all the way to fairy

Chapter 889 Decoy

Chapter 889 Decoy
Yan Chun was stunned, but saw the pearl dimly, as if it was in front of her eyes, but also seemed to be far away in the sky.

"It turned out to be this." A soft murmur sounded in her ears, her vision became clear again, but she found that her life-saving treasure had already fallen into the hands of the enemy.

It's illusion!
When did Shaohaoyue cast it?

Yan Chun was horrified, she also practiced illusion, and thought that her sensitivity to illusion was far beyond ordinary people, but just now she didn't notice anything, and was deceived by the other party, exposing her life-saving treasure.

At this moment, the feeling of the heart being held by the invisible big hand reappeared, Yan Chun didn't care about anything else, and hurriedly mobilized the devil energy in his body to protect the heart.

At the same time, she was paying attention to Shaohaoyue, and her thoughts were spinning. She had never heard that Shaohaoyue had such an attack method that directly hit the heart.

In his gaze, Shaohaoyue was standing there, without making any formulas or using spells, just watching her quietly, his pair of orange eyes were crystal clear, reflecting her figure clearly.

No, it's not a pair of orange eyes, her left eye is even redder, blood red!

For a moment, Yan Chun had an illusion that the two eyes seemed no longer parallel, they merged with each other, the left eye turned into a bloody setting sun, and the right eye was an orange cloud colored by the setting sun.

The sunset and clouds are extremely gorgeous, as if they want to burn up the last remaining heat of life and delay the arrival of darkness.

Yan Chun closed her eyes and drove the setting sun and sunset out of her field of vision. Suddenly, she remembered that it was the pupil technique, the famous killing pupil of the Blood Demon Clan!
There is a limit to the performance of the pupil technique of the Blood Demon Clan. She has performed it three times just now, and she is unable to perform it again in a short period of time. The grasp of the heart...

No, it's a trick!
The thought flashed, and I felt peach powder flashing across my eyes, and then a little coolness submerged into my body.

Yan Chun lowered his head in a daze, looked at the peach pink machete stuck in his chest, only uttered the word 'you', and fell down.

First she fought with Yuan Zuo, received a killing pupil technique, and received three hidden weapons from Yuan Zuo, she was already at the end of her strength.

Shaohaoyue wandered around her corpse, and she checked all the corpses of the members of the Wayne family in the illusion, and found nothing special.

The thing Wayne is going to trade with the fairy clan must be Yan Chun.

After rummaging through, Shaohaoyue locked his target on a small jade box. After some effort, he finally opened the jade box, and inside was a photo stone.

Is this ready to trade some special news?
She activated the photo stone, and on the bare rock, a small dark purple grass stood tall and graceful, exuding a glittering light.

The grass is only the height of a palm, with seven oval leaves of different sizes, the rhizome is close to the soil, and there are several small leaf buds.

Under the largest leaf, there is a little cyan, which is a small half-purple and half-green fruit.

Seeing it, Shaohaoyue gasped, and cried out: "Hongmeng Fortune Fruit!"

Although the primordial fruit is not comparable to the nine wonder medicines of heaven and earth, it is also a treasure that is hard to find.

This fruit is useless to the demon race, but it is of great use to the Dao ancestral realm powerhouses of the immortal race. The primordial good fortune fruit that attracts the Dao rhyme infusion can delay the assimilation speed of the Dao ancestral realm's power and the Dao.

The last picture of the photo stone is fixed on a line of small characters, which is the time and place of the ripening fruit of Hongmeng - Nvluoyan.

Shaohaoyue smiled lightly, he really came for her.

Even if she knew it was a trap, she couldn't be indifferent to the primordial good luck fruit.

She put away the image stone, twisted the peach powder scimitar in her hand, cut open Yanchun's chest, took out the magic core, collected Yanchun's blood essence, and then destroyed the body.

After cleaning the battlefield, she hurriedly dissipated the illusion, returned to the previous hill, and said eagerly and embarrassingly: "Yan Qi, I can't continue to play with you."

"What's the matter?" Yan Qi seemed a little unable to react, his eyes fell on the place where the oasis illusion appeared before, and doubts flickered in his eyes.

Shaohaoyue held the picture stone, "There is a Hongmeng Good Fortune Fruit that will ripen in seven days, I have to go to Nvluoyan as soon as possible."

"Hongmeng Creation Fruit?" Yan Qi looked bewildered.

"A very arrogant fairy fruit that can slow down the assimilation speed of Dao Ancestral Realm and Dao. Master needs it very much, I must get it!"

When he heard about Jiuxi God, Yan Qi hurriedly said: "Then let's go!"

Shaohaoyue looked embarrassed, "Nv Luoyan is in the Demon Realm."

"Ah?" Yan Qi was stunned, "Isn't that very dangerous?"

Under Shaohaoyue's explanation, when she learned that Nvluoyan was in the hinterland of the Demon Realm bordering Yuecheng, Yan Qi's worries became less, and he suggested: "Go back to Yuecheng first, and send the army there."

"No, it's too late! The Primordial Creation Fruit will ripen in three days. I'm going to start now and teleport it directly from the nearest demon inter-regional teleportation circle. I hope I can make it in time!"

Yan Qi still looked confused, "It's mature, it's okay to pick it later, don't be so anxious, even if it is picked by the demons, you can find a way to get it later."

Shaohaoyue shook his head, "You don't know, before this fruit matures, it is at best a fairy fruit with abundant energy, but after it matures, it immediately begins to die.

At this time, the heaven, earth, and dao rhyme will be triggered to descend, and at that moment, the dao rhyme must be sealed in the fruit.

If the time is lost, the Dao Yun will wash away, and the energy of the Good Fortune Fruit will disappear, and it will return to the Primordial Meng, leaving nothing behind. "

"Huh?" Yan Qi was dumbfounded, "How could there be such a strange fruit?!"

Shaohaoyue's eyes flickered slightly, and she thought: It's not so strange, you can't force me to go alone.

She anxiously pulled Yan Qi on the road, "It's too late, I'll take you to the nearest Chengfang first, you wait there, I will notify someone to pick you up and go back to Yuecheng..."

In the chatter, in front of Yan Qi, she quickly sent a message to Lian Yang, informing her to send someone to pick up Yan Qi, and at the same time, ordered the army to go to the border to meet her.

Nu Luoyan was in the hinterland of the Demon Realm, and she dispatched troops from the nearest location in the fairyland that Yuecheng was in charge of. It was too late for three days, and Lian Yang immediately took action in a hurry.

Of course it's just for show, for Yan Qi to see.

At this time, near Nvluoyan, several figures had already ambushed everywhere.

Here, in less than a quarter of an hour, Shaohaoyue took Yan Qi to the nearest small border town. She rented a courtyard, set up a formation by herself, and pushed Yan Qi in, "I have to go, you stay in the formation." Fari, Lian Yang will send someone to pick you up!"

The voice has not yet fallen, and the person has disappeared into the sky.

Yan Qi wanted to give some advice and express his concern, but when he wanted to catch up, he was stopped by the formation.

She was stunned for a moment, and then she realized that Shaohaoyue didn't give her a formation card, nor gave her to open the hand formula, how could she get out?
Out of Yan Qi's field of vision, the eagerness on Shaohao Yue's face disappeared, and it was not her carelessness to not give Yan Qi the card, but intentional.


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(End of this chapter)

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