all the way to fairy

Chapter 897 Banquet

"Why is the alchemist so arrogant?" Jun Yuqiu became more and more suspicious, how could the majestic guard be so idle!
Jun Yushan spread his hands: "Who else can make Yuedian so abnormal, that little flower fairy. Although there is also a small group of alchemists in Cangyu Immortal Territory, but in terms of alchemy skills, it is still our human race's alchemist Baihua Zheng." Yan!"

Wei Lin is a little confused, what little flower fairy, hasn't she met Mu Yan yet?

Jun Yushan thought that he didn't know who Xiao Huaxian was, so he enthusiastically gave him science popularization, and was filled with emotion: "Everything is good in Yuedian, but if it involves that little Huaxian, it will be foolish.

Slapping Song Zicheng in public, beating Longzi violently, almost skinning the Dragon Emperor's youngest son with cramps, oh yes, and those dudes who insulted Xiaohuaxian behind their backs, if she finds out, they will definitely beat them back openly!
For us low-ranking families and lower-level immortals, she is a hero admired, but among the young generation of top forces, her reputation is like a rotten egg, because she especially likes to slap people, and she is still in public. "

Jun Yuqiu nodded slightly, "That's it."

Under Wei Lin's insistence, Jun Yushan could only compromise, and after a few days of hurrying, the three finally arrived at Danling City.

Before entering, when he was at the gate of the city, Jun Yushan hurriedly asked the guard: "My dear friend, is Yue Palace still here?"

Although the Jun family is only a low-rank family, it still has some reputation in the area around Pinglu City. The female soldiers guarding the city recognized their identities, "The two young masters came at the right time. In three days, the eldest son Song will be in the city lord's mansion." Invite the Palace of Yue to a banquet to show the friendship of the landlord, and then we Cangxuan's younger generation of aristocratic family children, who can make it in time, will accompany you."

Jun Yushan was overjoyed. Before that, he was thinking about what excuses he should find to ask Yuedian to see him, but now it's all right, as long as he puts on the name of Jun's family and gets the invitation to the banquet.

Wei Lin was also overjoyed, and interjected to ask, "Is there a limit to the number of people attending the banquet?"

I've seen a lot of female soldiers like him these days, so I didn't realize that there was something wrong with him suddenly interjecting, so I shook my head with a smile: "It's just a meeting between ordinary immortal friends, it doesn't involve any military secrets, what's the matter?" Restricted, anyone can go if they want."

As she said that, the female soldier sighed softly, "Unfortunately, I will be on duty in three days, so I won't be able to go."

Jun Yushan was cheerful, "Yuedian has been in Danling City these days, I don't believe you haven't seen it."

"That's true." The female soldier suddenly beamed with joy, "I thought she could intimidate one side at a young age, she must be a natural majesty, but I didn't expect her to be very kind."

Jun Yushan's eyes were shining, wishing he could drag the female soldier to ask for details.

However, Jun Yuqiu frowned slightly. Regardless of the lively talk of the female soldiers, there were only a few children from aristocratic families who came to the banquet like his stupid younger brother. He really wanted to see the hero he admired.

More people like him had to come to maintain their friendship, even though they had no friendship with the Feng Clan.

But when Yue Dian came, everyone else rushed to meet him. If he, the eldest son of the Jun family, didn't come, he might be used by his opponents to make a big fuss later.

Even Song Zicheng, who had an old grievance with Yue Dian, had to hold his breath and stand up on behalf of the Song family to show the friendship of the landlord.

"Yuedian has never liked to be lively, and avoids such banquets as much as possible. Except for important banquets that have to be attended, they almost never participate. How could it be this time..."

Before he could finish speaking, Jun Yushan interrupted, "Of course it's Xiaohuaxian."

Jun Yuqiu was relieved, and the suspicion in his heart was extinguished as soon as it surfaced.

Wei Lin raised his eyebrows slightly, and thought: What do you mean by not liking the excitement? Even when passing by someone arguing, she wished she could go over with a plate of melon seeds and figure out the ins and outs.

The monk is indifferent, and most of the things are not related to himself, but she is an outlier, and her curiosity is so exuberant.

For these three days, Wei Lin lived like a year.

The banquet was held in Yu Fang Garden, the largest in the City Lord's Mansion. At night, the courtyard was brightly lit, attendants shuttled around, the wine was like a spring, and the food was like a mountain.

There were many young talents from the aristocratic sect, their clothes were exquisite and exquisite, and their speech and behavior were polite. In this atmosphere, those veteran generals and soldiers who came here especially for their names couldn't help but pay attention to their words and deeds.

The arrival of the Jun brothers did not attract any attention, Wei Lin took a glass of fine wine, leaned against a corner, and waited patiently.

Among the people who came this time, there were many good friends of the Jun family. The Jun brothers shuttled among them, chatting with acquaintances, or greeting strangers under the recommendation of others, or taking a fancy to someone A good Sanxian, step forward to recruit...

Suddenly, the guests in the garden stopped at the same time, and turned their heads to look at the door. Song Ziyue, who was dressed in white, walked in slowly, accompanied by Shao Haoyue, who was also dressed in white. Shaohao Yue is eight points similar to a girl.

Wei Lin's pupils shrank, this is not Ah Li!
Is it Shaohao Yao?


If Shaohaoyao is pretending to be Ali, it means that Ali is going to do something secretly. In this case, Shaohaoyao pretending to be Ali should stay in Yuecheng and act step by step, instead of coming to the human race with great fanfare.

When this happens, there is only one possibility: the person pretending to be her is an enemy!

Dare to blatantly pretend to be the princess of the Phoenix Clan and come to the Cangxuan Immortal Territory to make trouble, this enemy can only be the Demon Clan!

Wei Lin's heart tightened. If the Mozu wanted to pretend to be Ah Li, they had to ensure that Ah Li would not jump out during this period of time. What's more, the Fengzu didn't know that the current one was fake.

This shows that they have controlled Ah Li, at least her whereabouts!
Wei Lin was very anxious, but he had to control his expression, not daring to reveal anything.

Waiting for everyone to see the ceremony, when the children of a family with sufficient status came forward to greet 'Shaohaoyue', Wei Lin came to Jun Yuqiu, and under the pretext that he had a talent worth recruiting, he led people's attention to Jun Yuqiu, and then covered his ears with lightning speed. Zhizhi stuffed him with a pill.

Jun Yuqiu was stunned, spit out the word "you" and fell limply.

Wei Lin caught him, and hastily called an attendant to stop him, "Friend Immortal, please call my third son, the eldest son's illness relapsed and passed out."

In a few breaths, Jun Yushan rushed over, and when he saw Jun Yuqiu, who didn't know about personnel, he was shocked, "Brother!"

He quickly checked Jun Yuqiu's situation, but found nothing, and quickly looked at Wei Lin, "What's going on? Why did my elder brother faint?"

Wei Lin shook his head, "I don't know, just now when we got here, Eldest Young Master suddenly fainted. I'm afraid he's sick again, Third Young Master, let's go back quickly."

"Sickness again..." Jun Yushan's eyes widened, the poison of Qiandai's Juemai has been cured, what does it mean to have a sickness again.

After uttering two words, he was keenly aware of Wei Lin's subtext, and swallowed the subsequent rhetorical question.

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