all the way to fairy

Chapter 902 Thana's

Seeing this round of blazing blue sun and feeling the gust of wind sweeping across the world, all the demon soldiers were shaken. Can their general stop it?

The Qingyu soldiers, who knew Wei Lin's identity, had been waiting for such an opportunity for a long time, and immediately attacked when the opponent's mind was trembling.


There were screams one after another, and many distracted demon soldiers were severely injured.


The bright cyan blazing sun exploded, and the sky and the earth were bright. Except for the cyan, no one or anything could be seen. After the violent attack, a large amount of cyan streamer fell down, like green rain falling, like an arrow, sharp and fast; also like a feather, Light and slow.

In the stream of light in the sky, a young man in blue and white clothes stood with a sword in his hand, quietly looking down, his lowered eyes were indifferent and indifferent.

The demon soldiers felt cold at the sight of him, and a high-ranking general came back to his senses first, shouting: "Withdraw!"

Lasso with a cultivation level of Youmo Realm can't stop Wei Lin, and they are not his opponents in the Heavenly Demon Realm and Earth Demon Realm. Judging from Wei Lin's past record, he is almost invincible in the same big realm.

The Qingyu soldiers burst into cheers like thunder, shouting and rushing towards the retreating magic soldiers. They were fierce and agile like wolves chasing a flock of sheep.

This battle is only the first battle in a long war. Every time a demon is killed now, it may reduce the pressure for the future.

Wei Lin slowed down a little, and passed by the demon army like lightning, blocking their escape route. Mo Li swung his sword, green leaves of sword intent were generated one after another, turning into a blue dragon and sweeping away.

Many of the demon soldiers who fled to the front fell from the sky like dumplings.

This time, Wei Lin killed most of the demon soldiers together with the Qingyu soldiers regardless of the cost, and only a few escaped.

This kind of large-scale battle was not arranged in advance, and it is almost impossible to wipe out the enemy army. Wei Lin was quite helpless, so he could only order the army to return to the city to rest. Xiuwei.

The fleeing demon soldiers will inevitably expose his affairs in Qingyu, and the army sent by the demon clan will only be stronger, and most of them will come from the ancient demon realm.

Unlike Qingyu City, which was given a chance to breathe, the Junjia defense area was now in full swing, and the defense line was gradually captured.

Under a broken wall, Jun Yushan was wrestling with a demon soldier in the late stage of the Earth Demon Realm. Up to now, the energy in the bodies of both parties has been exhausted, and they only rely on the strength and strength of their bodies to fight hand-to-hand.

The difference is that the demons have already changed their defense once, and their fatigue is much lighter than that of the immortal soldiers.

Jun Yushan closed his eyes, shouted loudly, exerted all his strength, and finally pushed away the blade that was pressing against his neck, and at the same time gathered the last bit of immortal power on the tip of his left finger, grabbed it out fiercely, and came directly Heart out with bare hands.

The magic soldier's eyes widened, and he fell down unwillingly.

Jun Yushan breathed a sigh of relief, and leaned against the wall behind him to pant. Suddenly, a black figure rushed towards him with such strength that it even pushed down the wall behind him.

At this time, Jun Yushan had exhausted both his immortal power and physical strength, and he was no longer able to resist.

At the very moment, an old man appeared behind the black shadow, and the cold blade pierced into the back of the black shadow.

"Old Fang." Jun Yushan called out weakly, letting himself lie on the ground, panting violently.

The old man said in a deep voice: "Third Young Master, we can't keep it anymore, let's retreat."

Although the brothers of the Jun family were not recruited at the banquet, they rushed back to the defense area in time. In addition, because Jun Yuqiu went to the realm to treat illnesses, someone in the defense area was originally on his behalf. Not only was the combat power not damaged, but it increased.

However, as the surrounding defense areas fell one after another, more demon troops came here, and their pressure increased sharply. Now there are three high-level generals who are only in the ancient demon realm!

"It's enough to defend until now, and retreat now, and we can retain as many troops as possible."

Jun Yushan understood what the old man meant. The fall of the defense zone would be a great shame and an unforgivable crime in normal times.

But now, there are so many war zones in charge of the sects of aristocratic families that have fallen one after another. As a low-ranking family, the Jun family can surpass them and persist until now. Not only will they not be punished, but they can make the world look up to them.

Jun Yushan stretched out his hand, motioned for the old man to pull him up, and said, "I'll go and tell my brother."

The sound of the bone flute came from the sky, and the demon army ushered in another defense change. Taking this opportunity, Jun Yushan found Jun Yuqiu and told the old man's suggestion.

Jun Yuqiu had this intention early on, and asked his personal guards to pass on the order to retreat, while he looked at the strong man in the ancient demon realm in the sky, and said, "That old guy from the Tana family hasn't shown up for a while?"

Jun Yushan shook his head, "I didn't notice."

Jun Yuqiu turned his head to look at the guard, who trotted away, collected information and returned after a while, and replied: "Since he was withdrawn three hours ago, Wu Bi has not appeared again."

Jun Yuqiu was thoughtful, "It seems that Wei Xianyou was exposed."

"You mean..." Jun Yushan was terrified, Tana's hated Wei Lin to the bone, and in order to find him, he even exposed a few hidden moves.

This time the witch must pass, it must be a chance of thunder.

Jun Yuqiu patted his younger brother on the shoulder, "Now we are too busy to take care of ourselves, the only thing we can do is to wish him good luck."

After a pause, he said another word of comfort, "Don't worry, he won't die so easily."

Thinking of Wei Lin's crocodile silk, Jun Yushan felt a little relieved, yes, it is a treasure that can withstand the attacks of two powerful men who are beyond a few bodies.

As long as Wei Lin can escape, Qingyu City, a small city, will be gone if it is gone.

Qingyu City raced against time to heal their injuries and restore their physical strength, but the demons didn't give them more time.

In just two hours, in the distant sky, black waves surged slowly but firmly, encircling Qingyu City from all directions.

An old man with gray hair and a skinny face flew out from the army. The old man was tall, but his figure was a bit hunched. I can't breathe.

The turbid eyes slowly turned, slowly swept across Qingyu City, and finally landed on Wei Lin, and said, "Wei Lin?"

"It's me." Wei Lin nodded.

A dark light flashed in Wu Bi's eyes, and he sighed softly: "No wonder we have been unable to find you. It turns out that we underestimated you. It seems that my ineffective granddaughter's death is not wronged. With such talent, she has been chasing four families and four families. The top genius of the clan."

Wei Lin smiled slightly, and said modestly: "Senior, I got some chances, it's just luck."

The corners of the mouths of the people in Qingyu couldn't help twitching. They had always only heard of the city lord by name and never met him. Today, when they met for the first time, they didn't expect him to be so... polite.

"Luck?" Wu Bi's long gray eyebrows trembled, and he sneered again and again, "What a luck!"

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