all the way to fairy

Chapter 914 Reinforcement arrives

Seeing this scene, Wu Bi was so suffocated that he almost couldn't get up, and rushed towards Wei Lin like lightning.

Unsurprisingly, it went blank again.

The formations in the city are complex and changeable, and there are no rules at all. After half a month of fierce fighting, Wu Bi has been tense and exhausted;

Wei Lin was also exhausted, just wandering through various magic circles, occasionally finding a place to rest for a while, and always grasping the initiative in the battle.

In terms of spirit and mentality, he is much better than Wu Bi.

After the attack failed, Wu Bi felt even more depressed. Looking around, he said coldly, "It's really a fairy clan to drive the formation with the energy of flesh and blood!"

After a pause, he said loudly again: "I don't know which little friend arranged this set of formations. Such a talent, staying in the fairy clan is really a waste of talent. Why don't you join my Tana clan, and you will definitely use it."

In a certain formation, Yufu hid in the formation after harvesting a few heads.

Hearing this, she looked at Wei Lin who was resting with his eyes closed, and jokingly said, "Aren't you going to say anything? Wu Biruo knows that you are the genius formation master he is thinking about and wants to instigate rebellion, so his expression must be very exciting."

Wei Lin finished his weekly run, slowly opened his eyes, and drew a very shallow arc on his lips, "Someone once told me that villains die because of talking too much. When fighting, you must concentrate."

After he finished speaking, he held his breath and kept his voice, holding his sword to teleport to another formation. The true spirit in his body flowed and poured into the sword. Mo Li's sword was instantly cold and cold, and the sword glow gushed out. The nearby demon soldiers only had time to feel bored. With a snort, there was no more sound.

As usual, he retreated with one blow, without giving Wu Bi any time to react.

One second before he flashed into the formation, Wei Lin suddenly discovered that outside Qingyu City, there was a sword light shaking the sky in the far east, tearing apart the thick black clouds and forcibly tearing a hole in the demon army.

Wu Bi also noticed this scene, and his expression suddenly became calm.

That majestic celestial spirit, sharp sword intent, judging from its aura, it is clear that it is a sword fairy with a Da Luo Jinxian cultivation level, and there has never been a moment when the witch will hate the sword fairy so much.

Wei Lin guessed something, and after entering the formation, he immediately picked up the communication order and said: "Investigate the formation, Dongfang."

The person in charge of the scout formation hurriedly activated the formation, and soon discovered that a large number of immortals were coming towards this side.

"It's the reinforcements! Our reinforcements are here!" He shouted excitedly. Although relying on formations, the Qingyu has achieved fruitful results in the past few days, but Wu Bi, a strong man, will not die, and the situation of the battle may be rewritten at any time.

Now, they are finally waiting for reinforcements!

After the guess was confirmed, Wei Lin was also surprised, "It came so fast!"

In his estimation, with the prudence of the Ascension Immortal Clan, after receiving the news, most people will weigh the pros and cons and test each other's opinions.

It's useless for a few people to rush here in a hurry. Now Qingyu City is deeply trapped in the belly of the demons.

Unexpectedly, in just half a month, they not only came, but also highlighted the heavy siege!
This celestial army is coming like a rainbow, unstoppable, within such a short time, it has already rushed to the range of most people's spiritual consciousness.

In the first place, a young man with a heroic appearance and a broad body came through the air with a huge sword on his shoulder.

He quickly locked on to Wu Bi, shouted loudly, and swung the giant sword in a circle, flying towards him like a spinning top at high speed.

The violent sword intent has its own suction, pulling in everything around it and tearing it to pieces.

Faced with this menacing sword, Wu Bi suddenly changed color, and without hesitation, he sacrificed his natal magic weapon and resisted it with all his strength.

In the next second, a slender figure appeared behind him, and a cold light flashed in his hand, piercing Wu Bi's heart.

Wu must have a numb scalp, another Daluo Jinxian!
Seeing the assassin clearly, Wei Lin's eyes flashed with surprise, it turned out to be Nightingale!

After a while, the rest of the reinforcements also arrived, and all of them were Taiyi Jinxians. No wonder they broke through the siege so quickly and rushed to Qingyu!

He waved: "Remove the formation and attack with all your strength!"

