Chapter 888
Yan Chun was horrified, as soon as the command to retreat came to his lips, before he could say it, he felt a tingling pain in his chest, back, and neck.

Three hidden weapons of fallen leaves surrounded her, and she was truly unavoidable.

The three leaf-shaped hidden weapons entered her body almost at the same time, and blood spurted out, blurring her vision and taking away most of her strength.

Yan Chun's body swayed, and it was with great difficulty that he stabilized his figure.

Seeing that Yan Chun was seriously injured, Yuan Zuo was overjoyed, his figure flickered, and he was already in front of Yan Chun, he stared at Yan Chun with a cold voice: "If you want to toast, you will not eat fine wine!"

Although the words were cold, they did not hurt the killer.

As the top ten clans of the Demon Clan, there can be fights and conflicts, but things that hurt lives cannot be done if they are not fully sure that they will not be leaked.

He raised his hand to seal Yanchun's meridians, turned around and looked coldly at the members of Wayne's who were fighting, and shouted: "I can't stop... Ah—"

After finishing the scolding, his heart was firmly pinched by invisible big hands, Yuan Zuo let out a terrifying scream, and at the same time, a jade pendant around his waist shattered.

That was his substitute treasure, who endured death on his behalf.Without that jade pendant, he would be dead now.


Yuan Zuo was horrified, cold sweat broke out, he jumped up, and scanned his surroundings vigilantly, the devil energy in his body flowed, and layers of defensive walls were built around his heart.

The expression of Yan Chun, who was sealed in the meridian, also changed drastically. In the hands of Yuan Zuo, at most he would suffer some verbal humiliation, but if the third party was other forces, they might die here.

Amidst their apprehension, a woman in a light yellow dress came out from the swaying green shadow, with a cheerful smile on her lips, "It's really a picturesque battle, I've learned a lot!"

While talking and laughing, she looked at Yuan Zuo, "If I were Houyu, I would change myself to a subordinate. The combination of hidden weapons and illusion is perfect! Well, it would be good to have you two together!"

"Yueyueyue Palace!" Yuan Zuo was so startled that he couldn't stand still. It was only at this time that he realized that Yan Chun was seriously injured and her meridian was sealed, but her illusion did not collapse.

No, it should be said that the current illusion has changed its owner.

Yan Chun also had a shocked and horrified look on her face, as if she had sent a voice transmission to Yuan Zuo, and Yuan Zuo turned around to undo the seal on her meridians.

Halfway through his hand, his heart hurt again. The pain was so painful that he didn't care about anything else. While mobilizing the devil energy in his body to protect the heart, he sacrificed defensive artifacts.

When he exhausted all his efforts and finally sacrificed the defensive artifact, the feeling of being held by his heart did not weaken at all.

Defensive artifacts don't work!
Yuan Zuo's heart sank to the bottom, and he forced himself to calmly ask, "You, why are you here?"

Shaohaoyue rubbed her throbbing left eye, and sighed secretly. The killing pupil technique is overbearing, but it has limitations. With her current strength, she can use it up to three times a day.

It can't be used in the future, but the intensity of killing can't reach it, a little control, it's still possible to deter the enemy.

She glanced past Yuan Zuo and looked at Yan Chun, she also saw shock and horror in her eyes.

Shaohaoyue was suspicious immediately, did she guess wrong?
She originally thought that Yan Chun's appearance here was arranged by Hou Yu to set up a trap for her, but seeing Yan Chun's expression, it seemed that she really didn't know that she would come.

Is it because Yan Chun's acting skills are too good, or does she really not know?
Thoughts were swirling in her heart, but she didn't show it on her face, with a smile on her lips, she groaned: "Of course I'm here to see you off, after watching such a beautiful battle, you have to pay for it.

Well, money is a little tight recently, why don't we send you to hell together. "

After the words fell, the shrubs at the feet of the Yanchun Garden grew, and the luxuriant vines wrapped around their ankles.

Yuan Zuo yelled, shattered the vines, and ran away, not forgetting to call his subordinates: "Get out! Run separately!"

Almost at the same time, Yan Chun unexpectedly broke through Yuan Zuo's meridian seal, and also ran with legs curled up.

Shaohaoyue was not surprised either. Although the previous battle was restrained by the illusion, it can also be seen that Yan Chun is stronger than Yuan Zuo, and it will be a matter of time before he breaks through the meridian seal.

Magic tricks flowed from her fingertips, and the illusion spread and changed. A fleeing Wayne's magic soldier stepped on the ground. In an instant, he seemed to fall into the bottomless abyss. The grass is luxuriant.

The demon soldiers at the back were terrified, they didn't dare to gallop on the ground anymore, and all flew up.

Just as a magic soldier's feet left the ground, a vine grabbed him and fell hard. The luxuriant grass collapsed, like an abyss full of green grass. When he fell, the ground became flat again.

The demon soldiers who witnessed all this became more cautious and flew faster. When they flew past the giant tree with gnarled roots, the thick trunk suddenly opened its mouth and swallowed them, and the flowers on the ground also Become a spirit, become a piranha.

The demon soldiers were horrified, and they ran away from the plants one after another, but when they passed by the Ming Lake, they were pulled into the lake...

The death of their companion made them understand that everything in the current oasis is in mortal danger.

However, they had no way to deal with Shaohaoyue, whose cultivation base was higher than theirs, and who was in the opponent's illusionary realm.

One after another, the demon soldiers fell, and in less than a quarter of an hour, Yuan Zuo and Yan Chun, who were fleeing first, could only be left in the fantasy realm.

Seeing the verdant green around him, Yuan Zuo almost collapsed, "Why haven't you run out yet?"

Yan Chun, who was walking with him, stopped, "Don't bother, Yuedian's illusion is superb, you can't get out by running."

She stood in the air, sacrificed defensive objects to protect her whole body, and at the same time built a protection in her heart with devil energy.

At this time, she saw water vapor in front of Yuan Zuo, and when Yuan Zuo rushed over, the dense water vapor turned into a beast with a human face, tiger teeth and human claws, and eyes under its armpits.

Yuan Zuo didn't even have time to react, he plunged into Tao Thao's mouth.

The ferocious beast is gluttonous, greedy, lazy, and will eat anything. According to rumors, when there is nothing to eat, it even eats its own body, leaving only a head.

Although this water-vapour-transformed gluttonous pot is not as good as a real ferocious beast gluttonous pot, it still possesses some of its characteristics, such as a stomach with extremely powerful digestion.

Yuan Zuo only struggled for a few times before he became silent. After a while, the beast's glutton dissipated and turned into water vapor again, but Yuan Zuo didn't see a single corner of his clothes, only three green leaves, the ring and a few utensils fell off. .

Yan Chun looked terrified and didn't dare to act rashly.

Shaohaoyue settled down, the glutton was full of ferociousness, and its power was indeed impressive, but it took too much power and consciousness, so he didn't pretend to be aggressive.

She turned to look at Yan Chun, her light orange eyes sparkled, "What is your life-saving means?"

Looking at those shining eyes, Yan Chun hurriedly went to grab the pearl pattern on the lapel, but when she reached for it, she found nothing.

(End of this chapter)

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