all the way to fairy

Chapter 901 Fierce Battle

Most of the soldiers in Qingyu City are ascended immortals from the lower realms, and the plane is their greatest control over the road.

Now, Wei Lin's success proves that as long as the operation is done properly, it is not impossible to obtain a plane!
Everyone has grown up through countless experiences. When they were in the lower realm, most of them were the heads of one of the forces. They knew the situation well, and quickly figured out all the key points, and understood that the upcoming battle of persistence was theirs. turnaround.

For a moment, the fighting spirit of the soldiers in Qingyu City was unprecedentedly passionate, and the oppressive feeling of being besieged by the demon army was temporarily forgotten, and many people even secretly looked forward to the upcoming war.

Since their practice, they have never been afraid of battles, only afraid that their path will be cut off, and there is no hope of promotion.

After the meeting, Qingyu City took full-scale action. Every corner was set up under the leadership of the formation master. All military supplies were requisitioned unconditionally. All the people in the city worked together as one.

After coming to Xingque, Wei Lin was either fighting or cultivating. He didn't know much about Xingque's formations, but he had to say that Ning Wujue was an extremely rare genius in formations. His empirical theory of formations, It is also timeless in Xingque.

After inspecting the formations arranged by the formation masters, Wei Lin put forward several suggestions for improvement, which greatly admired the formation masters and praised him for his outstanding formation skills.

Although Qingyu City was united as one, when the demon army arrived, the final protective formation was still not completed.

Master Wei Linming continued to set up the formation, and the rest of the fighters entered their positions.

Looking at the raging black tide, the passionate fighting spirit in everyone's hearts was suppressed, and they couldn't help but wonder: Can they really resist it?
Qingyu is just a small city of [-] people that has just been established. It is located on the border, and there are constant wars; select it.

Therefore, so far, the highest level of cultivation that has been recruited is Tao Sui and Xu Jiwen, the Zhou family rescued by Wei Lin, who vented their anger on the Tana family.

Both of them are at the late stage of the Celestial Immortal Realm, followed by Wei Lin, Zhang Duo and a dozen others at the early stages of the Celestial Immortal Realm, and the rest are all cultivators at the Earth Immortal Realm.

In terms of combat power alone, Wei Lin is the strongest combat power in the city.

Looking at the buoyant Wei Lin, thinking of his legendary experience, the uneasiness of the soldiers was quickly suppressed. At the beginning, Wei Lin was only in the middle stage of the fairyland, and he was able to kill Yuan Fei head-on in the Youmo Realm. This time, he will definitely be able to stop the demon army the strong.

When the two armies confront each other, as long as the strong one can block the opponent, the battle line will not collapse, not to mention their first small goal is to defeat the demon vanguard and buy time for the formation masters.

The surging black tide stopped outside Qingyu City, and a ferocious figure several feet high slowly flew out from the forest of demon troops.

It was a gigantic spider-like giant beast, with twelve powerful claws waving and screaming loudly, which made people's scalps tense.

The scarlet eyes hung high like a pair of huge red lanterns, and the cold gaze swept across Lantau City like a sharp arrow, if it had any substance.

This is an ancient clan in the demon clan that advocates the primitive form. They refuse to show people in a weak humanoid form, advocating primitiveness and tyranny. They are the most brutal tribe in the demon clan.

In their view, no matter whether immortals or demons, anyone who is not as strong as a few bodies is food.

Adult fairy and demon clans don't need food to satisfy their hunger, but these clans that advocate primitive forms insist on eating. Their recipes are extremely extensive, and all races of immortals and demons, including their own clan, are on it.

The general of the magic army, La Suo, quickly found out the highest cultivation level of the immortals in Qingyu City, and he no longer had any scruples, and issued an order to attack.

A division of the demon army has tens of thousands of elite soldiers alone. La Suo himself is in the early stage of the Nether Demon Realm, and there are also many subordinates in the Sky Demon Realm.

Wei Lin exhaled slowly, held the dark red long sword in his hand, and met the general of the demon army. With a few basic sword moves, he showed unrivaled fierce sword intent.

There was a hint of excitement in Lasso's scarlet eyes, "It's interesting."

As soon as the words fell, the powerful claws suddenly exerted force, and smashed towards Wei Lin like a cannonball.

Wei Lin's figure was like lightning, and he rose straight into the sky. His speed was so fast that Lasso ran out of potential to attack, and he failed to close the distance between the two sides.

The more interest in his eyes, it's too easy to crush an ant to death, it's rare to have a cunning little bug to play with.

Seeing this scene, the Qingyu soldiers couldn't help being excited, looking forward to the unbelievable death of the demon general.

Yufu waved her hands and led the Qingyu soldiers out of the city to meet the enemy. The demon army far outnumbered the immortals. Although the Qingyu soldiers were brave and good at fighting, they gradually became overwhelmed.

Above, Wei Lin seemed to be swinging his sword casually, with sword intent all over his body, preventing La Suo from approaching.

He had learned about these clans who admired the original form, they love close combat, and they pay attention to overwhelming their opponents with their powerful strength.

Wei Lin is a sword cultivator. Although he has forged his body for a period of time, he can't compare with these lunatics who are born with strong physique, but also advocate strength and violence. Naturally, he will not face him head-on.

Attacks were evaded again and again, and Lasso felt powerless as if hitting the cotton. He had all the strength in his body, but he couldn't hit the opponent. It felt so aggrieved and bored.

La Suo gritted his teeth, and said viciously: "I originally planned to give you a good time, but now it seems unnecessary. To take the meat alive and endure the torture of thousands of knives is the treatment you deserve!"

Wei Lin's expression remained unchanged, as if he had never heard of it, he was still dodging meticulously. Slowly, the two of them were getting farther and farther away from the battlefield below.

Furious, Lasuo waved his claws and attacked Wei Lin fiercely again.

This time, Wei Lin no longer dodged blindly, and a blue long sword quietly appeared in his hand.

The sword looked familiar, and La Suo was stunned for a moment, then suddenly realized, "You, you are the fairy who killed Miss Yuanfei!"

La Suo felt a chill rushing into his limbs and bones. The Youmo Realm genius who could kill Tana's head-on would naturally be able to kill him too.

Immediately, he discovered an even more terrifying thing, the kid in front of him was a fairyland!In just a few short years, he has broken through from the middle stage of the Earth Fairyland to the Heavenly Fairyland!
He turned around and wanted to escape, but a thin circle of gray mist appeared around him at some point, forming a barrier to surround him.

La Suo was even more panicked. Yuan Fei's death caused a sensation among the demons. The battle between her and Wei Lin was repeatedly studied. The original horror of this circle of space was firmly in their hearts.

Before he could think of a way to deal with it, he heard Qingyue's voice, "Ji-feng-zhu-sun!"

The four words, the tone is not passionate, word by word spread throughout the entire battlefield, and the demon soldiers below were also stunned.

Even though they were in a fierce battle, they still couldn't help looking up. A mass of fiery bright blue filled their field of vision, and a circle of faint gray was faintly visible at the edge.

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