Chapter 879
At this moment, in a courtyard, Fang Rongrong cleared her throat and said, "Everyone, I have an idea. If Wei Lin doesn't show up, we can force him out."

Zhou Shaoan spread his hands: "How to force? Arrest Mu Yan and tell Xingque?"

Fang Rongrong disdainfully said, "Your Zhou family doesn't want to be skinny, but our Fang family wants to be shameless. Catch them, thanks to your ability to speak."

"Fang Rongrong!" Zhou Shaoan gritted his teeth.

Seeing that the two were about to confront Maimang, Lou Yuru hurriedly stopped her, "Don't make noise, let's get down to business, Rongrong, what do you think?"

Fang Rongrong patted Ling Yiming's shoulder, "My little cousin has a good impression of Mu Yanxin, and I plan to form a Taoist couple with her. As a senior brother, I can't help but come to the marriage ceremony of my fellow apprentices. No……"


Before Fang Rongrong could finish speaking, Zhou Shaoan interrupted sharply, "Your Fang family and Ling Xiao faction have a good plan. If Wei Lin really values ​​this junior sister, you will not only take advantage of Wei Lin, but also win an alchemist for nothing. Hmph, I also I have a lot of admiration for Mu Yan, and I want to become a Taoist couple with her, do you agree?"

Lou Yuru said quietly: "Mu Yan's alchemy and medical skills are obvious to all. My Lou family is willing to give up Wei Lin and marry her."

Fang Rongrong was stunned. After getting in touch with Mu Yan, they discovered that she was extremely talented in alchemy, which was one of the reasons why all parties did not force her for so long.

Xingque alchemists have always been in short supply, especially this kind of potential alchemists, if they can grow up, they will be of great importance to any force.

A few days ago, they discovered that Mu Yan was not only proficient in alchemy, but also made achievements in medicine.

Alchemists are only in short supply, but immortal doctors are almost extinct. Although most immortals will never need immortal doctors in their lives, they are afraid of everything.

In the case of a situation where there is no solution to the magic pill, the immortal doctor can save lives.

Therefore, after Mu Yan cured Jun Yuqiu, they tacitly blocked the news, just to recruit Mu Yan.

If the news leaked out, the Song family would have nothing to do with them.

After sorting out her thoughts, Fang Rongrong said softly: "Everyone, now is not the time to fight for power. This is Liyuan City. Yesterday Song Ziluan met Mu Yan with an excuse and invited her to live in the Song family's other courtyard."

Everyone was stunned, and heard her say: "Now, we have to settle the marriage as soon as possible, and show the Song family that we have controlled Mu Yan, and we will not give the Song family a chance to make a move."

She paused, glanced at everyone one by one, and said with a wry smile: "In fact, we all know very well that the prey that Song Zizheng is looking for is something we can contaminate.

As for Wei Lin, we are just accompanying the Song family and putting on a show, but Mu Yan, an alchemist and immortal doctor, as long as we move fast enough, we can take it down! "

Everyone was a little embarrassed, but they had to admit that they seemed to be making a lot of fun, but in fact everything was a wedding dress reward for Song Ziyong.

The situation is different now, as long as Mu Yan is recruited, they won't be in vain.

Seeing that they listened to it, Fang Rongrong continued: "The Song family cannot be alarmed, so several families can't pursue Mu Yan in a swarm, only one family, and it must be kept secret.

Mu Yan looks soft and weak, but she has a ruthless intention in her heart. For example, coming to Liyuan City this time is a desperate move.Therefore, we have to win in one fell swoop, and we cannot give her a chance to fight back.

Among you men, she has the best impression of Yiming and has the highest probability of success. Let him go out and form a Taoist couple with Mu Yan. We will discuss the follow-up benefits, and we will talk about taking her first. "

"I agree." Lou Yuru was the first to agree. There is no man here in the Lou family, and she can't marry Mu Yan by herself. Everyone is the same.

Several other people also agreed one after another, but several men hesitated and tried to fight for it, pointing out that Fang Rongrong's reasons for proposing Ling Yiming were untenable.

In fact, Mu Yan's attitude towards several people is similar, and the slight difference is negligible in matters of marriage, and Ling Yiming has no advantage.

At this time, you should first consider family background, appearance, means to please girls, etc.

After arguing, Zhou Shaoan argued that the Jun family was a subordinate of the Zhou family, and that Mu Yan, as a guest of the Jun family, was also regarded as a member of the Zhou family's jurisdiction in name, and that he and Mu Yan would form a Taoist couple, let alone attract the attention of the Song family. Acquired as a candidate for Mu Yan's Taoist couple.

Shaohaoyue in the teahouse exploded with anger, trying to suppress the anger that was about to erupt, she gently put the porcelain white teacup on the table, and raised a bright smile, "The alchemist meeting will start in three days, Let's book a hotel to stay."

Yan Qi, who drank cup after cup of fairy tea, was a little impatient, and got up happily when he heard Yan, "Okay."

Shaohaoyue continued to smile, and took out a dozen Shuiyun coins to the attendant, "Thank you for your hard work, this is your reward."

"Should be, should be, fairies go slowly, come again next time..." Seeing Guan Cancan's water cloud coin, the attendant smiled brightly, and temporarily ignored it with dry mouth.

The ten or so Shuiyun Coins were a tip, and the refreshment money had been paid earlier.

Seeing the backs of the two going away, he cheerfully went to pack the tea set and made a lot of money, but he just explained the information of the contestants in the notebook in detail, this fairy is really generous!

When the attendant's fingertips touched Shaohaoyue's white porcelain teacup, the exquisite and delicate cup shattered silently. The cup, tea leaves, and water were all fine powders. At the same time, you can't tell the difference between porcelain shavings and tea shavings.

The attendant's eyes widened, and he broke out in a cold sweat. He was standing beside the two of them before, and he didn't feel any fairy fluctuations at all.

That fairy's control of power is too subtle!

After a long while, the attendant wiped the sweat from his brow, hoping that the meeting of the alchemists would go smoothly and not make any fuss.

Shaohaoyue took Yan Qi to book the guest rooms, saying they were inns, but they were actually courtyards near Fang Rongrong and the others.

She told Yan Qi a few words, entered her guest room, took out the summons, and connected to Lian Yang, before she could speak, Lian Yang said anxiously: "Your Highness, why did you arrive in Li Yuan City, Hua Hua Fairy is also there."

"I already know."

Her voice was very calm, but Lian Yang, who was familiar with her, could hear a bit of murderous intent, and hurriedly asked, "What happened?"

Shaohaoyue raised his hand, and the faces of Fang Rongrong and the others appeared, "Give me these bastards to hang in the Qiuxi Tower, and I will do it myself, and smash them to ashes!"

"Calm down, Your Highness, calm down, the eight watchers around Huahua Fairy are all gone at once, it will attract the attention of all parties."

"That's because of Wei Lin, Hua Hua was coveted by these bastards because of him."

"Uh, Your Highness, you are going to meet Huahua Fairy in the future, if someone thinks of this, I'm afraid the Qiuxi Building will be exposed."

(End of this chapter)

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