It was night, the silver moon was hidden in the sky, and the thick darkness spread to every corner, exuding a strange darkness.

A dozen or so figures flew out from the Song family, and under the leadership of Song Nian, the steward of the outer gate, they came to an inn in the city.

Every move of the Song family has attracted a lot of attention, not to mention this time, almost as soon as Song Nian and his party left the Song family, they looked over openly and secretly.

Ling Yiming, Lou Yuru and others who lived in the same inn couldn't help but secretly sighed. Accidents happened one after another recently. Their plan against Mu Yan died before they could start.

They walked out of the inn, pretending they didn't know how to greet them, "Hey, what kind of wind brought Manager Song here."

"Song Guanshi is a busy person, why come to the inn when he has time..."

Song Nian smiled and cupped his hands at them, "Cangxuan is in turmoil recently, and Liyuan City may not be peaceful. Miss Ziluan is concerned about the safety of her friend, and specially ordered Xiaoxian to pick up Fairy Mu Yan to live in the Song family."

Lou Yuru snorted secretly, why was she concerned about her friend's safety? Back then in Pinglu City, Song Ziluan kept his identity and had only been with the eldest son of the Jun family a few times.

As friends, neither of them said a word.

There was a lot of slander in my heart, but there was still a just right smile on my face, "Sister Ziluan is right, you should do it first."

Satisfied with their understanding, Song Nian raised his chin slightly, and his subordinates understood and went to knock on the door.

There were layers of ripples in the magic circle restriction, one sound after another, but no one came out.

Song Nian's face darkened, and he ordered in a cold voice: "Break the formation!"

The onlookers couldn't help but secretly scolded the Song family for being overbearing. Mu Yan is an alchemist, and whether it is alchemy, cooking spiritual plants, or cultivation to a critical moment, it cannot be easily interrupted.

How long has the prohibition sounded? Breaking through the formation forcibly can easily lead to madness.

However, with the Song family's posture, they didn't dare to show their heads. The restrictions in the small courtyard were only ordinary grades, and they were quickly broken.

Sensing the quietness in the courtyard, Song Nian felt bad, pushed aside his subordinates and stepped in, but there was no one there.

Lou Yuru and the others who followed were also stunned. They paid attention to Mu Yan all the time, and the guest room was next to Mu Yan, but they didn't feel any movement.

Song Nian turned back with a gloomy face, "Miss Lou, Mr. Ling."

Before he could ask, Lou Yuru immediately said, "In the afternoon, I was sharing the experience of planting chalcedony with her in the courtyard, and I left every minute."

Ling Yiming answered: "At the beginning of the Youshi period, I came to her for advice on alchemy techniques, and I left at the beginning of the Xu Dynasty."

"At the beginning of Xu Shi, I came to discuss medical knowledge with Fairy Mu..."

The corners of the onlookers' mouths twitched when they heard it. They were all aware of the attention paid to Mu Yan by the major forces, and many of them were the secret agents of the sect family. Looking at Mu Yan.

When several people finished talking about their respective time slots, they suddenly discovered that one of them had disappeared.According to their previous arrangement, this Liu Ying was the one who should find an excuse to get along with Mu Yan during this period of time.

One person suddenly moved the tip of his nose, pointed to the ornamental flower garden on the right side of the steps, and said, "There seems to be a bloody smell over there."

Song Nian walked over, and after searching, he finally found a little blood on the edge of a slender leaf.

"The blood is still fresh, they must not have gone far, seal the city!" Song Nian squeezed the leaf, amplifying the breath of blood with magic.

Lou Yuru and the others immediately changed their colors, "It's Liu Ying's blood!"

"Didn't the senior Da Luo Jinxian beside her have already left?"

"There are other people, there are other people around her!"

As soon as these words came out, several people became even more astonished. From Pinglu City to Liyuan City, they followed Mu Yan for several years, and they never found that there was such an expert by her side!
Song Nian had a gloomy face, and while ordering people to go back to report to Fengcheng, he also ordered people to 'invite' Lou Yuru and other young masters to live in the Song family. He took the leaf and rushed to find a tracking master of the Song family. .

