all the way to fairy

Chapter 898 City Destroyed

Jun Yushan looked into Wei Lin's eyes. In those eyes, there was a bit of anxiety about the illness, a bit of guilt for not being able to protect him, and a faint suspicion. It was completely a loyal and capable subordinate who faced the sudden accident. Master, the look you should have.

But Wei Lin is not a subordinate of their Jun family.

He is acting.

go back soon...

He wants to get out of here!

Is there danger here?His identity was discovered?

Various thoughts flashed across Jun Yushan's mind, and he woke up like a dream, "Yes, yes, go back quickly! Find the elder!"

While muttering, he turned and said to the attendant who led him here: "My dear friend, please make an apology to Young Master Song and Yue Dian on our behalf. My brother is critically ill, so we have to leave first."

Jun Yuqiu was well-known in Cangxuan for his weakness, and the attendant was very understanding, and asked with concern if he wanted to change to a faster fairy boat, and he could ask someone to hire it for him.

Wei Lin threw Jun Yuqiu on his back, and interjected, "Then I'll trouble you, Fairy."

Before the words fell, the person shot out like an arrow from the string.

Jun Yushan was startled by his urgency, thanked the somewhat stupefied attendants, raised his voice to greet the other guards, and flew out as well.

Not far away, an attendant looked at an unremarkable young gentleman, and vaguely made a gesture of pursuit. The young gentleman shook his head imperceptibly, picked up the fine wine in front of him, and drank it down in one gulp.

After leaving Yu Fang Garden, Wei Lin and his party drove the fairy boat and hurriedly left Danling City.

Flying thousands of miles away, Jun Yushan waved back the other subordinates, "Tell me, what's going on?"

Wei Lin took out a pill and gave it to Jun Yuqiu. After a while, Jun Yuqiu woke up slowly.

Jun Yushan's eyes widened, "My elder brother is you..."

His expression suddenly became dignified, and he said seriously: "What's going on?"

Jun Yuqiu rubbed his dizzy head, and said, "Your Wei Xianyou, I need an explanation."

Wei Lin looked back in the direction of Danling City, and said in a deep voice, "That Shaohaoyue is fake."

"What?" Jun Yushan brothers were a little confused, and it took a long time to react. Jun Yushan widened his eyes and said, "Yuedian is fake?! Impossible? Who would be so bold? How do you know?"

Wei Lin directly ignored his last question, and said: "The other party dares to openly pretend to be the princess of the Feng clan and the commander of the first army, and they must have a big picture. This banquet that brings together most of the young talents in the Cangxuan Immortal Territory will definitely make a big splash. article."

He didn't say it clearly, but Brother Jun Yushan already understood that the other party's purpose was probably to kill everyone at the banquet.

Those people are young talents from various families, and many of them are in charge of military affairs in a war zone. If they die, most of the defense lines of Cangxuan Immortal Territory will collapse.

In the future, the forces of all parties will face a situation where there will be no success in the future. This is a killing situation that will affect the abyss.

The three of them were a little silent. With their strength, identity and situation, all they could do was protect themselves, and they were powerless to stop the disaster.

The banquet started, the plan of the demon clan was completed, and they were only waiting for the final detonation. Even if they risked telling Song Ziyi about this, they would only advance the time of detonation.

Wei Lin pursed his lips, and said to Jun Yuqiu: "Let's report to the Immortal League. If the layout of the demon clan is not completed, it may be too late."

Jun Yuqiu nodded silently, although this possibility is very slim, but something has to be done, just in case it is too late.

He took out the immortal certificate, and just after activating it, he heard a roar that resounded throughout the universe, and the immortal boat was overturned in an instant, turned over and fell straight to the ground.

All this happened so suddenly, without any warning, the three of them were thrown and bumped into the house.

For a moment, Wei Lin only felt the roaring in his ears, and the golden stars in front of his eyes were flying wildly. He quickly performed the exercises, stabilized his figure, and urged Jun Yushan, "Quick, control the fairy boat!"

Before he could finish speaking, he quickly opened the house and restrained him from going out. The defensive magic circle of the fairy boat was triggered, and the guards outside were not in danger. Just like them, they were made unstable by the overturned fairy boat.

Jun Yushan hurriedly took out the fairy boat token and rushed to the cockpit.

Soon, the fairy boat was stabilized, and everyone looked towards the direction of Danling City. Blazing white light intertwined with compelling dark purple and thick black, and the fairy energy and demonic energy clashed fiercely, flooding the entire Danling City.

In the eye-scorching light, Song Zicheng waved his silver-white long sword and jumped up from the light. The mighty sword intent poured down, so fierce that it seemed to be able to tear apart the universe.

However, in the blazing white sword, two figures chased out, attacking Song Zi like light or shadow.

"That's..." The guards lost their voices in shock, and for a moment they dared not reveal their identities.

"Gou Lei, Xun Xia." Jun Yu Shan spat out a few words lightly, feeling horrified in his heart. The young masters of the first and third major powers of the Demon Race came to the Immortal Realm hand in hand, and they had nothing to do before. Sleep.

Wei Lin hurriedly urged: "Go!"

Just the aftermath of the battle can overturn their fairy boat that flew thousands of miles away from Danling City. The intensity of the three people's battle can be imagined, and they can't get involved at all.

And the demons dared to openly ambush the number one heir of the Song family, so there must be someone behind them.

Everyone also reacted, and drove the fairy boat away from Danling City like lightning.

Before Danling City was out of their range of consciousness, they saw Song Zi holding up the silver-white long sword, an astonishing sword intent gushed out from the tip of the sword, and slashed down, the world trembled.

Gou Lei and Xun Xia's offensive stopped for a short time.

With one attack, Song Zicheng didn't care about fighting at all, turned around and fled, and disappeared into the sky in less than a second.

Gou Lei and Xun Xia actually followed, that was the hinterland of the Immortal Territory, and if they went any further, they would run into a large faction with masters from the Dao Ancestral Realm in charge.

Wei Lin and the others were even more frightened. The demons are so bold, which shows that they are well prepared.

At this time, several small black dots shot out from the city, they were the surviving young talents from various major forces, followed by magic soldiers and generals chasing them out.

Several of them fled towards Wei Lin and his group, and the demon soldiers who were chasing them soon discovered the existence of the fairy boat, and separated several people to come towards them.

The demons who came here this time were all elites, and their minimum cultivation was at the Heavenly Demon Realm. Perhaps considering the distance factor, the demons who came to chase Wei Lin and the others were all from the Youmo Realm, one in the late stage and two in the early stage.

As for Wei Lin and his group, the highest cultivation level is Jun Yuqiu from the late stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal, followed by a guard from the early stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal. Jun Yushan.

This meant that Wei Lin and the others had to block an attack from the Youmo Realm, while Jun Yuqiu and the early Taiyi Golden Immortal guard had to kill their opponents at the same level as soon as possible and come to the rescue.

However, not to mention that the battle at the same level is over in a short period of time, the guards simply cannot withstand the attack of a demon clan that is one level higher than them.

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