all the way to fairy

Chapter 903 Formation

Wu Bi's cloudy eyes suddenly brightened, staring at Wei Lin like a fierce beast waiting to be devoured in the dark, "I want to see if you have the luck to survive this time!"

After the last word fell, his figure suddenly appeared above the protective formation, with a bright emerald green light on his palm, and he photographed it with overwhelming momentum!

The large array of lights flickering rapidly, then shattered with a pop, and the palm continued to move downwards, slapping Wei Lin.

Wei Lin's figure swayed, then disappeared, it turned out to be just a phantom.

Wu Bi snorted coldly in disdain: "Hide your head and show your tail!"

His gaze was like a torch, he swept across the whole city, and attacked a certain place. Under the loud bang, Wei Lin appeared in a courtyard, and a small khaki guard array stood between him and Wu Bi.

There was hardly any pause, and Wu Bi slapped again.

Even the large formations protecting the city couldn't stop him, let alone the small formations in the courtyard. After holding on for a while, he was reduced to powder under Wu Bi's hands.

The fine starlight on Wei Lin's body flashed rapidly, and the ray of light was shining brightly, blocking Wu Bi's palm. At the same time, a silver rune lit up under his feet.

The next moment, Wei Lin's figure disappeared from the spot.

The attack failed again, Wu Bi's face was filled with anger, and he quickly searched for Wei Lin's location, flew over like light and lightning, and slashed down with his big palm.

Wei Lin was teleported away again.

Wu Bi squinted his eyes and found that formations were scattered all over the city, and many formations contained small space teleportation formations nested inside.

In addition to traffic, the space teleportation array is mostly used for escape, and has high requirements for the teleportation distance. The longer the teleportation distance, the greater the resource consumption and the longer the deployment time.

For short-distance teleportation, it is more convenient, safe, and affordable to use the fairy boat, so only large and medium-sized forces will arrange space teleportation arrays.

At this time, the teleportation within a very short distance has a miraculous effect, often allowing Wei Lin to escape in time.

Wu Bi admired the formation mage who designed this formation very much. With such flexible thinking, any formation may produce unexpected effects under the opponent's hands.

He secretly decided to save the life of the formation master for the use of the Tana family.

"What a cunning boy, you deserve a little patience from me." He didn't continue to chase, but stood still, silently checking and calculating the layout of the formation.

Only by finding out the rules, can we confirm the point of appearance of Wei Lin before he starts the teleportation, thus blocking his endless teleportation.

At this time, the demon army also entered the city, except for their coach Wu Bi and Wei Lin who kept fleeing, there was no Qingyu soldier in sight.

The army of demons rushing in was a little confused, and the leading officer made a search gesture, and all the demon soldiers scattered, and a small team of several people began to search the whole city.

A soldier vigilantly pushed open the door of a small courtyard. It was quiet inside. Above the path paved with irregular gravel, there was a flower shed. Under the sun, the green vines shone brightly, and the small eggplant red flowers swayed in the wind. , sending a vaguely elegant floral fragrance.

The magic soldier stepped in cautiously, holding the long sword, and scanned the courtyard. As long as someone came out, he would immediately attack with the sword.

Suddenly, something strangled his neck and lifted him up. It was a vine hanging from the flower shed.

The demon energy around the demon soldier gathered towards his neck, at the same time, his companions behind him also exclaimed, one of them stepped forward to help him out of trouble, and the other was on guard vigilantly.

Just at this time, a small tomato red flower suddenly turned into a sharp blade, stabbing at the vital point of the vigilance demon soldier like a ghost.

Feeling the tingling pain in his body, the demon soldier lowered his head in a daze, and fell limp in the bubbling bright red eyes.

The sound of the sharp blade entering the body set off the alarm for the demon soldiers who wanted to help, and when they turned around, they saw the cold and cold blade being pulled out of the companion's body.

He rushed to attack, but missed, the attack landed on the flower shed and the gravel path on the ground.

"come out!"

The demon soldier shouted sharply, suddenly felt the silence behind him, he suddenly turned his head, his companion had been hoisted high by the vines, his neck was hanging forward, and had been strangled.

And what made him feel chills was that the expression on this companion's face was actually joyful.

What just happened?
As he was thinking like this, he suddenly felt the scene in front of him shake. Suddenly, he saw his mother standing under the shade of the tree.

"Mother." He murmured softly, walking towards her unconsciously...

Such things happened everywhere in the city. Some people followed Qingyu soldiers to the lake and were suddenly sucked into the water; burn...

The defense formation of Qingyu City was smashed by one's own commander, and the demon soldiers couldn't help but feel contemptuous, thinking that Qingyu was just a small broken city, which could annihilate the vanguard, all because of Wei Lin who suddenly appeared and killed the strong demon army .

At this time, the psychedelic formation, the siege formation, the attack formation, the teleportation formation, and the nested combination of various small formations gave them a head-on blow.

The magic army responded quickly, gathered the troops, and ordered the magic formation master to break the formation.

Suddenly, thousands of sharp arrows flew out, and the commander of the magic army looked unchanged. He jumped up and sacrificed a small formation card, which was covered by a faint black barrier to protect the army.

Being at a high altitude, he suddenly found that under the soldiers' feet, there was a white mist emerging, soaking the soldiers' boots and leg armor.

"White fog under your feet!" He warned loudly.

In the next second, a soldier screamed, bleeding from his feet and legs, exposing bones.

As if a mechanism had been opened, more and more soldiers had their legs and feet corroded by the white mist.

White mist is corrosive!
The soldiers were shocked, they jumped out of the white mist, and tried their best to resist, but soon someone discovered that the corrosion of legs and feet had not stopped.

The white mist is poisonous! ?
The dense white mist was surrounded by the commander's light screen, becoming more and more dense, and the ground half a foot high was completely covered by white mist.

"It's the Flesh Mist Bee!" Finally someone recognized the white mist.

Mist bees are the size of small drops of water. Their bodies are transparent and colorless. They live in groups. When they appear, they are like mist. In their initial form, they are only highly poisonous. As they evolve later, their bodies become smaller and smaller. When they evolve into flesh-eating Mist bees, they are not only poisonous , can also devour flesh and blood.

It is rumored that the ancestor of Wufeng had a relationship with the fierce beast Taozhen, and was given a trace of blood by Taobao. However, Wufeng's blood was low, and it failed to inherit the property of eating all things from Taobao. .

It is much easier to deal with it after identifying what it is. The demon soldiers who were recruited successively expelled the flesh-eating mist bees that invaded the body, and the commanding officer also dispersed the protective barrier.

In a certain formation, Yufu, who saw this scene, secretly regretted it, waved her fan, and took the Flesh-eating Mist Bee back.

She got these flesh-eating mist bees very early. At first, the forms of mist bees and mist spirit bees could be restrained by contract, but later, the contract would no longer work.

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