In less than a quarter of an hour, Song Nian saw Liu Ying under the tracking master's technique.

She was leaning against the big tree beside the flower garden, talking one after another, following her line of sight, she could see Mu Yan squatting on the ground with her back facing her, tending a flower seedling.

Suddenly, a thin space crack appeared in the air behind Liu Ying's neck, Liu Ying felt something in her heart, she turned her head suddenly, a flash of snow flashed by, and a very thin line of blood appeared on her neck, and the blood line slowly stained Open, wider and more obvious.

Liu Ying's eyes widened, and she fell down with disbelief.

Song Nian's breath stagnates, and he is a strong man who is proficient in space attributes!
Little silver lights flowed down, and a figure slowly walked out of the void. His appearance was ordinary and without any special features. He would forget it at a glance, and he couldn't even tell his gender.

This is the concealment technique, which can hide the appearance and reduce the sense of presence. Unless the real appearance and identity of the caster is known, even knowing that the other party is fake will not help.

Mu Yan who heard the movement turned around. She was startled by Liu Ying's body first, and when she saw the other's face clearly, she exhaled and smiled, "It's you."

The assassin seemed to be stunned for a moment, Xuan Er nodded and said: "Time is running out, we have to leave as soon as possible."

"Okay." Without any hesitation, Mu Yan quickly put away the items, and flashed into the void under the leadership of the assassin.

Song Nian secretly had a bad idea. It is not easy to capture a fairy who is proficient in space magic. Mu Yan, a hostage, may not be able to be captured.

However, he will not sit still, and soon remembered that there is a pair of shark brothers and sisters in Pinglu City. It is said that Wei Lin borrowed money to buy them back, which might be useful to restrain Wei Lin.

The order was quickly passed on to the Song family's personnel in Pinglu City through special channels, but it was found that there were no people there. According to reliable sources, the two mermaids showed up during the day.

The Song family was in an uproar, and Mu Yan from Liyuan City and the two mermaids from Pinglu City disappeared at about the same time, which meant that there was a special channel for the two sides to transmit information, and there were enough people.

Usually, the only ones who can do this are the big forces with deep foundations.

Behind Wei Lin, there was someone else.
As the night darkened, the hazy full moon hid behind the dark clouds, and Qingyu City became dark.

Losing their vision, the senses of the demon soldiers became more acute. They only felt that the smell of blood was so thick that it was almost viscous. When they breathed, it seemed that blood foam entered their nostrils along with the air.

The sound of the sword sounded like thunder in spring, with unspeakable clarity.

The demon soldiers in the city couldn't help but feel their hearts tense, and when they looked up, they saw green leaves sweeping across, lingering and vast.

Seeing this familiar and terrifying sword intent, the first emotion that came to the hearts of all the demon soldiers was, thank you.

Fortunately, the target is not yourself.

In the past half a month of fighting, the Tana clan's army has lost nearly one-third of its personnel, but the formation in Qingyu City is getting stronger and stronger.

The small town has turned into a terrifying war behemoth, and deadly attacks can break out anywhere.

Among all the attacks, Wei Lin's sword was the deadliest.

Every time he makes a move, a large number of people fall down, except for a few generals who have been cultivated above the Youmo Realm, there is no exception.

Qing Yi Ling was bright, briefly illuminating the night sky.

With the light, one could clearly see several shriveled corpses quickly sinking into the ground.

Seeing this scene, the demon soldiers felt chills running down their spines. Not long after the battle started, they discovered that You Pao Ze's body had been sucked into the ground.

At first, they didn't take it seriously, and tried to search for the corpse and find the Qingyu soldiers who were hiding, but they found it was in vain, as there was no one in the place where the corpse sank.

However, when more and more people died, and more and more corpses sank into the ground, a faintly blush formation enveloped the entire Qingyu City.

It wasn't until then that they realized that Pao Ze's body had become the operating energy of a formation, but it was too late.

In the fierce battle, how could they have time to deal with Pao Ze's corpse, and the formation was like a grown beast, devouring the corpse faster and faster, giving them no time to deal with it at all.

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