all the way to fairy

Chapter 882 Pictured

Chapter 882 Pictured

"We seem to be being watched by someone." Yan Qi looked a little flustered, and turned sideways, as if avoiding something.

At this time, Shaohaoyue found many eyes on her, she looked up, Zhou Shaoan's eyes flickered with madness, and the immortals around him looked at Yan Qi in surprise.

She calmly looked away and sent back: "Go back to the inn first."

After walking for a while, Shaohaoyue immediately found that Zhou Shaoan was following them!

what's the situation?How did Yan Qi provoke Zhou Shao'an?
Shaohaoyue was confused, her attention was all on Mu Yan just now, and she didn't pay attention to Yan Qi at all.

But a gentleman does not set up a dangerous wall. As the commander of an army and a princess of a family, she even goes out with a malicious spy. Of course, she will not be alone. Lian Xue has been following secretly.

Shaohaoyue asked via voice transmission: "What did she do just now?"

"She revealed her true face briefly."

True face?

Yan Qi's face is [-]% similar to her and Yaoyao's, so it's easy to be mistaken for her or Yaoyao at first glance.

Yan Qi wanted to reveal his whereabouts and let the Song family get rid of him?And Nvluoyan's formation was arranged by other forces?


Shaohaoyue quickly overturned his guess, the sky and earth net at Nvluoyan had already been laid, and he was just waiting for him to enter the net;

As for the Song family, they haven't seen any changes for the time being, and they want to kill themselves without any arrangement. The chance of success is too small, and it is very risky.

However, since Zhou Shaoan came to his door, he just took this opportunity to get rid of him.

Thinking of this, she sent a voice transmission: "Zhou Shaoan is following up, you go back to the inn first, I will finish him off."

"No, we came here in disguise. It's fine for me to be found out, but you will be in danger." Yan Qi hurriedly stopped him, and then tried his best to persuade him, "I heard that Song Zicheng has a special grudge, so let's leave Liyuan City and fight for Dan You can see it anywhere."

Both the inside and the outside of the words showed that Shaohaoyue's safety was the most important thing in everything.

"Leave?" Shaohaoyue blinked, the messy information in her mind converged into a thread, she somewhat understood the intention of Yan Qi's move, it turned out that she was not the only one behind the plot.

A few flashes of resentment quickly flashed across her face, and finally she put on a wooden face and reluctantly compromised: "Okay, let's get rid of this tail first!"

Yan Qi looked worried, "A direct descendant of the Zhou family, he must have lit the soul lamp, killing him will alarm the Zhou family."

Shaohaoyue suppressed her anger, "I'll think about it."

After a while, she walked to a corner, restrained her voice, and when Zhou Shaoan chased him, she knocked Zhou Shaoan unconscious with a palm.

In Yan Qi's astonishment, he led the two of them into the crimson world of Ling Nei.

Once inside, Yan Qi looked around curiously, "Where is this?"

"My Inner World." Shaohaoyue explained casually, carried Zhou Shaoan, and sent him to the bank of the river outside Rongshu Village.

"What if Zhou Shaoan wakes up and hurts mortals?" Yan Qi was puzzled.

Although the village in front of me is just ordinary, anyone who is suddenly attacked and fainted, even if it is a baby after waking up, must be vigilant.

This small village can't stand Zhou Shaoan's trick.

Shaohaoyue smiled and didn't answer. She picked a rock at random and sat down. Her leisurely expression made people wonder that she was not in a world of scorched earth with nothing, but was taking a nap in the courtyard in the afternoon.

Less than half an hour later, Zhou Shaoan, who was unconscious, was discovered by a villager who yelled to call other people and carried him into the village.

After waking up, Zhou Shaoan jumped up vigilantly and asked who the villagers were and where they were, but found that he had lost his memory and his memory was blank.

Looking at Zhou Shaoan, who was vigilant like a lone wolf, but his eyes were blank, Yan Qi's eyes showed shock and fear.

Seeing Shaohaoyue looking at her, Yan Qi's shock turned into sincere admiration: "The laws and will of this world are really strong, even the immortals who have cultivated in the Heavenly Immortal Realm don't even notice it!"

A strange look flashed across Shaohaoyue's eyes, and with a smile on her lips, she said softly, "I've been in for a while, let's go out."

Only then did Yan Qi remember, and he urged again and again: "Yes, yes, get out, Zhou Shao'an is not the only one who was eyeing us just now, we have to leave Liyuan City as soon as possible!"

As soon as he left Ling Nei's world, Shaohaoyue immediately sent a voice command: "About Yanqi, don't check other directions, check Yushan."

Ordinary people saw Zhou Shaoan entering Rongshu Village and lost his memory, and would think that she erased his memory before throwing Zhou Shaoan in, but Yan Qi blurted out that it was the effect of the will of the world law.

Obviously, she was sure that Shaohaoyue hadn't erased Zhou Shaoan's memory in advance.

Shaohaoyue is a master of illusion, Yan Qi can be so sure, either she is also proficient in illusion, or she has a secret treasure, so she is sure that she will not be confused by illusion.

The shock and apprehension in Yan Qi's eyes ruled out the possibility of the treasure of illusion.

Now, Shaohaoyue can confirm that Yan Qi is proficient in illusion, at least in high-level illusion theory.

There are many sects of aristocratic families who are good at illusion, but there are only a handful of forces with top illusion inheritance. Combined with Nv Luoyan's chain equalization technique, the answer is ready to come out. One of the four famous families of the demon clan, Yushan.
After most of the world's origins were sacrificed, the rest of the process became extremely easy. Wei Lin didn't even need to use gray fog to isolate himself. The world's origins already regarded him as a part of himself and would no longer expel him.

Even so, it took a lot of time to refine all the world's origins. According to the method of sacrifice, he took away a few strands of the world's origins to facilitate subsequent management of this world.

The moment he floated out of the mysterious space, Wei Lin had an unprecedented magical feeling.

At this moment, he only felt that he was omnipotent, every sand and earth, every grass and tree, wind, thunder and lightning, everything was under his control!
He turned his eyes, and his eyes easily passed through the hard rock mass, and he saw the monks outside who were tempered by the fire, saw the rolling mountains, and the rushing river.

He saw in the lush forest, two low-ranking monks fought for a spiritual grass. On the branch above the spiritual grass, a thin blue snake wrapped around the branch like a vine, quietly dormant.

Seeing the magnificent palace, several high-ranking monks were talking and laughing at Yan Yan, allocating land and resources in gentle voices.

Seeing the battlefield with mountains of corpses and seas of blood, the desolate sound of horns whimpered, telling the tragedy of the battle...

In the end, his eyes fell on the mortals. They have the largest number, but only occupy a small area of ​​this plane.

Their lives are as short as ants, but the city is full of flowers but not inferior to the monk's city square, where life is colorful.

In a bustling city, a teenager curled up on a street corner, desperately reducing his sense of existence.

When his eyes swept over, Wei Lin naturally knew all the information about the young man. The young man's name was Fugui, he was born in a coffin, and his mother died of dystocia when giving birth to him.

People thought that one dead body killed two lives, and after putting his mother into the coffin, there was a sudden cry of a baby in the coffin.

(End of this chapter)

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