full of pride; talented scholars and beautiful women are full of love; parents and children are deeply affectionate..."

Yan Qi bit his lip and whispered sadly: "I'm sorry, I don't remember."

"It's okay, as long as I remember." Shao Haoyue was not sad at all, but comforted her, "What happened has happened, even if we both forget it, it can't be erased.

Just like little people in history, even though there is no record in history books, they have lived so vividly and constituted a part of history. "

As soon as the words fell, a strange voice suddenly interjected beside him, "Brilliant!"

The two turned their heads, only to see a young man clapping his hands and sighing, his clothes were washed white, the cuffs and hem were frayed badly, his face was also very thin, but his eyes were piercing and full of vigor.

Seeing that the two were looking at him, the man came over quickly and looked at Shaohaoyue appreciatively, "Girl, your words are so incisive! That's right, little people are also human, and they have wonderful lives. I want to write a biography for the little people!"

"Uh..." Shaohaoyue didn't know how to react, she was just talking in a hurry and talking nonsense.

The man didn't need her answer, he kept thanking him: "Thank you so much, I'm going to write my "Lily's Biography"!"

"Tch, it's just your broken book, thank God if you can earn back the pen and ink money." A female voice came from upstairs, looking up, the woman in the red brocade was leaning on the railing, holding a round fan, with a look of contempt on her face Make no secret of it.

When he saw her, the man was angry, "A boudoir lady, don't stay at home and embroider, and see the sky wandering outside, she doesn't feel ashamed."

"Heh!" The woman sneered, "The daughters of gold are all staying in the deep boudoir, how will you meet those poor scholars of yours?"

"You!" The man was out of breath, and there was a shaking of his skin on his thin cheeks, which showed his extreme anger.

He pointed at the woman and gritted his teeth: "Your words are reasonable. The princes and ministers hang around your heroine every day without doing anything. How do you gain power? Is it based on face?"

Shaohaoyue suddenly became interested. Hearing this conversation, the two script writers started arguing!She immediately beckoned to the store waiter, and asked in a low voice, "Second brother, what's the situation with these two?"

The waiter in the shop smiled, "The two are not locals, right? These two are well-known chatterbox masters here.

The man's name is Ji Wensheng. He was originally a down-and-out scholar. After repeated attempts, he turned to writing a storybook. His stories are novel and twists and turns. "

Many of the onlookers were also watching the excitement, and someone immediately took over what the waiter had said, and said excitedly: "Later, the third lady of the Shang family, that is, Miss Shang Yufei, saw what Ji Wensheng said, and scolded him for writing It's unreasonable, it's completely a poor scholar's fantasy, and it will spoil the ladies in the boudoir.

Ms. Shangsan is also a talent. After getting angry, she simply wrote it herself.Her words are even more popular among the ladies in the boudoir, and they are popular among the boudoirs. Now, only a very few of Mr. Ji's words are bought. "

Miss Shangsan upstairs also noticed the commotion here, she stopped scolding Ji Wensheng, and turned to Shaohaoyue: "Girl, I think you have a talent for writing scripts, do you want to learn from me?" Write the storybook and keep it for you to make a lot of money."

Shaohaoyue had a thought, in her world, each of the first batch of transfigured people needs to have a complete background and intertwined with each other. The story book is a good material reference.

She said: "My little sister and I are new to Guidi, can we read your script first?"

Before the woman could answer, a few people next to her handed over the script, "I have it right here."

Ji Wensheng was very unconvinced, and said: "If you can say that, you must not be a blood-only theorist. Miss Shang San's story is that no one without a noble background is worthy of being the protagonist. Even if you start with a maid, it will be reversed later. It must be the daughter of the Marquis Mansion or the princess of the royal family left behind!"

"Your words are good enough. A poor scholar, if you don't have good looks, if you don't have talent, Miss Qianjin will post it at a glance, and send money to people and officials."

The two quarreled again, and the people next to them didn't think it was a big deal to watch the excitement, and someone handed the script written by Ji Wensheng to Shaohaoyue.

Shaohaoyue could understand why Shang Yufei's words were more popular among women. The male protagonist in her storybook was talented, beautiful and well-known, but after the end, he still had different affections, so no woman would be confused after reading it.

The two people's words are essentially fantasies, but the target customers are different, and Shang Yufei's customer base is mostly boudoir ladies with spare money, so naturally they sell well.

And Ji Wensheng's customer base is those down-and-out men. They are all down and out. Where can they get the money to buy scripts?

While she was reading the script, the two of them quarreled and vowed to take Shao Haoyue as their apprentice and compete for the upper hand.

"I have a question." Shaohaoyue was so loud that his eardrums hurt, he stretched out his hand to signal the two to stop, and opened the two volumes of story books, "Why are these two characters villains?"

Shang Yufei went downstairs: "She approached the hero for money."

Ji Wensheng looked disgusted: "I despise the poor male lead, so I want to divorce."

"That's it?" Shaohaoyue didn't understand, and said to Shang Yufei: "The female supporting role in your book is of low status, and she is about to starve to death. Of course, she must earn money first to survive."

She looked at Ji Wensheng again, "As a father who loves his daughter, is it wrong to choose a rich in-law's family for his daughter? Are you going to sacrifice your daughter's life for a verbal agreement after drinking?"

Ji Wensheng has a plausible eloquence, "A gentleman speaks a lot of words, how can he not count because of his words after drinking?"

Before Shaohaoyue could refute, Shang Yufei spat at Ji Wensheng, and said, "Girl, you don't know that sour scholars have many problems, and if they want their wealth, they have to ask for it three times and six times, and in the end they are relentless." Reluctantly agree. As for my supporting role, this is my magic weapon."

She leaned close to Shaohaoyue's ear and whispered: "If you want to sell a story book, you have to remember this. For female characters, you must follow moral standards, and for male characters, legal standards are enough."

I admit, this chapter contains private goods

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