all the way to fairy

Chapter 892 Value

Seeing Shaohaoyao, Gui Tu's face flashed with solemnity, he would rather see Shaohaoluo, Shaohaojin, or even Phoenix Crown Prince Shaohaoheng than see Shaohaoyao.

The situation exceeded their expectations.

Shaohaoyue was equally dignified. It was not surprising to see Houyu here. Since Houyu wanted to ambush her, it was normal to come in person, but Guitu's appearance here was something she had never expected.

She smiled and admitted generously, "Yeah, I guessed that someone was going to deal with me, but I didn't expect it to be the two of you teaming up."

Speaking of this, she paused, "This is the Abyss Demon Realm, and Xun Xia is also involved? Then Gou Lei..."

Thinking of Yan Qi showing his true face everywhere, she suddenly realized: "Their goal is the Cangxuan Immortal Realm!"

She was shocked by this speculation, "It's really a big deal for the young masters of the four famous families of the demon clan to join forces."

Hou Yu's eyes were deep, and his smile became more cordial, "It seems that Xiao Yi failed and did not deceive you, and you even noticed Cang Xuan's side! It is said that Fengzu Yuedian acted recklessly and willfully, so it was our fault. Yes, Yue Dian is smart, not inferior to any one of the two clans' arrogance."

For his approval, Shaohaoyue was unmoved, and murmured in surprise: "I didn't expect me to be so powerful in your hearts! The two young masters of the demon clan teamed up and tried their best to set up an ambush. Nuluoyan and here, the arrangement Does the chain equalization cost a lot?"

Gui Tu has a blunt and fiery temper, and immediately wanted to turn back, opened his mouth, and found that it was the truth, there was no way to refute it, so he could only hum a few times in disbelief.

However, Hou Yu's expression remained unchanged, and his tone was particularly sincere: "For you, no matter how careful you are, we can't be too careful. We don't want to repeat what happened to the Demon King Ye Shiyu.

In fact, in addition to Nvluoyan and here, we have also arranged a dozen or so places of chain equalization. Fortunately, you are here, so we don't need to bother you. "

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a slight blur behind him, and a slender and charming woman appeared beside him. Her breath was dark and deep, and even the surrounding space was slightly distorted.

It wasn't that she did it on purpose, it was just the power that flowed at will, which made the space unstable.

Shaohaoyue's eyes dimmed, and she murmured in a low voice, "Devil King Moxi!"

Now, she was really dignified. Hou Yu wanted to ambush her, and it was normal to dispatch the Demon Ancestral Realm, but unexpectedly, they sent Moxi who was in the middle of the Demon Ancestral Realm!

She is one of the top ten demon kings of the demon clan, and her cultivation level is even higher than that of Ye Shiyu back then!
At this time, Shaohaoyao completed the seal of the primordial good luck fruit, she put the fruit into the ring, and then stood aside quietly, with a calm and calm expression, as if she was not surrounded by the demon army, but in her own alchemy room.

Many demons unconsciously clenched the weapons in their hands, fully alert.

Over there, the two parties were still talking slowly, Shaohaoyue looked at Moxi and said, "I heard that Ye Shiyu has a very close relationship with you, are you planning to avenge him?"

Moxi smiled sweetly, "I've wanted to kill that wretched thing a long time ago, so I won't take revenge. This trip is just to experience the illusion of the younger generation of the Feng clan. I don't know how it compares to your ancestors."

"Can you show some face? What is your cultivation level, what is my cultivation level, bullying the small with the big, you can still speak so fresh and refined." Shao Haoyue rolled his eyes angrily.

The Mozu side was a little unaccustomed to the sudden change in her painting style, and was stunned for a moment.

After a while, Moxi smiled, "Impolite brat, but the life - not - long."

Shaohaoyue shrugged, "I've always been rude, but I'm still alive and kicking."

"Hmph!" Moxi snorted coldly, her charming eyes swept around her, and she said calmly, "Come out, is there any point in hiding?"

The nerves of everyone in the Demon Race were even more tense, and Hou Yu and Gui Tu were no exception.

The moment they saw Shaohao Yao, they knew that this ambushe would not be easy.

The younger generations of the Phoenix Clan's direct descendants all bear the imprints of the elders on their bodies, and when their lives are in danger, these great powers will sense it.

However, the alchemists headed by Shaohaoyao were different. They had no combat power, so they were always surrounded by Dao Ancestral Realm guards.

The presence of Shaohao Yao here means that the Feng Clan also has a Dao Ancestral Realm powerhouse, and they do not have an advantage in terms of top powerhouses.

At this time, white light flourished behind the demon clan, and an unrivaled tyrannical momentum suddenly appeared, and the white light came through the air like a drill.

Moxi flicked her red sleeves and went up to meet her. She never thought that the white light would be easily blocked, and Moxi's heart skipped a beat. It's a false move.

A thought flashed across her, and a white light brushed past her as fast as lightning, and there was a 'swoosh', and the surrounding air seemed to be burned up in an instant, and Moxi felt suffocated for a moment.

She turned around hastily, and the white glow suddenly grew larger, and a pure white nine-story pagoda came into view, and the mighty power on it was overwhelming.

On the way of advancing the pagoda, all the magic soldiers were knocked out.

The pagoda collided with the trap, and the magic power flowed. The bright purple and milky white light intertwined, piercing people's eyes, and there was a continuous roar in their ears.

When the roar stopped and the light disappeared, some of the demon soldiers of Desperate Nightmare and Scarlet Thorn were shocked to find that they had entered the formation!
After the chain equalization technique is completed, they will enter the trapped formation to besiege and kill Shao Haoyue, so they carry the entry token on them.

At this time, the token played a role it shouldn't play, allowing them to enter the formation in advance.

The flustered demon soldiers were about to cry, they all moved like mad rabbits, they wanted to go out immediately, when they jumped up, their waists, ankles, or arms suddenly tightened, and the slender silk wrapped around them.

The soldiers were even more horrified. In the battle of Yueqing Realm, they had a new understanding of the combat power of Feng Clan Yuedian. After Nirvana, her danger value soared. one dies.

The demon soldiers all tried their best to break free from the shackles of silk, and even some decisive ones directly came to a strong man to cut off his wrists and legs.

Then they avoided Yasi, but were soon entangled by the vines again.

After a long wait for the Nirvana Skyfire, the demon soldiers felt at ease, Xuan Er became suspicious, and they didn't understand until they saw Gui Tu and Hou Yu.

Gui Tu and Hou Yu were also knocked into the formation, and most of Shao Haoyue's silk was restraining them.

Thousands of silks danced, weaving and winding around the two of them, and crimson flames blossomed on them, preventing the two of them from moving.

The main purpose of the pagoda is to push Gui Tu and Hou Yu into the formation, and the magic soldiers just do it by the way.

Even though Yu Yu's cultivation level was higher than Shaohaoyue's after returning home, he had to be cautious when facing the fire of Nirvana, and he was powerless to break free in a short time.

At this moment, the Uniform Chain Technique started to activate, and everyone in the formation felt as if there were thousands of invisible thin lines around them, connecting themselves with other people.

The state is not good these few days, let’s put the second watch at night, I will try to recover as soon as possible

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