The Demon Race's preparatory work was very sufficient. The Uniform Chain Technique was completed within a few breaths of activation, and everyone's cultivation level declined one after another, until the late stage of the Earth Demon Realm and the Earth Fairy Empress Realm could hardly stop.

At this time, the people in the formation all had a strange feeling. In an instant, they seemed to have a lot of blood relatives who had a heart-to-heart connection. Even if they didn't do anything, they could still feel the existence of each other.

This strange feeling is not even affected by formations and distances.

For example, at the moment when the Uniform Chain Technique was activated to connect, they clearly felt that the figure floating like green smoke in the illusion was a strong Daluo Jinxian.

"who are you?"

Gui Tu blurted out, full of disbelief, that among Shaohaoyue's subordinates, there were only four Da Luo Jinxians. According to the recent information, these people were either in Yuecheng, or in their respective defense zones.

Why did another big Luo Jinxian appear under her command?

With the strange induction of the Uniform Chain Technique, the illusion is no longer effective, and it is not something that can be done in a short time if you want to kill Gui Tu and Hou Yu.

Shaohaoyue put away Tianhuo and Huanshiling, and carefully felt the situation of the Uniform Chain Technique.

Without the barrier of the illusion, Huang Wei walked out slowly wearing a wide black cloak, and came to Shaohaoyao's side, protecting her with Shaohaoyue on the left and right in the middle.

The calm and beautiful smile on Hou Yu's face froze for a moment, and he slowly uttered two words: "Shadow Guard."

Gui Tu's face became more and more ugly. As old opponents for many years, they knew the situation of the Feng Clan quite well.

It's a pity that the members of the Shadow Guard lived up to their names, they were like the shadows of the Feng Clan, hidden in the shadows, apart from knowing their existence, they couldn't find any information about them.

The shadow guards were all called in, and Shaohaoyue was not only aware of it, but she clearly understood most of their plan, and was going to take advantage of the situation to counter-kill the ambushers.

Looking at the three people standing side by side, and looking outside the formation, the old man in the Dao Ancestral Realm who was confronting Moxi was very depressed, and the advantage of the layout was basically gone. The hope of killing her this time was extremely slim.

Now I just hope that Gou Lei Xun Xia will proceed smoothly, and their arrangements will not be wasted.

Shaohaoyue was also astonished after searching carefully for the personnel connected by the Uniform Chain Technique, "You guys are so generous, tsk tsk, I'm really... flattered."

The people present, no matter if they were Desperate Nightmare or Scarlet Thorns, all came from elites above the Heavenly Demon Realm, and there were even dozens of them from the Phantom Demon Realm;

Counting Hou Yu and Gui Tu, there are a total of seven Ancient Demon Realm members. On average, they should not be Earth Demon Realm cultivators.

There will be such a result, the personnel of Gain's technique, not only their people here, but the other ten ambush sites arranged by Hou Yu are not a waste. There are a large number of low-level demons in those formations.

Their existence has lowered everyone's cultivation.

She couldn't help secretly rejoicing that if she really got hit by the spell without making any preparations, her cultivation base was lowered to the limit, and there were a lot of strong people besieging and killing her, she might really want to die of hatred!

Shaohaoyue exhaled secretly, and the orange gauze fluttered, and the two demon soldiers nearby were beheaded immediately before they could react in time.

At this time, everyone clearly felt that the two invisible thin lines connected to their bodies were disconnected, and their suppressed cultivation level recovered.

Of course, because there are many practitioners and the base is large, the improvement distributed to each person is insignificant.

Shaohaoyue stretched out his hand, took two formation cards, handed one of them to Shaohaoyao, shrugged and said: "The current situation is very clear, neither the development is completely according to your plan, nor is it completely according to my intention.

Now we are all little spiders on the spider's web, whoever can survive to the end depends on his ability! "

As soon as the words fell, she pulled up Shaohao Yao's body like an arrow off the string, and shot out of the forest. When she acted, a green light flashed in the hands of the Phoenix Guard, and a demon soldier fell down with a scream. Pai flew towards Huang Wei like long wings.

Moxi didn't stop her, not because she didn't want to, but because she knew it was useless, and Shaohaoyao's Dao Ancestral Realm guards wouldn't let her succeed.

On the contrary, if she made a move to stop her, the elders in the Dao Ancestral Realm would also make a move. Their level of power, just the pressure of breath and the aftermath of the battle, would bring disaster to low-level immortals and demons.

Sister Shaohaoyue, who is the direct descendant of the Feng Clan, must carry secret treasures and will not be affected by the aftermath of the battle, but the soldiers of the Demon Clan are not.

The two sides tacitly agreed, and rose to the sky to fight.

Hou Yu and Gui Tu reacted very quickly, they almost acted at the same time as the three of Shaohaoyue. As soon as Shaohaoyue flew up, he saw a silver-white full moon hanging high, and the cold silver light fell, covering everything with a veil.

Shaohaoyue's heart tightened slightly, and the orange gauze fluttered and spread out on top of her head, isolating Yinhui from the outside.

The silver glow was like water, falling gently, covering some magic soldiers who rushed too fast, their eyes were momentarily dull, they closed slowly, and fell asleep.

Shaohaoyue's eyes lit up, good opportunity!
She raised her hand, and part of the orange damask split into silk, and flew down with scarlet intent, submerging into the body of some of the demon soldiers who had fallen asleep like lightning.

Huang Wei is also an experienced man, flicking his robe sleeves lightly, his arrows condensed and rained down like raindrops.

As the Feather Clan, their speed is already far beyond that of ordinary people, and they are also elite geniuses. Although their cultivation base is restricted by the Uniform Chain Technique, their speed is as fast as ghosts.

In this case, the only ones who can catch up with them are demon soldiers who are outside the formation and don't have the average chain technique.

The target of Shaohao and Yue is precisely this group of magic soldiers who don't have Zhongyun chain technique.

At the same level of cultivation, they are not afraid of anyone. Only soldiers whose cultivation has not been suppressed are threatening to them.

As for the magic soldiers who have been affected by the chain equalization technique, Shaohaoyue will not kill them now, she wishes she could send someone to protect their safety.

The two of Hou Yu naturally understood their thoughts, but in this situation, there was nothing they could do.

Once the Uniform Chain Art is cast, there are only two ways to cancel it. One, the Uniform Chain Art has a time limit, and it will be canceled at the end; the second is to kill all other people in the art.

Regardless of the Desperate Nightmare or the Scarlet Thorn, they are both directly under the legion, and their confidantes belong to them. Hou Yu and Gui Tu don't have the courage to kill them all.

Besides, if they were killed, Shaohaoyue and Shadow Guard's cultivation would also recover, which was completely useless.

Hou Yu dispelled the silver moon illusion, and Gui Tu waved a giant scythe, seamlessly connecting, blocking the way of the three of them.

Huang Wei suddenly accelerated, and at some point in his hand, a seven-colored feather blade appeared, brazenly facing Gui Tu's scythe.

The feather blade and the giant scythe collided in one place without fancy, the sky and the earth turned pale, and the two forces of the fairy and the devil clashed fiercely.

On the feather blade, seven phoenixes of different fur colors flew out, screaming and rushing towards Gui Tu. On the giant scythe, a black shadow one hundred feet high appeared silently, with its body slightly bent and its arms slightly closed, as if it was going to attack Gui Tu. Hold Gui Tu in his arms.

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