all the way to fairy

Chapter 895 Discrimination

The girl's voice trembled slightly, and she couldn't say a word, "If you are lonely, he will make me to play with you; if you are timid, he will use me to force you to fight; if he thinks you value me too much, he will let me die... …

You are the proud daughter of heaven, the world revolves around you, what am I?It's just a toy! "

Shaohaoyue's face was pale, her lips moved, but she didn't know how to argue, the girl was right, all her tragedies were because of her.

Between the two of them, it was never that Huahua needed her protection, but that she needed Huahua's company, and needed her existence to prove that the weak and innocent self in the beginning was also worthy of living.

Looking at the girl who was screaming hoarsely, guilt and fear surged up, suffocating her.

She closed her eyes in despair, Master's disappointed eyes kept flashing in her mind, and Huahua's resentful cries lingered in her ears.

Is the original self really not liked by everyone?Weak, is it really that unreasonable?
She slowly opened her eyes and looked at the green grass at her feet. The grass leaves swayed gently in the breeze, revealing the grass buds emerging from below. The buds are yellow in color, so tender, and the skin will break open with a slight touch, and the juice will flow out Come.

No, being weak is not a matter of nature.

All living beings have a weak time, even if they are as powerful as a beast, they should have a weak baby period.

She is right!

As if she had pushed away the fog in front of the bright moon with her hands, Shaohaoyue's eyes became firm, grasping this point of clarity, she slowly struggled out of the abyss of guilt.

Just at this time, a cold light hit, and the skin on the chest faintly felt the stabbing pain of killing intent.

Shaohaoyue raised his head suddenly, and reached out to hold the girl's waving hand.

She looked into the girl's eyes and said calmly: "Yes, I am very afraid that she will resent me, and that she will regret coming to this world.

In fact, I very much hope that she can vent all her emotions like you do, instead of keeping everything in her heart and digesting it by herself. "

While speaking, the immortal power in her palm surged, the girl dissipated like quicksand, the scene collapsed, and the gloom of the Xiluo Forest appeared again.

At the moment when Shaohaoyue got the trick, Hou Yu was delighted, as she was also a practitioner of illusion, ordinary illusion was useless to her at all.

Originally, he didn't expect to be able to control her with illusion, and he used Thousand Flowers Falling Dream to restrain the shadow guard, but unexpectedly, there was a pleasant surprise.

The shadow guard was only affected, but she was trapped in a dream.

However, the joy was short-lived, so short that before Hou Yu broke through the shadow guard's line of defense and attacked Shaohaoyue, Shaohaoyue broke free from the dream.

Facing Houyu's astonished gaze, Shaohaoyue pulled the corner of his lips, "You brothers and sisters are really virtuous, and you like to make a fuss about other people's weaknesses."

The curvature of her lips gradually became ironic, and her left eye was stained with blood, like a clear ruby, clearly reflecting Hou Yu's figure.

Hou Yu suddenly felt a pair of invisible big hands holding his magic core, and the biting cold seeped into his limbs and bones.


He rang the alarm bell loudly, and there was a bang around him, and light pink waves surged, just like cherry rain falling all over the sky.

However, without giving him any time to react, the moment the invisible big hand clenched it tightly, the huge force almost crushed his magic core.

Something shattered instantly, it was his substitute puppet.

The grip at the magic core finally disappeared, Hou Yu took a deep breath, and jumped up, his figure flashed like electricity, moving at high frequency and fast, without giving Shaohaoyue a chance to lock on.

"The pupil of killing! How could you know the pupil of killing!"

"The Eye of Slaughter?" Even under siege, Gui Tu couldn't help turning his head and asking in surprise when he heard these four words.

Most of the other demon soldiers looked blank, "What is the pupil of killing?"

"It's the secret technique of the Blood Demon Clan." A senior demon soldier explained to everyone in a deep voice, "It's the secret pupil technique of the Blood Demon Clan directly under the Demon Emperor. After the Blood Demon Clan died out, this secret technique was also lost. ..."

Shaohaoyue didn't care about everyone's comments, the red light of the blood pupils flowed and became deeper, and when he captured Houyu's magic core again, he activated the pupil technique again.

The magic core is the heart and source of power of the demons. When the magic core was injured, even Hou Yu couldn't hold back, let out a terrifying scream, and fell straight down.

The five Phoenix Guards who were besieging Gui Tu immediately split into two and attacked him.

"Little Lord!"

"Little Lord!"


Now the demon soldiers of Desperate Nightmare are in a hurry. Their young master is a master of illusion and is not good at melee combat.

Moreover, without the restraint of their young master's illusion, the five shadow guards could display their full strength.

Fortunately, the battle ahead allowed the Desperate Nightmare soldier to keep up with the speed of his young master, and several personal guards were beside him.

Seeing this situation, some people went to pick up Hou Yu who was unconscious, and some people stepped forward to block the shadow guards. When they met each other, there was not a single demon standing within ten feet in front of them, even a guard of Hou Yu who was cultivated in the ancient demon realm.

All the demon soldiers were terrified when they saw it, they were the personal guards of the young master of Yushan Mountain, and under the cooperation of several shadow guards, they were as easy as cutting vegetables and melons.

What is the origin of the shadow guard of the Feng clan?
Shocked and panicked, the desperate nightmare soldiers dare not and will not back down at this time.

Seeing Shaohaoyue rushing towards Houyu with the Huanshi Ling, Gui Tu felt bad, so he tightened the handle of the giant scythe, and shouted: "Death-God-Zhi-Shang!"

As he yelled, the devilish energy in his body was like a tide, and the huge scythe poured into the scythe. The already huge scythe suddenly swelled up, and a black shadow hundreds of feet tall quietly appeared behind him, and slowly bent down , into Guitu's body.

Shaohaoyue's pupils shrank, and immediately gave up besieging Houyu, and said anxiously: "Quick back!"

Death of the God of Death is Qimen's taboo killing move. It is performed with the soul of the practitioner. Once it is performed, the God of Death will possess the body, and where the sickle is directed, there will be mountains of corpses and seas of blood. It is difficult to live;

This kind of taboo technique is very expensive, and the performer will not only lose the source of the soul, but also fall into a period of weakness, so the practitioner will not easily perform it.

The Huangwei were very straightforward, swung a few knives, turned around and fled.
Suzaku Shenzhou, a medicine garden for folding vegetables.

Shaohao Luo stared, "Don't be so stingy, I just need a few hairs from you."

Three white dolls with Jiujiu hair tied up shook their heads like rattles, and one of them covered his Jiujiu head, as if afraid of being forcibly pulled out by him.

Shaohao Luo was so angry, "You guys will give it to me when Brother Seven comes, and I won't give it if I want it, and I won't treat you so differently!"

The three little guys still looked vigilant, keeping a distance from him in the Sanfang Medicine Garden.

Shaohao Luo gritted his teeth, "I must catch you today!"

"Xiao Shiwu, what are you doing here?"

He had just finished speaking harshly, when a lazy voice sounded from behind, and the ending of the raised voice was vaguely pointed.

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