The two Da Luo Jinxian teamed up, one was imposing, with no fancy moves, forcing Wu Bi to face it head-on, the other was good at sneak attacks, and the attacks would come from nowhere.

Soon, Wu must be defeated by the two of them, and Wu must die. There is no suspense in the battle situation. Soon, none of the demon army will be left, and all of them will be wiped out.

Lantau City became a sea of ​​cheers, they had already waited for reinforcements, and the most dangerous time had passed.

The young sword fairy put away his huge sword and looked at Wei Lin. With just one glance, Wei Lin felt like lightning flashed in front of his eyes. A fierce and violent aura completely locked on to him. As long as he moved a little, he could attract a thunder attack.

The Dayan Qingfeng Meridian in Wei Lin's body automatically operated, pure celestial power came out through his body, his figure instantly became blurred, and he broke free from the lock of the air mechanism.

The astonishment in the young man's eyes flashed away, he nodded and said: "What an elegant sword, not bad!"

Wei Lin was also shocked. The young man's strength was unfathomable, and he was trapped by just one look. Although it was only for a short moment, but the master's move could be life and death in an instant. I mean, at that moment, if he didn't die, he would be seriously injured.

"In front of seniors, I dare not speak swords."

The young man lowered his face, "We sword practitioners should go forward indomitably, we would rather bend than bend, hypocrisy and tact are not acceptable."

"Okay, you have your sword, he has his way, he can cultivate the sword to the point where he is now, do he still need your advice?" Nightingale rolled her eyes unceremoniously, interrupting the young man's words, Then he said to Wei Lin: "This is Tian Zhan Xianjun, who claims to split the world with his sword. Apart from Bai Xi, he is the second person in our Ascending Immortal Clan. He is very good at fighting, but he loves to talk and talk."

Zhantian Xianjun stared wide-eyed, and said dissatisfiedly: "What is the second person, even Bai Xi's little boy, can't take Lao Tzu's three swords!"

"Where's Lian Yang?" Nightingale shrugged, "How many swords can you take from her?"

Xianjun Zhantian choked, opened his mouth, and only spat out a dirty word after a while.

"I have long admired your name!" Wei Lin had heard of the title of Immortal Lord Zhantian. In fact, among the Feisheng Immortal Clan, his reputation was greater than that of Bai Xi and Lian Yang.

Daluo Jinxian is a hurdle, breaking through requires a lot of merit. Needless to say, Bai Xi, even though he only has a small world, his merit is also very abundant;

Lian Yang, as Ah Li's personal guard, has his own way of meritorious deeds, so Bai Xi and Ye Ying, the big Luo Jinxians, have received special attention.

Many people want to know how they broke through the Great Luo Jinxian without a plane world.

Wei Lin already knew the answer to this question in the lower realm, and his initial plan was to take this path.

Merit and the power of faith are both fundamentally different and related. Sometimes, they can be produced by the same thing.

For example, after protecting a living being, the reverence and devotion of the living being will form the power of faith, and merit is the reward and recognition given by the will of the universe.

The power of faith and merit generated in a world will not all belong to the owner of the plane, and the dragon and phoenix clan will benefit the most in this regard.

In most planes, they are the embodiment of auspiciousness, a symbol of power and status, supported by the majority of living beings, and naturally possess a huge power of faith.

Merit is a reward given by the will of the universe. The power of faith can be intercepted and destroyed in certain ways, but it is difficult to manipulate merit.

The merit of the owner of the plane world comes from the protection of the plane, and in a plane, there are always some righteous and capable people, who either stabilize one side, or save the people from fire and water.

These people will also gain merit.

Nightingale, Zhantian and others were able to break through Da Luo Jinxian because they had the credit for protecting one side. Wei Lin didn't know Zhantian's situation, but he knew something about Nightingale's experience.

As the head of the Shenyin Sect, the number one sect in the Qingxuan Star Region, Nightingale had made great contributions in quelling the Seven Star Rebellion.

After a few simple greetings, Xianjun Zhantian went straight to the topic, "Do you really own the world of the plane?"

The rest of the reinforcements also looked over, waiting for Wei Lin's answer.

Wei Lin nodded without hesitation, and when he raised his hand, two very different world origins appeared on his fingertips.

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