all the way to fairy

Chapter 896 The rain is coming

Shaohao Luo's face collapsed, and he turned around, pretending to be calm, "No, I'm not doing anything, I just wandered around, grandma and grandma, are you also visiting the medicine garden?"

He looked left and right, "Well, the scenery is not bad."

The purple-shirted woman was silent, and looked at him with a half-smile, with some insight.

Shaohao Luo quickly couldn't stand it anymore, and admitted honestly: "Okay, I want to pull out a few roots of Jade Snow Ginseng to exchange for some money."

God Venerable Miaoyun laughed, thinking, should I remind the clan later, find an excuse to send some money to the child, and look at the child being forced.

She walked towards the courtyard of Chuanxinchi, and asked casually, "Why do you have time to go back to Shenzhou these days?"

Shaohao Luo looked reluctantly at the three spirit ginseng fairies who were far away, and followed her with a bitter face, "I don't want to stay in Shenzhou forever."

God Venerable Miao Yun paused, tilted his head and asked, "Did Xiao Shiqi take Xiao Sixteen out? What is she messing around with?"

Shaohao Luo shrugged, "How can I know about their Huangwei. But I guess they will definitely make a big deal, so I want to make some money first and get ready."

God Venerable Miao Yun frowned, remembering the successive events in recent years, and murmured in a low voice, "The mountain rain is about to come and the wind will fill the building."

Sighing, she cast a sideways glance at Shaohao Luo, "It's okay to make money, but don't use Yuxue ginseng."

Shaohao Luo's face has wrinkled into a bitter gourd, "Yes."
After sacrificing the two planes, with the huge power of faith added to him, Wei Lin's restraint was loosened. After inspecting the planes, he left in a hurry. Jun Yuqiu was already waiting there at the agreed position.

He floated onto the fairy boat and asked, "How is it? Has the poison been cured?"

"Your spiritual doctor's medical skills are really good. The poison has been cured, but the congenital defect cannot be repaired."

Wei Lin had expected this kind of situation. Ji Ruochen practiced medical skills, not divine skills. He comforted him: "Talent never determines a person. A good talent just provides a better starting point. People who get to the end are not necessarily talented."

Jun Yuqiu nodded slightly, as a token of his kindness.

After returning to Pinglu City as Jun Yushan, Wei Lin prepared to leave in disguise. A family like the Jun family has complicated personnel. Even if the Jun brothers have no malicious intentions, it is difficult to guarantee that his identity will not be discovered and leaked to the Xianmeng.

After Jun Yushan had finished asking Jun Yuqiu, he asked, "Brother Jun, how is my Junior Sister Mu?"

His eldest brother's poison was cured, and the big stone that had been pressing on Jun Yushan's heart for many years was removed. He was relaxed and happy, and he smiled and said: "Something happened to Mu Xiaomei, but it's all right." is a good thing.

After you left, Miss Mu went to Liyuan City to participate in the alchemy fight among alchemists. Although all forces still paid attention to her, they didn't make a move, and everything remained the same.

Not long ago, Zhou Shaoan left while others were watching Dou Dan, and then disappeared. The Zhou family used secret techniques to track him down, but found nothing.

Not long after, Fang Rongrong was assassinated by Gou Kiss in public when she was going to the teahouse, and died of poison."

"Hook Kiss?" Wei Lin raised his eyebrows. Among the killers in Qiuxi Building, there are those like him who cover up in every possible way and strive to remain unknown, and there are also high-profile ones.

Gook Kiss is the most flamboyant and weirdest one, he is a rare poisonous cultivator who is also proficient in disguise, although he is only at the early stage of the Heavenly Immortal Realm, he is famous among the killers in Qiuxi Building.

Generally speaking, poisoning is a secretive act, and many people do not know who the poisoner is until they die of poisoning.

But Gook Kiss is a strange thing. He likes to poison in a high-profile way, and then walk away. His enemies have laid a net to ambush him many times, but he has poisoned him and killed all the ambushers, which has made him a bad name.

Jun Yushan nodded, showing a gloating expression, "He pretended to be a fairy servant in a teahouse, and when he passed by Fang Rongrong, he suddenly stabbed Fang Rongrong with a knife.

Yaoshou, at that time Fang Rongrong was with Ling Yiming and others, and everyone was unable to move, watching helplessly as he stabbed Fang Rongrong with a knife.

Now, everyone suspects that you hired the killer and that Zhou Shaoan's disappearance was also caused by you. "

Wei Lin Fu's forehead, it's the back of the pot.

But he doesn't care, both the Fang family and the Zhou family are bound to win for him, sooner or later they will match up.

"Thank you, Brother Jun, for letting me know. I have to trouble you to keep watching."

Jun Yushan waved his hand, "Which one of us is with whom? It should be. Besides, Miss Mu saved my elder brother's life. The kindness of saving my life should be repaid by the spring. I'm afraid there is no place for us to repay the favor."

Wei Lin smiled slightly, and cupped his fists at Chao Jun Yu Shan, "Farewell."

Next, he plans to find a place to practice in seclusion and break through to the middle stage of the Heavenly Wonderland.

"I have a special status, so I won't send you off. Be careful yourself." As the son of the Jun family, his actions have attracted special attention. If he personally sent him off, people would definitely doubt Wei Lin's identity.

Wei Lin expressed his understanding, turned around and left. As soon as he reached the door, Jun Yushan said excitedly, "Brother, you came back in time. Cangxuan is here at Yuedian, let's go!"

Wei Lin turned his head suddenly, "What did you say?"

Jun Yushan was startled by his raised voice, "Yue Dian, at first we thought it was just a rumor, but a few days ago, someone who was not good at provoking her, she revealed her identity and punished that girl with thunderous means. A short-sighted dude.

Now, she is in Danling City near the border, Song Zicheng and other younger generations from various forces in the Cangxuan Immortal Territory have already rushed over.I also really want to go, but on the bright side, I should be in the lower realm. "

He rubbed his hands excitedly, "It's all right now, Pinglu is a little far away from Danling City, there's still time to go!"

Wei Lin was stunned, and then thought of Zhou Shaoan's disappearance and Fang Rongrong's death, and became happy, she really came to Cangxuan!

He cleared his throat, "Ahem, brother Jun, I also admire Yuedian, can I go with you?"

Jun Yushan suspected that there was something wrong with his ears, "You don't want to die! Now the geniuses and young masters of Cangxuan's family are all rushing to Danling City, and you are sending them to catch them."

Wei Lin smiled lightly, "The most dangerous place is the safest place, who would have thought that I would take the initiative to run under their noses?"

His tone was gentle, his expression was calm, and he seemed to have everything under control.

Jun Yushan still disagreed: "That's the reason, but it's too risky. If there's a slight mistake, you can't escape."

"You two don't rush to argue, is this reliable?" Jun Yuqiu expressed doubts, "Yuedian is very good, what are you doing in our Cangxuan Immortal Realm? You came here secretly, why did you suddenly reveal your identity? "

Jun Yushan lamented his eldest brother's thoughtfulness, "She brought an alchemist to observe our Cangxuan alchemist Dou Dan."

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