all the way to fairy

Chapter 885 Doubtful Candidates

He was so amazing that they had to think about it.

Shen Canghao stared at Shaohao Yue, and asked suspiciously: "Don't you doubt Wei Lin?

It is indeed possible that he is a smoke bomb released by the demons, but there is a saying that the most dangerous place is the safest place.

With the decline of the Blood Demon Clan, in this case, it is very likely to do the opposite, put the resurrected Demon Emperor on the bright side, and take advantage of our suspicion, but he is the safest. "

Shaohaoyue pursed the corners of her lips, "It is indeed possible. But this move is too risky, it is like gambling with the Demon Emperor, do the Blood Demons dare to take this risk?"

Shen Canghao smiled faintly: "Don't forget, the plans of the Blood Demons have changed, and the body of Chaos Qinglian prepared has not been used, or the Demon Emperor has escaped from the control of the Blood Demons. The emperor himself has the final say."

Speaking of this, he fixedly looked at Shaohaoyue, and said again: "I'm curious, why don't you doubt Wei Lin?"

They are all from famous families, taught by famous teachers since they were young, and they are the successors carefully cultivated by each family. Disbelief and partial belief have been integrated into their bones. Wei Lin may be the only person who has been to the seventh floor of the pagoda. It is impossible for them not to doubt .

Shaohao Yue flicked his robe sleeves, and a picture scroll appeared on the table, "This is the person I doubt the most."

The picture scroll slowly unfolded, and under the gray sky, a girl in a white dress with black hair scattered casually, holding a huge and hideous machete, drawing a sharp arc in the air.

During the movement, the posture is graceful, the skirt is flying and lingering, the white dress, the black hair, black and white set off a kind of ultimate beauty.

But that beautiful little face was indifferent.

But a portrait, but it reveals a dignified spirit, which is breathtaking!
"Who is she? Why do you doubt her?" Bai Leling asked anxiously. Regardless of other things, just because of this woman's overall demeanor, one can't help but add a little doubt.

"I don't know." Shaohaoyue shrugged, "The first time I met her was in the Mingsha Wasteland, and she was the only magic soldier who escaped me;
The second time we met was in Huifang City near Kong Shiyuan, and the target of Xun Xia seemed to be her. "

Shen Canghao and Bai Leling sat up straight involuntarily, such a person is indeed very suspicious.

They have carefully analyzed that the resurrected Demon Emperor is still very weak, and should not directly contact the famous clan of the Demon Race, but it is the Demon Emperor, and even if his cultivation base is low, his combat power must be good.

The focus of their investigation is those immortals and demons who are not well-known but have impressive combat power.

"No more?" Shen Canghao asked.

"I've only met her twice. She has a very keen sense of danger. I didn't mainly target her at the Mingsha Wasteland, but she still sensed it a second before my silk flew out. flee without hesitation;
In Huifang City, with her cultivation at the early stage of the Heavenly Demon Realm, she killed five late-stage Heavenly Demon Realm with one blow, as easily as pinching a chicken or a dog to death.

After noticing me, she ran away again, and the loot was confiscated. I wanted to chase, but Xun Xia stopped me. This is all the information I know about her. "

Bai Leling asked: "Did you not track down such a suspicious person?"

Shaohaoyue's eyes flickered: "I checked, but I didn't find it."

She also had important matters to go to Huihuifang City, and she was afraid to investigate and startle the snake, so she only did a routine investigation and then put it aside.

At that time, how could she have thought that the Demon Emperor was resurrected, and the girl might be the resurrected Demon Emperor.

Shen Canghao put his hands on the table, tapped his fingers on the table, and slowly analyzed: "Xun Xia went to find her, but the girl did not ask Xun Xia for help when she was in danger, but turned around and fled, which shows that it is important for her. , Xun Xia is not a trustworthy person.

Perhaps, she escaped not only because of you, but also because of Xun Xia, the five late-stage demons in the Heavenly Demon Realm might have been sent by Xun Xia to catch her. "

Shaohaoyue's eyes fell on his index finger tapping the table, and the gentle movements coincided with the tone of his analysis voice, like a movement with a soothing rhythm, melodious and steady.

Her consciousness was a little dazed, and she felt that the hand was like a reflection in a mirror, slowly rippling, that hand changed, the same slender and strong fingers, also beautiful, but it was another person's hand.

"Sister Yue?"

Bai Leling's voice rang in his ears, the strange feeling dissipated in an instant, Shen Canghao's fingers still tapped the table slowly, his face pondered, as if he was thinking about something.

Shaohaoyue calmed down, "When you say that, I remembered that not long after the master and servant of Xunxia entered Haitangfang City, the battle between that girl and five demon realms broke out. Those five people really might be her people."

"For an early stage of the Heavenly Demon Realm, it is not enough to send five late-stage Heavenly Demon Realm, and Xun Xia has to go there in person. Who is this demon girl?" Shen Canghao answered, and continued to analyze the small movements.

"Xun Xia is the young master of the abyss. He has very high authority in the demon clan. Perhaps the demon clan has also noticed the change of the blood demon clan. After investigating, they found the girl..."

Shao Haoyue couldn't help but look at his hands again, and already understood that lightly tapping the index finger on the table was Shen Canghao's habitual little action when he was thinking.

The strange thing is that she didn't have much contact with Shen Canghao, so why did she feel familiar with some of his little actions?
Bai Leling looked at her, then at Shen Canghao, and joined the discussion with her lips pursed. After discussing for a while, there was no result.

But this is a very important clue, Shen Bai said that they will also pay attention to the girl.Of course, the investigation of Wei Lin did not intend to relax.

"It's up to you."

Shaohaoyue didn't have to correct their thinking, after all, we were just allies, where we could cooperate, we cooperated, and those who couldn't cooperate, we went our separate ways.

Bai Leling suddenly said very aggressively: "Even if Wei Lin is not the resurrected Demon Emperor, he may be the Son of Destiny, and it is also worthy of attention."

Her attitude made Shaohaoyue a little confused, and she didn't understand what provoked her, "If you want to investigate, you can investigate, and I won't stop it."

Wait, Destiny Child?
Did they pay attention to Wei Lin because they not only suspected that he was the resurrected Demon Emperor, but also suspected that he was the Son of Destiny?
No wonder these people clung to Wei Lin.

Shaohaoyue felt a little guilty, she knew very well that Wei Lin was not the child of destiny, she was the one of this generation.

Because of unwarranted suspicions, Wei Lin can be said to be the enemy of all eyes. Thinking that Wei Lin and the flower master came from the same school, and might have protected Huahua, she felt even more guilty.

She sighed softly, Mu Xiuyu will be destroyed by the forest wind, this person is too outstanding, but he is easy to cause trouble.

Look at this Wei Lin, he was on two suspect lists at once.

If the demons knew about the resurrection of the demon emperor and the sword art of the pagoda, he would have to face the joint pursuit of the immortal alliance and the famous sects of the demons.

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