all the way to fairy

Chapter 908 Hunter and Prey

Chapter 908 Hunter and Prey
The pagoda has nine floors, and each floor has sixteen cornices. The details are very exquisite and natural, but it does not give people a sense of exquisiteness, but reveals warmth and simplicity.

Shaohaoyue, who had already fought Jing'an, was not in a hurry. The pagoda was Shaohaoyao's natal artifact, a treasure inherited from the prehistoric era, refined from real dragon bones.

According to legend, the refined keel is the spoils of the Feng clan in the battle between the dragon, the phoenix and the kylin.

The phoenix claws are used as the eaves, and the keel is the body of the tower, which means capturing the dragon, which is the proof of the honor of the ancestors.

For hundreds of millions of years, this pagoda has undergone continuous refinement and improvement by the Feng Clan. Its defense is so strong, not to mention a Yinghui from the ancient demon realm, even if it is a strong person from the demon ancestor realm or the Tao ancestor realm, it is not a short time to break through the defense of the pagoda. For a while.

Yinghui knew the origin of the pagoda, and led most of the soldiers to attack Shaohaoyue, leaving only a few people to guard the pagoda.

The main target of this operation is Shaohaoyue. Since he failed to control Shaohaoyao immediately so as to restrain Shaohaoyue, he had no choice but to give up.

Seeing her leave the vicinity of the pagoda, in the spreading crimson dust, Shaohaoyue's eyes flashed an imperceptible gleam.

Jing An's heart grew colder during the Yuezhan. Although Shaohaoyue's physical strength and celestial power were both those of the Taiyi Golden Immortal, her current cultivation level was only a small fairyland after all.

And he, at the early stage of the Ancient Demon Realm, was a full three realms above Shaohaoyue, even with Shaohaoyue's original cultivation, he was one realm higher than her.

However, in the face of his attack, Shaohaoyue not only calmly dealt with it, but also spared no effort to kill the nearby soldiers, regardless of the Earth Demon Realm or the Heaven Demon Realm, if he dared to step forward, he would be killed with one blow!
She can no longer be allowed to kill.

This thought flashed through the minds of almost every Scarlet Thorn officer. The five Youmo Realm officers looked at each other, shifted their shapes silently, and took a special position with Jing An. At the same time, Gui Tu Yinghui also turned to this Side attack, watching its direction, can fill the last two vacancies.

"It's Qimen's Immortal Sealing Formation, be careful!" Shao Haoyao warned loudly.

All the demon generals knew that this was a critical moment, especially Jing An. After Gui Tu got the Uniform Chain Spell, he was the highest cultivation person here, and he had the important task of preventing Shao Haoyue from escaping from the Immortal Sealing Formation. Bear the brunt of it!

Almost at the same time as Shaohaoyao's warning, he poured all the energy in his body into the warhammer, and the arrays on it lit up one after another, and the thick and almost viscous magic energy squirmed on the warhammer as if it was alive.

Jing An jumped up and swung the round hammer, smashing it down hard.

When the hammer head was lifted up to the sky, it brought out an abnormally high-pitched scream, and the blunt instrument made the sound of a sharp blade piercing the air. One can imagine how strong Jing An is and how fast he swings the hammer.

The hammer is huge and heavy, shaped like a mountain when activated.

The broad hammer face shaped like a hill, with its extreme speed, when it fell down, the space was distorted, and even the nearby officers of Youmo Realm felt the squeeze of space.

Faced with such a useless full-strength hammer, even people who are good at space teleportation cannot completely escape this blow.

What's more, although Shaohaoyue is fast, she doesn't have the attribute of space.

Just as Jing An expected, Shaohaoyue did not escape, she raised her hand and held up the peach pink scimitar to stop the falling hammer.

However, the moment the warhammer touched the scimitar, Jing An was stunned.

The strength from the knife can be called negligible. It is true that the Phoenix is ​​not good at strength among the beasts, but the foundation is there, and it is far superior to the ordinary fairy and demons.

His doubts were quickly answered, the war hammer fell without hindrance, and then the war hammer was not blocked by anything, as if it hit the air.

Out of the corner of my eye, I caught a glimpse of orange passing by, as swift as thunder and lightning, that direction is... the return of my young master!
Jing An's heart beat wildly, he turned around and flew over without hesitation, and at the same time swung out another hammer.

Gui Tu was already heading this way, but now Shaohaoyue suddenly attacked him, the speed of both of them was not weak, and they were rushing in both directions, the fantasy world Ling enveloped Gui Tu in an instant.

Gui Tu was originally flying at full speed, when he saw the flying orange yarn, he subconsciously raised his weapon to block it, but there was nothing at the contact point.

The orange gauze is like a phantom, like a glow, visible but intangible.

When the gorgeous orange gauze spread over the top of the head, a very strange feeling rose in Gui Tu's heart, it was the vast expanse, the eternal eternity.

He was still flying rapidly, but he lost his sense of distance. The distance between him and Shao Haoyue, Jing An and others did not change a bit, and Jing An was clearly flying towards him.

"Young Master, be careful!"

Yinghui's voice was hazy, as if it came from the distant sky through a thick barrier.

Gui Tu had a bad heart, and almost instinctively mobilized the devil energy in his body, while condensing protection outside his body, he attacked Shaohaoyue who was close at hand.

This place is one of the many ambush locations they made. In fact, this time, he and Hou Yu's personal guards and the army directly under him made the best of them. Wherever you flee, you will be ambushed and killed.

The only difference from the original plan was that he and Hou Yu were accidentally pushed into the formation, and also got hit by the chain equalization technique.

But it doesn't matter, this time the preparations are very good, every place is surrounded by two guards, one in the ancient demon realm, one in the late ghost realm, and other high-ranking officers and elite fighters, besieging and killing a person in the fairyland Shaohaoyue, it didn't surprise him that he didn't make a move.

And the extra Feng clan shadow guards just made the ambush more difficult, just set up a few more checkpoints to divert them.

However, he didn't expect Shaohaoyue to be an out-and-out lunatic, and he was hit by Jing'an's force, and he threw himself at him regardless.

At this time, Gui Tu realized belatedly that he had been tricked.

They wanted to ambush Shaohaoyue, but Shaohaoyue, who had been aware of their conspiracy long ago, didn't want to kill him and Houyu.

In fact, her goal has always been clear, and it can even be said to be undisguised. As early as in the Xiluo Forest, she had always avoided hurting the magic soldiers who had been hit by the chain equalization technique.

There was no blood on Gui Tu's face. Normally, he was in the ancient demon realm, and Shaohaoyue sent him to a great realm, so it was impossible to kill him.

But now, he is in the same realm as Shaohaoyue, and Shaohaoyue has completed the Nirvana of the Phoenix Clan. Both the immortal power and the body have been substantially improved, not to mention the Nirvana Sky Fire that can annihilate everything.

The demonic energy surging around Gui Tu's body became thicker and thicker, and even condensed into an independent space.

The orange light became more and more brilliant, like the setting sun in midsummer, sparing no effort to radiate the last light. Suddenly, Gui Tu heard the sound of gurgling water coming from nowhere, and the sound entered his ears, getting closer and louder.

(End of this chapter)

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