all the way to fairy

Chapter 909 Who is the Hunter

Chapter 909 Who is the Hunter
The orange light is brilliant, shaped like a whirlpool, absorbing Gui Tu's consciousness, and his eyes gradually become blurred, and he vaguely sees a little green, accompanied by a hazy cry, his mind is drawn into the ultimate splendor.

"Seeing that Gui Tu's figure became distorted, and was about to be pulled into Shao Haoyue's Ling Nei world, Jing An didn't care about anything else, shouted Young Master, and slammed into him.

At this critical moment of performing the spell, Shaohaoyue couldn't stop to stop it, but could only push the illusion world with all his strength.

Jing An rushed over like lightning, and hurriedly grabbed Gui Tu, but Gui Tu's figure swayed, slipping away from his fingers like light and shadow.

Jing An kept turning around and attacking Shaohaoyue, trying to force her to stop performing spells, but when she turned her head, she only saw a brilliant orange in her vision.

In the next second, the ultimate sunset overflowed his whole world, his eyes showed confusion, his figure twisted and twisted, and he was also dragged into Ayane's world.

All of this happened too fast, from Shao Haoyue's sudden dodge to attack Gui Tu, to Gui Tu's master and servant being pulled into Ling Nei's world one after another, everything was completed in just a few breaths.

Not to mention most of the magic soldiers, even Yinghui seemed to be stunned by the sudden turn of the situation, she was in a daze, and didn't step forward to stop it immediately.

A moment later, the demon army reacted and attacked Shaohaoyue angrily. The space suddenly trembled, and countless phoenixes suddenly exploded. Disappeared from the spot and appeared inside the pagoda.

Gold, red, blue, and white phoenix phantoms flew back to the pagoda and disappeared into the corner of the eaves.

The young master was captured, and even though he knew that Shao Haoyao's natal pagoda was extremely defensive and would not be broken for a while, the magic army had to attack with all its strength.

Until this time, Shaohaoyue finally had time to deal with her injuries. She took out a few pills and took them, at the same time urging Xianli Feiyan to clear away the evil energy that had invaded her body.

Jing An's full blow was not easy to receive.

In fact, if she hadn't been enduring the never-ending burning of the Nirvana fire since she was conscious, and her tolerance for pain was almost higher than that of all living beings in the world, it would have been impossible for her to break through the Immortal Sealing Formation jointly cast by the demon generals just now, let alone Drag Gui Tu into Ling Nei's illusion.

The elixir melted, and the majestic power of the medicine poured into the eight meridians, and the endless feeling of falling in the body was finally stopped.

Shaohaoyue didn't continue, she looked at Yinghui who was leading the magic army to attack the pagoda with all her strength, and smiled lightly: "General Yinghui is still smart."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Yinghui's reaction, after making a slight gesture to Shaohaoyao, he took out the Huanshi Ling and began to perform the spell.

Yinghui's pupils shrank, and she involuntarily slowed down her attack on the pagoda, looking alert.

Hearing the nonsensical words, the magic army was at a loss. Immediately, some magic soldiers with quick reactions came over, and their eyes fell on Yinghui involuntarily.

At that time, Jing An and the five Youmo Realm officers were beside Shaohaoyue, and Gui Tu flew towards this side from the original position, and Ying Hui, who had originally besieged the pagoda, also flew over.

In terms of distance, Yinghui was the one closest to Guitu, but after Guitu's accident, Yinghui only gave a verbal warning, and did not step forward to stop him immediately.

Yinghui's face was sullen, as if she didn't see the suspicion on the faces of the soldiers, she said lightly to Shaohaoyue: "Yue Dian is absurd, I just have some talent in combat intuition, that kind of situation, I can't stop anything in the past, Just like Master Jing An."

Shaohaoyue, who had already started performing the spell, naturally couldn't answer her, and of course, Yinghui didn't need her to answer either.

Although this sentence was said to Shao Haoyue, the real goal was to explain it to the magic soldiers in a disguised form.

