all the way to fairy

Chapter 890 Arrangement

Chapter 890 Arrangement
Without her watching, the ghost knows what Yan Qi wants to do with that face, it's better to lock it up.

Shaohaoyue took a deep breath, took out Yanchun's magic core and blood essence, and using the blood as a guide, the phantom face blood talisman was formed in the palm of his hand.

When the bright blood talisman completely faded, her appearance and temperament were exactly the same as those of the dead Yan Chun, and the immortal energy around her body also turned into demonic energy.

She made the formula again, and the magic formula fell into the magic core, and the cold magic core had a weak connection with her.

The phantom face and blood talisman can make her look like a demon, but she will reveal her secrets as soon as she touches it. With the power of the magic core, she can easily drive the magic weapon, making it easier to disguise.

She wasn't worried about the next journey. Hou Yu thought that since she was going to be led into Nvluoyan's trap, she would not startle the snake before that.

That's why she chose Yan Chun's face. Since Hou Yu chose to send Yan Chun to deliver the bait, he was naturally prepared to lose the bait.

That is to say, when they learned that 'Yanchun' was rushing to Nvluoyan, not only would they not stop her, but they would secretly help her reach Nvluoyan quickly.

The situation was just as she expected, and the journey went smoothly through the demon inter-regional teleportation array, and arrived at the largest city square near Nvluoyan.

When walking out of the teleportation hall, Shaohaoyue keenly noticed several eyes falling on her body, and then quickly moved away.

Without realizing it, she raised her eyes and quickly scanned her surroundings, lowered her hood to cover her face, and merged into the crowd.

Turning left and eight rounds in the city, after throwing off her pursuers, she got into the backyard of an inconspicuous shop, where several people were waiting.

She raised her hand, stopped Chu Ying from saluting, and asked, "Did you tell Sixteenth sister about the layout of Nu Luoyan's magic circle?"

Chu Ying nodded, glanced at Shaohao Yao next to her, and said, "All the details that my subordinates know have been informed to Princess Yao."

"Very good, then you go to Mengxuejian and set up your growth-type suction array." While speaking, Shaohaoyue handed her a token with a round seal engraved with a crescent moon, "With this token, Yinyue The resources of the cabinet are at your disposal."

As soon as she finished speaking, the wall in the corner was slightly blurred, but it quickly returned to normal.

Chuying, who was in shock, didn't notice this abnormality. Mengxuejian is the territory under the jurisdiction of the young master Houyu in the Yushan Demon Realm.

Unlike Yuecheng, which is located on the front line, Houyu's Mengxuejian is located in the hinterland of the Demon Realm, surrounded by major demon forces.

Going there to do things is completely working with your head!

What shocked Chu Ying even more was the Silver Moon Pavilion.

As a former desperate nightmare elite, Hou Yu is a member of the army directly under him, and Chu Ying knows both Mengxuejian and the demon race very well.

Yinyue Pavilion is a well-known vestment shop in the demon clan. It has branches in all major cities. The vestments it sells are made of exquisite materials and exquisitely made. welcome.

Such an influential shop is actually owned by the Feng family!
The shock only lasted for a short moment, Chu Ying quickly collected his emotions, and responded respectfully: "Yes."

She was about to leave when she saw an orange light flashing on Shaohaoyue's wrist, and a seventeen or eighteen-year-old boy appeared in the courtyard, surrounded by a faint devilish energy.

The young man seemed a little uncomfortable, and it took a while for the blankness in his eyes to subside. He looked around nervously and curiously, and asked, "Is this the Demon Realm?"

Shao Haoyue nodded, and said to Chu Ying, "He is your helper."


She was so shocked before, and Chu Ying didn't lose her composure, but now she couldn't hold it back, she almost suspected that she had heard wrong, glanced up and down at the young man, and gently reminded: "He... just started to practice, right?"

Lin Wenxuan blushed, "I haven't practiced yet."

Chuying Shihua, such a little white, how can he help her?
She is going to do big things to get rid of her head, not to travel around the mountains and rivers.

Shaohaoyue took out the dagger and returned it to Lin Wenxuan, "Low cultivation level has its advantages. You can leave it to him to do things that are inconvenient for you. Well, you can guide him in cultivation along the way."

As soon as the dagger came out, Chu Ying's eyes immediately stuck to it, and exclaimed: "The accompanying magic weapon!"

Companion magic weapon is a natural magic weapon that is born by chance when a creature becomes enchanted. Generally, it has strong spirituality and growth, and it will evolve with the improvement of the master's cultivation.

This kind of magic weapon has infinite potential. It is said that the demon emperor's natal magic weapon, Nieshi Senluo, is a companion magic weapon.

Chu Ying's expression changed when he looked at Lin Wenxuan. A demon who has survived the erosion of demonic energy after becoming a demon, has limitless achievements in the future.

Lin Wenxuan was like a rabbit breaking into a strange place, he was nervous and timid when he saw everything, and he was even more nervous and at a loss when facing her scorching gaze.

After the two left, there was a fairy glow in the corner, and a young man wearing a large cloak and an exquisite mask appeared, and said in disapproval, "Tell her the Silver Moon Pavilion, aren't you afraid of her betrayal?"

Shaohaoyue knew that he was feeling sorry for the Yinyue Pavilion. If the suction array worked, the Yinyue Pavilion would definitely be exposed. She said flatly: "The spies keep it for use. Now is the time to activate it."

The young man was thoughtful, "Yes."

Shaohaoyue asked again: "How is the condition of the Hongmeng Creation Fruit, is it still immature?"

The young man shook his head: "No, we are watching, there is still time."

"That's good." Shaohaoyue heaved a sigh of relief, although this time she voluntarily became the fish that bit the bait, but she had to swallow the bait first, otherwise how could she be worthy of Hou Yuxia's money.

After arranging things, the young man left first, waited for a while, Shaohaoyue sent Shaohaoyao into the world of Aya Nei, and walked out from the other side.

After several disguises, she completely threw off the stalker and headed for the Xiluo Forest where the primordial good luck fruit was located.

Looking at the entire Demon Realm, the Xiluo Forest is also famous. These vegetations are very special. They are eroded by the devil energy. There are few lush vegetation in the Demon Realm, and most of them are close to the ground. The tall trees are mostly in the shape of bare branches.

The Xiluo Forest is an exception. The trunks are mostly purple-black, covered with gray spots, and the crown is a huge oval sphere shaped like a honeycomb, giving people a sense of prosperity like a pavilion.

In the meantime, regardless of the fairy clan and the demon clan, the perception power has declined, and the fairy clan has been weakened particularly seriously. Even the fierce demon hunters will not step here easily if they don't have to.

Seeing the deep and silent forest in front of him, like a huge and dormant forest, Shaohaoyue secretly let out a breath, and the young man in the dark voice transmission, "You meet outside, and sixteenth sister and I will go in."

The youth had no objection, there were people guarding them beside the Primordial Nature Fruit, and they did not go alone.

Shaohaoyue kept his breath incognito, entered the forest, and found a team of demon guards not far away.

Most of the people in this team were from the Heavenly Demon Realm, Shaohaoyue easily avoided it, crossed the defense line guards, and she quickly entered the area where the Primordial Creation Fruit was located.

 Today's [-]nd is later, in the afternoon or evening

(End of this chapter)

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