After finishing the basic and crucial step, the two alchemists were full of fighting spirit. One of them suddenly slammed the alchemy furnace, and with a loud chirping, the vermilion bird flew out with its long tail feathers, and rushed straight to the other. Alchemist.

"Wow, it's Suzaku!" A little girl hugged her father's neck and shouted excitedly, "Daddy, it's Suzaku!"

"There is no Suzaku bird, Suzaku is just a god of the Yu clan." His father explained to the little girl seriously.

The little girl was very eager to learn, asking questions, "Are Qinglong, Baihu, and Xuanwu also?"

"The green dragon is also a god, the white tiger, and Xuanwu is the unity of the god and the ethnic group..."

The onlookers were not in the mood to listen to the old father explaining common sense to his daughter. Their attention was all on the alchemist being attacked, to see how he would respond.

The so-called fighting alchemy requires not only good practice of pills, but also the ability to deal with emergencies. Attacking each other in the process of alchemy is a highlight of fighting alchemy.

The so-called experts watch the doorway, and laymen watch the excitement. The alchemists are watching the alchemy techniques, and others are more interested in watching the alchemists pecking at each other.

The alchemist who was attacked was clearly prepared, he continued to use the alchemy formula with one hand, and condensed a blue shield with the other hand, blocking the attack of the vermilion bird.

They fought very smoothly, and when the move was resolved, the two sides recovered for a while, and the latter said: "Fairy Yu, take my move too!"

As he said that, the fiery red formulas floated towards the opponent's alchemy furnace like practice.

The alchemist surnamed Yu was shocked, his ten fingers danced out afterimages, and the alchemy formulas poured out like running water, blocking the opponent's formulas.

However, the heat was infected, and the fire under her pill furnace was finally affected. The woman's hand formula changed again, and within a breath, the fire under the pill furnace stabilized.

After catching this move, the alchemist surnamed Yu controlled the alchemy furnace and rammed it into the opponent's alchemy furnace. The crowd applauded, and many people shouted, "This is a bit of a fighting skill."

Although Shaohaoyue felt that their fighting was too low-level, he still watched it with great interest, not to mention anything else, the fire control ability of these alchemists is called a master, if it is used for barbecue, it must be delicious!

Yan Qi tugged at her sleeve, and said in a low voice, "There seems to be someone over there who wants to fight alchemy, or else, let's go over there and have a look."

Shaohaoyue smiled, "You are an alchemist, you decide where you want to see, and I will follow you."

Yan Qi smiled sweetly, his eyes were curved into beautiful crescent moons, the restraint on his face faded a little, he walked briskly out of the crowd, and squeezed into another crowd.

Shaohaoyue followed her with a smile on her face. Suddenly, she stopped and looked somewhere, only to see Fang Rongrong standing in front of the crowd, with a proper smile on her face, looking at the two of Dou Dan seriously.

Could Fang Rongrong be watching Hua Hua's Dou Dan?Did Yan Qi approach them unintentionally, or on purpose?

With a quick heartbeat, Shao Haoyue pursed her lower lip, and cast her eyes on the two of Dou Dan, a refined male immortal and a woman in Tsing Yi with clear eyebrows.

The woman's hair was in a high bun, and she was wearing a plain blue dress. She raised her hand and gave a generous salute, "Xiaoxian Mu Yan, please enlighten me, senior."

Mu Yan, she is really Mu Yan!
Shaohaoyue's mind went blank for a moment, she stared blankly at the woman, maybe her gaze was too hot, Mu Yan turned her eyes to look this way, met her gaze, smiled politely, and looked away.

"I don't dare to teach you. I heard that there is a potential junior in Pinglu City. I have long wanted to see it." The male fairy returned the gift and said politely.

After some politeness, the two took out the alchemy furnace and materials and started alchemy.

The male immortal looked elegant, but acted in a hurry. Before the medicine was condensed into liquid, a few vines attacked Mu Yan.

Mu Yan kept moving her hands and spun her feet slightly to get out of the way of the shooting vines. Instead of fighting back, she came to the other side of the alchemy furnace and used the alchemy furnace to isolate the male immortal.

The crowd of onlookers froze, and many people looked at her suspiciously, "Look at this movement, is she still good at fighting?"

There are many subdivisions of agility, and the same agility also has subdivision moves for different situations. What Mu Yan used just now is clearly a technique of maneuvering in a small area in a fierce battle, which pays attention to agility and speed.

Generally speaking, the agility learned by alchemists is mostly used for escaping, not for timely dodging in this kind of fierce battle.

Shaohao Yue couldn't check his breath, collected his thoughts, walked forward slowly, and stood beside Yan Qi, as if he was just an ordinary onlooker.

The male immortal was not discouraged when he missed a hit, and stretched out his hand, and several vines shot directly at Mu Yan.

When the vines approached the alchemy furnace, Mu Yan poured immortal power into the alchemy furnace with her left hand, and the exquisite carvings on it lit up, and a purple gold phoenix flew out, spitting out a ball of flames, not only smashing the vines, but also going straight to the male fairy. go.

"Hiss! Heaven-ranked low-grade fairy weapon!"

"Purple Gold Feifeng Furnace..."

Several exclamations sounded at the same time, and people looked at Mu Yan in astonishment.

After the male fairy dodged in embarrassment, he was surprised and envious, "Little friend, with his financial resources, came to Xingque for a short time, and he can afford the Zijin Feifeng furnace!"

Zijin Feifeng Furnace uses good materials, excellent craftsmanship, and has both offensive and defensive capabilities. For alchemists, it is a rare and good alchemy furnace!

Of course, the price is also very expensive, and ordinary alchemists simply cannot afford it.

Shao Haoyue's eyes fell on the Zijin Feifeng Furnace. This Dan Furnace has traces of burning from the Phoenix Fire. The former owner was from the Phoenix Clan?

Could it be that Wei Lin killed a Feng clan?Haven't heard of any clansman having an accident?

After discovering that it was Zijin Feifeng Furnace, the elegant male immortals stopped fighting and looked nervous, for fear that Mu Yan would attack him.

The crowd of onlookers also secretly poked and looked forward to it. The purple gold flying phoenix furnace can be sold so expensively, thanks to the offensive and defensive arrays on it. It is said that when the immortal power is sufficient, the sword cultivator of the same level should be treated with caution.

However, their expectations were in vain. Mu Yan was obviously not aggressive. After intimidating her opponent, she began to concentrate on alchemy, condensing the medicine into liquid, melting the alchemy, and congealing the alchemy step by step in an orderly manner.

Although Mu Yan and Nanxian's alchemy skills are extraordinary, for the vast majority of non-alchemists, without fighting alchemy, they lose interest, and many people leave here.

Shaohaoyue looked at the slightly blue flame under the purple gold flying phoenix stove, feeling joy and worry in her heart, she felt the breath of the pure-hearted glazed fire in the flame.

Although the Qingxin Glazed Fire is not as powerful as other strange fires, it is very precious. She immediately decided that she would send a hidden guard to protect it later.

At this time, her cuffs were tightly grabbed, and Yan Qi's voice transmission sounded in the sea of ​​consciousness, "Yueyue, let's go back."

"Go back? I think the two of them have good alchemy skills, and they are very suitable for you..." Shao Haoyue didn't want to leave, and then he found that Yan Qi's eyes were showing tension.

She looked serious, and sent back to ask: "What's wrong?"

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