all the way to fairy

Chapter 894 Heart Mark

The chirping colorful phoenix rushed here, as if hitting an invisible barrier, and couldn't get in any more.

In this duel, Huang Wei was at a disadvantage and could only barely resist.

However, Gui Tu's heart was full of turmoil. This move of the god of death is Qimen's secret technique. Looking at several epochs, only three people have met the conditions for practicing. Back then, Qimen's sages even severely injured Goddess Ye Nian with this move. .

This ultimate move was actually blocked by the opponent. Although it was barely blocked, it was enough to explain the problem.

This shadow guard is not much weaker than him with his natural bloodline and practiced skills!
Phoenix Clan, Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon!
Although Huang Wei only resisted for a moment, it was enough, the three of them gracefully passed Gui Tu and went away.

Gui Tu suppressed the shock in his heart, and chased after him with a scythe, which made the generals of Scarlet Thorn very anxious, and hurriedly called his subordinates who had not achieved the chain skill to chase after him.

Moxi, who was fighting with the old man in the Dao Ancestral Realm at high altitude, was also nervous. Shao Haoyue dared to come even knowing the trap of the Jun Chain Technique, so he was naturally prepared, and there must be someone outside to respond.

Now only Gui Tu, who is cultivated in the Earth Demon Realm, is chasing after him. Isn't this chasing after people to besiege and kill him?

Their worries were quickly fulfilled. Less than a thousand miles away, Shaohaoyue and the others came through the air with another feathered blade, slashing straight to Tutu. Judging from the aura revealed on it, the shadow guard who made the attack was impressively big. Luo Jinxian's cultivation base!

The three of Shaohaoyue, who were running away with all their strength, suddenly turned around and turned back. Huanshi Ling flew around Guitu's side, trying to surround him. After that, he stabbed at Gui Tu.

"Little Lord!"

The generals of Bloody Thorn were almost shocked by this scene, their hearts suddenly stopped, their figures suddenly accelerated, and they rushed forward.

There was a white light flashing in front of them, and they slammed into the hard barrier, and they were dizzy and confused for a while.

Looking around, they were surrounded by a pagoda. The pagoda was made of unknown material, and the outside could be clearly seen from inside.

Looking up, I saw Shaohaoyao dressed in cold white clothes, standing on the top of a tall pagoda, the strong wind blowing her clothes fluttering, in the dark and gloomy forest, she was like a white cold moon , to illuminate the dark.

Different from Hou Yu's full moon illusion, she is colder, indifferent, and aloof.

The pagoda was so white that it not only enveloped the leading soldiers, but also isolated Gui Tu from the other demon soldiers behind.

At this time, three more figures shot out from the forest, two Daluo Jinxian early stage and one Taiyi Jinxian late stage, holding the same seven-colored feather blade in their hands, attacking Guitu from various directions.

Gui Tu, who was always fierce and warlike, was also a little flustered at this time. If he was still in the ancient demon realm, not only would he not be afraid, but he would also be very excited to have the opportunity to face the siege of the strong in the same realm.

But now he only has the cultivation base of the Earth Demon Realm, and the gap between the two sides is very different, how can he withstand the siege of a few strong men.

Gui Tu felt very depressed, they had thought about this kind of situation, but in their imagination, it was Shaohao Yue who faced the besiege of several big realm powerhouses at the same time, not him!

At the critical juncture, Hou felt depressed, and several peach-pink flowers of different sizes embroidered on his left shoulder flew out, and the flowers scattered with the wind, turning into a rain of flowers.

The clear and light fragrance of flowers filled the field, and everyone's movements froze, and the demon soldiers with low cultivation even stopped in place.

Shaohaoyue, who was slashing and thrusting at Gui Tu, was immediately on alert, with crimson flames rising all over her body, the scent of flowers at the tip of her nose faded a bit, but the scent still entered her nostrils.

She didn't close her sense of smell, because it wasn't a real floral fragrance at all, but an illusion.

"Be careful! It's Yushan's Thousand Flowers Falling Dream!" She reminded in a concentrated voice, and looked at the only Taiyi Jinxian Huangwei.

Illusion attacks the heart, although Shaohaoyao is not good at fighting, her Taoist heart is strong, her temperament is calm and clear-headed, since she practiced, her experience is very simple, and illusion will not have a great influence on her.

On the contrary, in the bloody battlefield, the hot-tempered Huang Wei was more likely to be influenced.

The rain of flowers fluttered and swayed, everyone was more or less affected, and the attack on Gui Tu slowed down.

Shaohaoyue frowned, turned the red dust around, soil grains of flowers and trees grew under her hands, and her illusion was generated. This time, it was not for the enemy, but only to help her side reduce the influence of the post-gloom illusion.

Seeing patches of trees and green grass growing, Shaohao Yao and the Phoenix Guards became less and less stagnant in their actions, a light pink and white petal ignored the sky fire, and lightly landed on the back of her hand.

The soft and light touch came to her heart from the back of her hand, so familiar, her thoughts drifted away involuntarily, and the scene in front of her was distorted and blurred...

On the low and gentle hillside, the green grass is like a blanket, dotted with dots of mountain flowers. Down the slope, the stream is gurgling, and the bottom can be seen clearly.

A little girl sat on the hillside with her knees hugged, looking at the stream in a daze.

She is about seven or eight years old, but she is surrounded by a touch of melancholy. The breeze blows, and a few strands of hair and light pink and white clothes float up, making her look even softer and more delicate.

Shaohaoyue's heart tightened, and he walked over with heavy steps, and called out sourly, "Huahua."

The girl turned her head slightly, her eyes were dim and unfocused on her small face as white as jade, and she said calmly, "Here we come."


"Sorry for what? Did you almost get eaten by the dragon? Or did you make me blind?"

"I..." Shaohaoyue blamed herself even more, tears rolled down her eyes, and she was interrupted just as she said a word.

"Do you want to say that you have tried your best, but your cultivation base is too low and there is nothing you can do?" The girl's tears rolled down, her voice choked up, "Do you want to say that you are also in pain when I lose my eyes, and you blame yourself to the point of hatred The one who cannot be hurt is yourself.

But you caused all of this. If you hadn't been playful and insisted on going out, would we have met that dragon?If you weren't timid and broke away from the snakes earlier, my eyes would be blind because of the poison too deeply?

You are a phoenix, you are a beast, how can those lowly snakes trap you and hurt you, what is there to be afraid of? "

Her tears kept falling like broken beads, shouting, "Why is it always me who gets hurt?"

Shaohaoyue took a few steps back, only to feel that these words kept lingering in her ears, and she was overwhelmed by a huge sense of guilt.

With tears in her eyes, the young girl in cardamom age raised a sneering arc on her lips, "What kind of friends, what kind of sisters, hypocrisy! You are phoenixes, with noble blood, one look and one spittle can destroy a low-level flower elf like us, How can you really see us as friends?"

She laughed, laughing self-deprecatingly and sarcasticly, "It's ridiculous, I actually believed it. How can a lowly flower fairy like me deserve to be a sister with the proud girl of the Feng clan?
Born because of you, and died because of you, my whole life is a joke! "

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