Yinghui is just a demon general under Gui Tu's command, and she is an outsider to the Scarlet Thorn Legion directly under Gui Tu.

They didn't believe it all, but they didn't turn their backs either. The five Youmo Realm officers looked at each other, and after exchanging opinions veiledly, one of them said: "Lord Yinghui, don't blame yourself. The most important thing right now is to rescue the young master."

Yinghui nodded, and in a deep voice ordered a demon general who was good at speed to inform Houyu, and summoned the nearby ambush soldiers to come to rescue, while the rest of them attacked the pagoda with all their strength.

However, she had reservations about her next shots. Her eyes fell on Shaohaoyue who was performing the spell from time to time, and suddenly she found that the immortal power surging from Shaohaoyue's fingertips was different. When she felt it carefully, it seemed to be hers. illusion.

Yinghui frowned, and stared at Shaohaoyue. Following her spells, one after another fell on the fantasy silk, the tulle became more and more bright, like a beautiful belt of light.

The spells are complicated and the immortal power is pure and pure. Although I can't tell what kind of spell she is using, it is not that strange that flashed by.

Yinghui was still vigilant in her heart, paying attention to Shaohaoyue the whole time, refusing to let go of any of her movements.

Finally, Yinghui found out what the abnormality was in the flowing spells one after another, the power of time!
Shaohaoyue is speeding up the passage of time!
At this moment, under the clear sunlight, in Lingnei of Huanshi, Rongshu Village, the vegetation in the mountains is shining green.

"Cuckoo! Cuckoo..." The fat turtledove sang cheerfully on the treetops, completely unaware of the approaching danger.

The boy in the rough cloth and blue clothes held his breath, stretched his feet apart, made a big lunge, leaned back, slowly pulled out the slingshot, and aimed at the turtledove.

The turtledove bird is still chirping happily, walking back and forth along the branches from time to time.

The boy was patient, moving the slingshot as the turtledove walked, making sure to keep aiming at it.

Suddenly, the young man stumbled and fell forward unexpectedly.


The boy looked up, and saw that the fat turtledove on the tree had already flown away, leaving only trembling branches.

The boy was so angry that he looked at the 'object' that tripped him, only to find a person lying at his feet, in his twenties, with a face like black coal, and thick eyebrows like ink.

Looking again, there is a young man lying not far away.

The simple boy forgot about the turtledove that flew away, and hurriedly squatted down, patting the face of the black charcoal youth, "Wake up..."

After a while, the two lying down were woken up, looked around blankly, and found that the environment was very strange, Heitan youth frowned suddenly, and asked sharply, "Who are you?"

The young man grinned, "My name is Fan Bei, from Rongshu Village at the foot of the mountain. Are you hunters in the mountains? Hey, it's raining heavily. I didn't expect you to suffer from the disaster while living in the mountains..."

Amidst Fan Bei's chatter, Heitan youth and another young man couldn't help 'recalling' the horrific heavy rain.

Brother Da Zhuang nodded in agreement: "Yes, this natural disaster and man-made disaster, why is there no end, God will not give us people a way to survive."

Time gurgles like flowing water, and in the blink of an eye, dozens of springs and autumns have passed. The heavy rain changed the fate of many people. The Orion brothers who lived in the deep mountains escaped, married wives and had children in Rongshu Village, and lived and worked in peace and contentment.

The younger brother Er Zhuang passed away at the age of 83, and the sad elder brother Da Zhuang was devastated and was about to reach the end of his life.

At this time, in Qimen's core Demon Realm, a servant hurriedly pushed aside the guards and broke into the door master's study: "Master Jing'an, it's not good, Master Jing'an's soul lamp has gone out, and the young master's soul lamp has also... "


Before he could finish speaking, the head of the Qimen sect suddenly got up, and the devilish energy surged around his body, forming an invisible storm, and the coercion seemed to have substance.

The attendant who reported back spurted blood in an instant, and was almost torn to pieces by the surging devilish energy.

However, the attendant hadn't recovered from it, and a strong hand grabbed his shoulder, almost crushing his shoulder.

(End of this chapter)

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