For a long time, she seemed to feel itchy, loosened the gauze, let the gauze fall from her fingertips, and said with great interest: "You wait for me here, I'll go and see who is sacred."

Saying that, he sacrificed a bell-shaped defensive fairy, and locked Yan Qi inside, like a wisp of light smoke drifting into a splendid oasis.

In the oasis, hundreds of demon warriors are fighting. Judging from the emblems on their clothing and weapons, they belong to the Wayne family and the Tana family respectively.

Although the Wayne family and the Tana family belong to the top ten clans of the Demon Clan, they belong to different forces. The Wayne family belongs to Yushan, while the Tana family is the arm of Qimen.

The Demon Realm connected to Cangxuan Immortal Realm belongs to Qimen, and the people from Wayne's family appear here, Shaohaoyue is even more convinced that the person behind the scenes who is going to deal with him is Hou Yu.

The woman in the center of the oasis has white and delicate skin and a beautiful temperament. She stands under the big tree on the side of the Ming Lake, holding a delicate porcelain white tea cup, swinging it slowly, as if enjoying the scenery and enjoying the spring, drinking tea at leisure.

Shaohaoyue thought for a while, and recalled this person, the woman's name was Yan Chun, the seventh-ranked genius of the Wayne family, because of practicing illusion, she had a good personal relationship with Hou Yu.

There are rumors that Hou Yu intends to support her and become the next helm of Wayne's.

The oasis here was created by her. The Tana clan has more people than the Wayne clan. Because they are in the fantasy territory of Yanchun, they are controlled everywhere, and the two sides have a tie.

On the other side of the Ming Lake, a young man with a gloomy face and erratic figure, like smoke and mist, faced Yan Chun far away.

The young man's complexion was heavy, and the demonic energy around his body was surging, causing the fallen leaves to fly. Many fallen leaves floated above the lake, and then floated for a certain distance. Nowhere to be seen.

The youth is also not an unknown person. Yuan Zuo, the eighth heir of the Tana family, is on the reward list of the Xianmeng, and the rewards of the two are equal.

Shao Haoyue quickly understood the battle between the two. The teacup in Yan Chun's hand was actually controlling the Ming Lake, and the fallen leaves in the lake were transformed by Yuan Zuo's Tana family's unique technique, the flying shadows.

She secretly sighed, an illusion, a hidden weapon, this fight is picturesque and beautiful, someone who can't understand it would think that the two are flirting.

As more and more fallen leaves fell into the Ming Lake and lost contact, Yuan Zuo's expression became ugly, and he said coldly: "Yan Chun, you Wayne's, don't bully people too much! This is my Tana's territory!"

Yan Chun's expression remained unchanged, and he said indifferently: "Who is bullying too much? We are just passing by, and you are the ones who persevere. Why, other clans can't set foot in your Tana clan's territory?"

Yuan Zuo's face became even darker, "Don't pretend to be garlic, we all know what you want to do, if you want to cross this place today and trade with the immortals, just step on my body, Yuan Zuo!"

As he said that, his gesture changed, and he didn't hide it anymore. Countless flying flowers and fallen leaves were formed under his hands, turned into a giant dragon of flowers and leaves, and swept away.

Yan Chun's eyes turned cold, "This is why you are being unreasonable. The grievances between the Tana family and the immortal clan and Wei Lin, you ask them to settle it yourself, and prevent us from interacting with the immortal clan, it is too overbearing!"

After the last word fell, she violently shook the teacup a few times, and the clear lake rippled and splashed.

The majestic giant dragon of flowers and leaves was stained with the lake water, suddenly became heavy, and plunged into the lake.

The Flower and Leaf Giant Dragon is like a mortal beast that can't swim. After falling into the water, it struggled desperately, but it still gradually sank to the bottom, leaving only a string of air bubbles to surface.

After a few breaths, the bubbles disappeared, and the surface of the lake was as smooth as a mirror, crystal clear.

Yuan Zuo's face was pale, and he took a few steps back to stabilize his figure. A ruthlessness flashed across his face, and he fought again. Fallen leaves flew down, as if green leaves rained down from the sky, attacking the water surface non-stop.

There was a cool smile on the corner of Yan Chun's mouth, the palm of his hand holding the porcelain white teacup surged with demonic energy, and the tea in the cup changed accordingly.

Just when she was about to defeat Yuan Zuo's attack, her heart seemed to be held by an invisible hand and squeezed hard.

The sudden severe pain made Yan Chun's heart agitated, and the demon energy in her body lost control. She screamed and spat out a mouthful of bright blood.

The illusion of the oasis blurred and swayed, showing a tendency to collapse.

Yuan Zuo has been in the battlefield for a long time, how could he let go of such an opportunity, the fallen leaves and flowers flew like rain, half of them flew towards Yanchun, and half of them fell into the lake.

It was also submerged in the lake, but this time it was the same as before, the front was passively pulled in, this time it was an active attack, as if countless loach and big fish had burrowed into the clear lake, and the bottomless clear lake became turbid.

The oasis illusion was unstable, and the restrictions on the rest of the Tana family became smaller. They also just let go of their fighters and counterattacked with all their strength.

The cultivation levels of the two sides were equal, and with the superiority in numbers, Wayne's immediately suffered a large number of casualties, and the battle situation began to tilt.

Yan Chun covered his heart and asked sharply, "Who?"

She was shocked, the oasis was created by her illusion, everything was within her perception, but she didn't feel anyone intruding.

In such a situation, either the person's cultivation base is much higher than hers, or the other party's illusion skills are far superior to hers. Either way, it is very dangerous.

"Hmph!" Yuan Zuo snorted coldly, attacking Yan Chun with all his strength, "Stop pretending to be a ghost!"

Having said that, he was fully on guard against someone sneaking up on him.

Yuan Zuo knew very well that Yan Chun was in the upper hand, there was no need to use tricks, and it was very likely that a third party really sneaked into their battle situation.

However, the other party attacked Yan Chun, most likely aimed at Tanna's.

"Yuan Zuo, you idiot, stop now!" Yan Chun shouted, looking like you are a hopeless idiot, but he couldn't help beating his heart, could it be that this person is really from the Tana clan?

Just as she was thinking, her heart was pinched again. Even though she was on guard, the throbbing heart still interrupted her operation.

The splendid oasis seems to have encountered a huge sandstorm, and from time to time rough and windy sand rolls in, making the oasis dilapidated.

The Tana's demon soldiers, who had been restrained by the illusion, had long been suffocated. At this moment, the situation turned, and everyone rushed towards the members of the Wayne clan like wolves and tigers. In a short time, many members of the Wayne clan fell Down.

Yan Chun was startled, and tried her best to prop up the illusion, trying to give her subordinates some buffer time, but Yuan Zuo would not give her a chance to breathe.

The fallen leaves and flying flowers pierced the lake into a sieve. Covered by the surging yellow water, a bright green leaf with a cold glow appeared silently in front of Yan Chun.

As the seventh heir to the Wayne family, Yan Chun was naturally not mediocre. The moment the green leaf appeared, she immediately felt the danger.

However, the distance was too close and there was no way to avoid it. She turned her body and got out of the way. Blood gushed out from her chest, and large pieces of her clothes were wet.

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