all the way to fairy

Chapter 907 The Prey and the Hunter

Chapter 907 The Prey and the Hunter
Shaohaoyue shook her head, hooked Lingsha with her fingertips, "Rush straight over, I'll clear the way!"

Since the demons are determined to intercept, there must be arrangements in all directions, but they just haven't appeared within the scope of their spiritual consciousness yet.

But those large troops must be within the communication range of the ambush team in front. With the notification of the ambush team, those people are much more prepared than the ambush team they encountered suddenly.

The ambush team on the front road is the real weak point, and it is justified to rush over in one fell swoop.

Of course, this is normal.

Now, the four famous sects of the demon clan are working together, and the siege against her is an extremely important part, so there will be no weak point in intercepting and sieging her in any direction.

In this life-and-death fight between the hunter and the prey, there will be no luck. As for who will win in the end and become the ultimate hunter, she is not sure.

She raised her eyes and looked in the direction of the Cangxuan Immortal Territory, and only hoped that someone could take advantage of the situation and rise up, and it would be worthy of her...

One of the Huangwei nodded and said: "We are separated."

After leaving the Xiluo Forest, they escaped in two ways. The two Phoenix Guards did not have the average chain technique, so after throwing off the pursuers, they could always find a place to rest.

On the contrary, it was the two of them, because of the chain equalization technique, they were shining targets in the eyes of the demons.

During the conversation, their speed did not slow down, and the distance between them and the ambushing army was getting closer and closer. Shaohaoyue stretched two fingers, stretched out the bowstring with silk yarn, and shot it out with the silk head as an arrow.

The crimson flames flowed on the silk arrows, and fine dust flew up wherever they passed, like dancing flames receding to welcome their king.

The fire wasteland is crimson. Even the strong in the ghost realm will be easily dazzled if they look at it for a long time. With the cover of red rocks and flying dust, when the ambushing army found the arrow, Huanshi Ling had already leaped in front of them.

With a sound of "shooting", the veil condensed into an arrow suddenly unfolded, as if a huge blade was pushed across, and the first group of demon soldiers was cut off in the middle.

Afterwards, Huan Shiling kept going straight forward, paving a path of blood, and the ambushing demon soldiers could not help dodging to both sides.

"Don't hide! Go up! Quick!"

An officer yelled, and the next second, his yelling stopped abruptly, and the blade of the cold light flashed across like a dragonfly, and his head flew into the sky.

With one swing of the knife, Shaohaoyue didn't stop, while the peach powder scimitar was swung, his figure was like smoke, drifting past along the bloody path split by Huanshiling, the two Phoenix Guards burst into shape, brazenly facing him regardless The strong man of the magic army who rushed over.

The speed of Shaohaoyue and Yue was very fast, they passed through the army in an instant, and they walked away, and there was a lot of blood splashing everywhere they passed.

Across the wilderness of fire, there is a group of majestic peaks piercing into the sky. Behind the peaks is Houyu's territory - Mengxuejian.

At this time, between the two mountain peaks, the army of bloody thorns lined up in a fan shape, waiting in full force. Above the army, two men and a woman floated in the air. The man in the front was Gui Tu who should have been chasing after him.

Seeing them, the man behind Gui Tu laughed: "Sure enough, Young Master Hou Yu guessed it, and you will choose this direction to break through. Going the other way, you are worthy of being the most rampant master of the Feng Clan, so bold!"

With a serious expression on her face, Shaohaoyue took half a step forward, protecting Shaohaoyao behind her, her eyes moved away from Gui Tu, and fell on the man's face.

She frowned and thought for a moment, as if talking to herself or asking: "Well... Ann?"

The man's face was ugly for a moment, but he said: "It's my honor to be remembered by Yuedian."

He is one of the eight captains of Gui Tu's personal guard, and he is also a well-known existence in the fairy clan.

The Demon Realm under the command of Gui Tu is much larger than the area under the jurisdiction of Shao Haoyue's Immortal Clan. Speaking of which, Jing An, the captain of the personal guard, is more important than Lian Yang and others.

Shaohaoyue's original nine personal guards were all the focus of attention of the four major demon sects. By the same token, Gui Tu's personal guards should also be under the attention of the immortal talents.

Jing An thought that Shaohaoyue's uncertain tone was deliberately humiliating him.

Of course Shaohaoyue didn't know about his thoughts, and even if she knew, she wouldn't care, so she turned her attention to the female general.

This time, without waiting for her to ask, the female general nodded slightly, and gave her name simply and clearly, "Yinghui."

Shaohaoyue nodded, said "I have admired your name for a long time", then turned her gaze to Gui Tu again, and said, "I didn't expect that Qimen and Yushan trust so much. I miscalculated this round."

To pass them and wait here in advance, Gui Tu could only teleport to the nearest Mengxuejian through the space teleportation array, and then come here from Mengxuejian.

Gui Tu now only has the cultivation base of the Earth Demon Realm, and going deep into the Mengxuejian, the core realm of Yushan Mountain, is giving his life to Yushan's decision.

Similarly, Mengxuejian, as Hou Yu's headquarters, brought tens of thousands of Qimen elite troops to the vicinity, which also required considerable trust.

"Stop talking nonsense, today is your death day!" Gui Tu waved his hand, and the magic soldiers quickly stepped forward and surrounded the Shaohaoyue sisters.

Shaohao Yue raised his hand, Huan Shiling flew out from his wrist, and said coldly: "That depends on whether you have this ability!"

The veil as thin as a cicada's wings flew around in a circle, and amidst the continuous and regular muffled sound, a circle of demon soldiers fell down like waves of wheat.

Once the attack started, Shaohaoyue had no intention of stopping. She was like a whirlwind, flashing from left to right in the encirclement, screaming one after another, and many low-level demon soldiers were taken away before they even had time to make a sound. took a breath.

In the blink of an eye, one corpse after another was lying in a pool of blood like tattered sacks.

The corners of the eyes of the other demon soldiers jumped wildly, even in the dry and hot burning wasteland, they couldn't help breaking out in cold sweat.

The current Shaohaoyue only has the cultivation base of the Earth Immortal Realm, but even in the face of the demon soldiers of the Heaven Demon Realm, it is as easy as beheading a chicken and a dog.

Is this the strength of the Phoenix after Nirvana?The sharpness of the offensive has completely broken through the limitations of cultivation!
Gui Tu also shrank his pupils, and ordered in a deep voice: "Go!"

At this time, he was very fortunate to have planned this operation. If Shaohaoyue really grew up fully, the future of the demon clan would be worrying.

Fortunately, he also had a strange feeling in his heart: Maybe they couldn't kill her at all.

Before he finished speaking, Jing An rushed towards Shaohaoyue. This army of bloody thorns was trained by Jing An alone. After losing so much in one fell swoop, Jing An's heart was bleeding, and he wanted to do it long .

Yinghui attacked Shaohaoyao, trying to force Shaohaoyue to give up the massacre of the army with her safety.

Seeing her attacking, Shaohao Yao unhurriedly sacrificed the milky white pagoda to protect herself.

All of Yinghui's attacks landed on the pagoda, milky white rays of light rippled layer upon layer, and the turbulent and sharp attack was quickly dispelled.

Part of the demon army also realized that Shaohaoyao was the breakthrough point, and attacked the pagoda one after another.

(End of this chapter)

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