Chapter 878
In the days that followed, Shao Haoyue was still staying in the mortal world, and after a while, Yan Qi finally couldn't sit still.

When leaving for the next ordinary place, she said embarrassedly: "The once-in-[-]-year alchemy assessment is about to begin. I heard that there will be alchemist meetings in some cities. I want to see it."

Shaohaoyue heaved a sigh of relief, and finally forced her purpose out.

"That's right, there are alchemists gathered at the meeting, communicate with them more, and you will suddenly see the light." She patted her forehead annoyedly, "Oh, it's all my fault, the wandering around is endless."

Yan Qi smiled, "No, you're right, I'm very relaxed now after wandering around for a while, and I'm going to refine Qingshuangdan now, it will definitely be fine."

Shaohaoyue laughed, "Well, which alchemist meeting should I go to? This is... Cangxuan Immortal Realm!"

There was a thump in her heart, why did she run to the Cangxuan Immortal Realm without knowing it!

No, Huahua is also an alchemist. Recently, all kinds of alchemist clubs have gathered. She won't go to the alchemist club to discuss alchemy, right?
What if Yan Qi finds out if he can't hold back the meeting?No, no, no, with a spy by my side, I can't go see Huahua!
Would it be strange to suggest going to another fairyland now?Yan Qi's goal is in the Cangxuan Immortal Territory?No, the play has done this, you can't startle the snake...

For a moment, various thoughts flashed through her mind, and she pondered: "Why don't we go to Liyuan City, the first city in the Cangxuan Immortal Territory, and the alchemist's meeting must be of the highest standard."

Well, Huahua is in Pinglu City, and her fellow guard, Lin, is the one Song Ziyong is eyeing. She is the least likely to go to Liyuan City.

Shaohaoyue felt a little lost, she decided where to go along the way, and she came to the area of ​​Cangxuan Immortal Territory unknowingly, which showed that she subconsciously wanted to come here.

I've come here, but I can't meet you, hey...

Yan Qi's eyes lit up first, then he hesitated, "Li Yuan City is where the Song family lives, Xi Ying said that you once beat Song Zicheng in public, would it be dangerous to go there?"

"No, as the eight members of the Immortal League, they dare to openly fail." Shao Haoyue replied affirmatively, but secretly analyzed in his heart, the excited little eyes, Li Yuancheng's choice is very suitable, could it be her Behind the scenes is the Song family?
Yan Qi felt relieved, he didn't know whether it was innocence or innocence, he said cheerfully: "Let's go in disguise, just visit the alchemist's meeting, so that the Song family won't find out."

Shaohaoyue nodded with a smile, but the smile didn't reach her eyes.

If she went to Liyuan City openly as the seventeenth princess of the Feng family, the Song family would not only dare not do anything, but would also have to protect her safety.

But if he went there in disguise, if the Song family knew about it, he might be assassinated by the Song family as an assassin.

Could it be that the people behind Yan Qi's scenes are really the Song family?

With doubts, they soon arrived at Liyuan City. After entering the city, Yan Qi could see his joy, "As expected of one of the eight great cities of the Immortal Clan, it's so magnificent! It's so lively!"

Shaohaoyue smiled, "What's the matter, the most magnificent city in Xingque is not the Eight Great Cities, but Muchuan City."

"Muchuan City? Where is that?" Yan Qi was puzzled, "Didn't you say that the Eight Great Cities are the most prosperous among the immortals?"

"The most prosperous, but not the most magnificent." Shaohaoyue walked forward, his voice was a little low, "Muchuan City is located outside the Goddess Palace. Once, there was the core of the fairy clan."

"Goddess Palace?" Yan Qi was even more puzzled, and several passers-by asked his friends in low voices, and someone recounted that period of history in a deep voice.

"... Sealing the Demon Queen, Goddess Ye Nian divided Xingque into nine fairylands, each of the four families guarded one domain, and the goddess palace lived in the central holy place, and built Muchuan City, which is the headquarters of the Xianmeng.

Later, the Goddess Palace fell, and when the war was tense, emergency meetings were often held near the front lines, and those that were not urgent were held in the eight major cities, and the headquarters of the Immortal League existed in name only..."

Shaohaoyue felt a little heavy in her heart. Goddess Ye Nian contributed a lot to the fairy clan's ability to overwhelm the demon clan. However, time is cruel and people's hearts are indifferent. Now Xingque only knows four families and four clans, and few people know Goddess Palace.

After asking about the location of the alchemist's meeting, Shaohaoyue went to a nearby teahouse, and after the attendant served refreshments, she said, "Bring me a copy of the alchemist's materials."

During these competitions, some merchants sort out and sell the information of potential players. Although the information cannot contain the secret methods of each player, and there are even some false information, most of the information is true.

The contestants bought it to know themselves and their enemies.

The attendant neatly took out a letter and handed it to her, Shaohaoyue looked through it, she was dumbfounded.

At the end of the letter, there is a line of small characters: Mu Yan, a guest of the Pinglu Jun family, rescued the eldest son of the Jun family a few days ago, and the rest of his strength is unknown.

Why did she come to Liyuan City!
Shaohaoyue was excited and worried, she was lucky to have bought the letter, learned about this in advance, and was mentally prepared, otherwise she would be in trouble if she showed her flaws when she met at a small meeting.

Immersed in the excitement of meeting soon, she suddenly smelled the familiar strange fragrance of dandelion, Shaohaoyue's heart trembled, and she looked over almost mechanically.

In the private room opposite, there were seven young masters and ladies in brocade clothes. One of the men was holding a pill with his fingertips. The familiar fragrance was emanating from the pill.

Shaohaoyue's eyes fell on the four women, and she felt for a while, she was suddenly lost, none of them were Huahua.

Yan Qi asked next to him: "Those people are also alchemists who came to participate in the meeting?"

The attendant replied cheerfully: "Only Miss Fang Shier is an alchemist, and everyone else is here to play."

"Fang's family?" Shaohaoyue's nerves were tense. If I remember correctly, they were discussing alchemy, and among the several forces that followed Huahua, there was the Fang family.

She rolled her eyes and said: "The Fang family's children are so free, and they attend the small meeting by themselves, accompanied by six people?"

"Fairy misunderstood, the others are not the children of the Fang family." The attendants are like a few treasures, "The fairy in purple at the top is Miss Fang Twelfth Miss Fang Rongrong, on her right is the fourth Miss Lou Yuru of the Lou family, on the left is Zhou Shaoan, son of Friday, next The first is..."

Shaohaoyue lowered her eyes slightly, playing with the teacup in her hand, the porcelain white delicate cup wall reflected the cold light.

She lowered her hand, a rune fell from her fingertips, and walked along the floor silently to the door of the private room opposite. When they walked out of the private room, they slipped into Fang Rongrong's skirt.

This move was only for surveillance, but she didn't expect that she heard these people plotting before she left the teahouse.

A man asked suspiciously: "Ling Yiming, where did you go, why haven't you seen anyone in the past few days?"

"Alchemy, the small meeting is about to start, I will study hard and practice hard."

"Come on, just use your rubbish alchemy technique to participate in the fart meeting, tell me, what the hell are you cousins ​​doing?"

 The second is later today
(End of this chapter)

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