all the way to fairy

Chapter 886 Identity

Shao Haoyue decided to turn around and urge his subordinates to find the revived Demon Emperor as soon as possible, so as to alleviate some of his guilt.

After the exchange of information, she didn't stay any longer and got up to leave.

When she walked away, Bai Leling remembered that he still didn't know her purpose, and couldn't help but wonder: "Since she doesn't doubt Wei Lin, what is she doing in Qingyu City?"

Shen Canghao smiled meaningfully, "Maybe it's for a walk."

Apart from investigating whether Wei Lin is the resurrected Demon Emperor, he came out for another purpose - to investigate the forces against the Zhou family behind the scenes.

As early as a long time ago, he discovered that the Zhou family was being targeted secretly, but the people behind the scenes were very cunning and could not grasp the evidence at all.

When he was in Yueqingjie, after knowing that the defense area of ​​the Wang family, an affiliated family of the Zhou family, had been captured, he finally grasped some clues and guessed that the person behind the scenes might be the Feng family.

Until today when I met Shaohaoyue, she who was supposed to be in Yuecheng appeared in Cangxuan Immortal Realm inexplicably.

Now, Shen Canghao can basically confirm that the force targeting the Zhou family is the Feng family.

The little Zhou family is naturally not in the eyes of the Feng family. What they really want to deal with is the Song family.

A slight smile appeared on Shen Canghao's lips, and he said lightly: "In two days, let's leave."

"Ah? Stop investigating Wei Lin?" Bai Leling was unhappy, "What she said may not be right, why should we listen to her."

Shen Canghao was slightly startled, Xuan Er asked suspiciously: "You seem to hate her?"

With no outsiders present, Bai Leling no longer put on the airs of a princess, and said angrily: "I don't have any grudges with her, why do I hate her?"

Shen Canghao only felt that her temper was inexplicable, but he has always been well-bred, so naturally he would not point it out, but said in a low voice: "Whether in Xianyu or Yueqing Realm, the war zones you two are in charge of are adjacent to each other. better than others."

The gloom in Bai Leling's heart became less, and he said, "I don't hate it, I don't like it, it's just someone I know."

After thinking about it, she explained sullenly: "Among our group of peers, probably no one would like her.

Originally, we chased after each other, competed one after another, tried again and again, and finally decided on the ranking, but she suddenly appeared and overwhelmed all of us.

She doesn't come to the house, and she never takes part in our trials, but she's above all of us.

The most damning thing is that she is also on the list of our Four Spirits Academy. She will not come for most of the trials, but we got the first place, and we also know that our first place is false because she didn't come.

In this case, no one would mind her. "

Shen Canghao was thoughtful, and murmured in a low voice: "At the beginning, I was the first in Tiandao Academy, did Yuyan and the others also have grudges against me?"

"You are different. Sister Yuyan and the others have competed with you since childhood. You also achieved the top spot through trials and competitions. They are naturally convinced."

Shen Canghao smiled, and comforted softly: "The White Tiger Clan and the Feng Clan have always been friends, and the contact between the two of you will be indispensable in the future. You might as well get to know each other better, she is actually a nice person."

"I know." Bai Leling was a little depressed.

As early as the primordial era when the chaos first opened, the Qilin clan that ruled the beasts at that time formed an alliance with the Phoenix clan to fight against the dragon clan.

After the White Tiger Clan replaced the Qilin Clan, the friendship between the Yu Clan and the Beast Clan continued, and in the Four Spirits, the relationship between the two clans became closer.

The arrangement of each war zone is also based on the consideration of friendship. Regardless of the Feng clan or the Baihu clan, I hope that the two of them can make friends and continue the friendship between the two clans.

Shen Canghao saw her displeasure at a glance, and continued to persuade: "You also understand that if she hadn't blocked the Demon King Ye Shiyu back then, you would have fallen into a dilemma."

Bai Leling bit her lower lip lightly, and after a while, mustered up her courage to ask, "Have you experienced many things in the lower realm? Are you on good terms?"

While talking, she looked at Shen Canghao's expression, saw the doubts on his face, and hurriedly said: "I guess, just now she looked at your hand from time to time."

Shen Canghao didn't care, got up and straightened his sleeves, said: "Let's go."

Qingyu City is just a small border town, there is no alchemist meeting, and Shaohaoyue and Yue only stayed for a day before leaving.

Not long after, after receiving news from Lian Yang, Yan Qi's identity was found out, and the young apprentice Yu Wanian had accepted before was named Xia Yiyi.

Ten thousand years ago, Xia Yi had just ascended to the ascension, and the battle zone where she fought was captured by the demons. Hou Yu discovered that her eyebrows and eyes were somewhat similar to Shao Haoyue, and she was spared her life.

Later, seeing that she was quite talented in illusion, he accepted her as an apprentice and taught her personally.

With the addition of illusion, the original three or four points of similarity have become seven or eight points of similarity, and this has reached the point where the fake ones are now confused with the real ones.

After confirming Yan Qi's identity and origin, Shaohao Yue's tense heartstrings loosened a bit, "It seems that they are going to act."

Lian Yang nodded in agreement and asked, "Your Highness, what arrangements should we make?"

"No, everything is business as usual, just pretend there is no such thing."

Lian Yang was stunned, Xuan Er understood that she wanted to transfer Huang Wei for this operation.

Rumor has it that the Phoenix Clan has two mysterious Shadow Guards, one Phoenix Guard and the other Phoenix Guard. The members of the Shadow Guard are extremely mysterious. Even they, the personal guards of the direct descendants of the Phoenix Clan, do not know who the members are.

Feng Wei and Huang Wei took action, never leaving anyone alive, and the outside world can't even be sure whether these two shadow guards really exist.

As Shaohaoyue's personal guard, Lian Yang clearly knew that these two shadow guards existed, but that was all she knew. She knew nothing about the mobilization method, training base, and resource allocation.

After severing contact with Lian Yang, Shao Haoyue took out a small golden token with phoenix wings.

As the fairy light surged, the token was activated, and the same phoenix wing token lit up on five people in different places in the Cangyu Immortal Territory.

In the following days, Shaohao and Yue did not go to the large city square to watch the alchemist fight alchemy. Under the seemingly unintentional leadership of Yan Qi, they traveled along the border of immortals and demons.

One day, when passing by a certain deserted desert, Shaohao Yue felt a strange feeling, and she followed the source of the strange feeling.

Between the two hills is a natural valley.

This place belongs to the Demon Realm and has been eroded by demon energy all the year round. It should be barren with little green. Even if there is vegetation, it should be some low shrubs that grow close to the ground.

However, at this time, an oasis appeared out of thin air in the center of the valley, with towering old trees and vertical and horizontal vines, the wind passed through the forest tops, and green leaves fell like rain.

Between the big trees, streams gurgling, converging in the center to form a bright lake, shimmering, reflecting the green shadow and blue sky.

Shaohaoyue raised her brows lightly, glanced at Yan Qi calmly, and murmured: "I never expected to see such a good illusion in a remote border area."

She hooked the orange yarn around her wrist and loosely wrapped it around her index finger, looking at it with great interest.

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