all the way to fairy

Chapter 883 1 thought

Fugui was regarded as unlucky since he was a child. When the family couldn't get rid of the pot, his stepmother urged his father to sell him.

Because the coffin gave birth to a child, no one was willing to buy him, and in the end he was sold to a brothel to be a turtle slave.

When he was guarding the woman who wanted to escape from the brothel, he couldn't stand the woman's pleading, so he let her go and was beaten severely.One of his legs was broken, and his life was dying. The brothel was unwilling to raise him for nothing, so he was abandoned on the corner of the street.

Seeing him, Wei Lin suddenly thought of himself, he already knew what Jiaojiao said before he died in the second life.

It was divine blessing, the blessing of a god.

As long as her faith is not extinguished, even if she dies, she will always bless him with peace and joy, and turn disasters into good fortunes, and all the causes and effects caused by this will be borne by her.

Divine Blessing is just a small technique for the immortals, but because of the connection between cause and effect, almost no immortals are willing to do it.

Reincarnation is impermanent. A kind person in this life may be a heinous villain in the next life. No one dares to bear this kind of karma.

In his third life, he was burdened with the yin of the Styx, and was also regarded as ominous. Without her divine blessing, his fate in that life was likely to be the same as this young man.

At this time, a drunken man came out of the brothel, staggered and bumped into the courtyard wall, vomited so darkly that most of the vomit was on the young man.

Fugui didn't care about it, and he could only curl up his body as hard as possible, trying not to hinder the drunk man as much as possible, but the drunk man still kicked him with sloppy steps.

The drunk man was furious, and kicked him violently, and vicious curses came out of his mouth.

Even if you don't read the drunk man's life, you can know from his words that he is the trafficker who abducted the runaway girl.

Wei Lin felt angry, this kind of human trafficker deserves to die!
With a thought in his mind, in the next second, he had crossed countless mountains and rivers, and appeared in this alley without sound.

The anger in Wei Lin's heart was replaced by astonishment, as soon as he thought of it, he could go anywhere. At this moment, he truly realized that this world belongs to him, and he is the way of heaven in this world!
A loud noise pulled Wei Lin back from his thoughts, and he saw the drunk man fell to the ground, his limbs twitched a few times, and suddenly stopped moving. Under his head, a pool of dark red blood slowly oozed out.

Wei Lin was stunned, and in his mind, he saw what happened just now. The drunk man lost his mind, kicked and kicked, suddenly his soles slipped, fell down, hit the back of his head on the ground, and died on the spot.

Some people in the brothel saw this scene and yelled to lift the drunk to the hospital, but they didn't find that the drunk had already died.

Wei Lin felt relieved, went to see the young man in the corner, and couldn't bear it, his birth was not something a young man could choose, he had never done anything wrong in his life, but he was bullied by almost everyone, and he didn't get any kindness.

Fate should not be so cruel to him.

At this time, a carriage passed by, the wheels ran over a stone, bumped a few times, and turned over.

The young man who got out of the carriage found the boy, and after checking the situation, he sighed that he was pitiful, and ordered the servant to carry the boy into the carriage and rescued him.

Wei Lin was stunned, the carriage turned over strangely, such a small stone, normally the carriage should only bump twice.

But the carriage overturned, turned over very lightly, without any major damage, and could continue to drive after pushing it up, and the person sitting in the carriage happened to be a kind-hearted young man.

All of this seemed to be just to save the boy.

Thinking of his thoughts just now, Wei Lin realized something in his heart. This is the way of saying what you say, is this the way of heaven?

Everything he thinks is destiny!

Wei Lin became more cautious and did not dare to think about it at will. To him, it was just a thought, a thought, but the fate of countless people would be changed by his thought, so it must be treated with caution.

Wei Lin thought of the human body universe again. Could their fate also depend on Pan Gu's thought?
After thinking for a while, Wei Lin thought that the world needs the shadow of gods to keep people in awe, and the rewards and punishments of gods should follow karma.

Wei Lin didn't spend too much time in this plane. Although he is the god of this world, he is still a human being in essence. He has his own preferences, and his preferences may not all be correct.

After leaving, Wei Lin decided to sacrifice another world. He has his own unique method of sacrifice. Although it takes a long time, there is basically no danger.

Of course, staying in the lower realm for too long would definitely arouse the suspicion of the Immortal Alliance, but opportunities in the lower realm were rare, and Wei Lin couldn't care less.
After leaving Liyuan City, Shaohaoyue took Yan Qi to continue wandering around, watching many alchemists fight alchemy, during which Yan Qi showed his true face briefly again.

The people who saw him were not as crazy as Zhou Shaoan, they were just in shock, and no one chased after him.

Shaohaoyue verified his conjecture, feeling very complicated.

After a long time, she sent a voice transmission to Lianxue, "Notify Seventh Brother to suspend all targeting of the Zhou family, and all important personnel of the Feng Clan will secretly withdraw from the Cangxuan Immortal Domain.

You don't have to follow me anymore, follow Huahua, no matter what method you use, you can't let her out of your sight for a moment, it's best to let her leave Cangxuan Immortal Territory. "

"What about you?" Lian Xue disagreed a little. The people behind the scenes were targeting His Highness. After she left, His Highness was really alone.

Shaohaoyue didn't answer.

Lian Xue knew her temper, and some things could be discussed, but once she made a decision, she couldn't change it.

Lian Xue replied helplessly, "Yes!"

In the following days, Shaohaoyue became more and more amiable, caring for Yan Qi, and meeting all her requirements.

Even if Yan Qi casually mentions which tea is delicious, she still remembers it carefully, not to mention where she is going, and it means that she will talk about everything.

Unknowingly, they moved away from Liyuan City and approached the border of immortals and demons.

One day, after entering a small town, he accidentally caught a glimpse of a pair of beautiful hands carelessly playing with the sword tassels. Shaohaoyue was a little dazed, and felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity in his heart again.

She looked up with her fingers, and the boy in willow-yellow clothes was lazily leaning against the door, staring at the passers-by with boredom.

The light sunlight fell all over his body, and his whole body was almost melted into the light. Such a clear and conspicuous willow yellow color, such a handsome face, did not attract anyone's attention.

Shen Canghao!
How is he here?
Perhaps her gaze was too direct, Shen Canghao looked over, a flash of blue flashed in his right eye, the next second, Shaohaoyue's sea of ​​consciousness sounded his sound transmission, "Why are you here?"

Shaohaoyue:? ? ?

She used the technique of concealing her face. Unless she knew who she was in advance, she would see an ordinary face. How did Shen Canghao recognize her?

Thinking of Shen Canghao's right eye flashing azure blue, her heart skipped a beat, and she sent a voice transmission: "Is your pupil technique breaking illusion?"

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