all the way to fairy

Chapter 923 Invitation

Chapter 923 Invitation

Before they could reach a conclusion, news came from the front again: Wei Lin's assassination ignited the anger of the Feishengxian clan. The clan met successfully.

Now, the Qingyu area is no longer an isolated stronghold in the demon-occupied area. In the absence of knowing whether the Taoist ancestor has left, the demon army will not act rashly.

After joining forces, the Feishengxian Clan has a large number of people. Not only are the high-level powerhouses of Da Luo Jinxian not weaker than any other team, but at the level of Taiyi Jinxian powerhouses, they are more than all the teams combined.

Facing such an angry army, the demon army, which was in a state of slack, retreated steadily, and the occupied area soon fell into the hands of Qingyu soldiers.

Now, the major forces couldn't sit still, they had no choice but to push forward, and the crisis in Qingyu City was temporarily lifted.

In Qingyu City, looking at Wei Lin who was slowly reaping the rewards, Nightingale asked worriedly, "How is it?"

"Uncle, I am a fairy, not a weak mortal."

Wei Lin is funny, but also helpless, for the immortal race like them, unless the injury is fundamental, no matter how serious the injury is, they can recover.

Thinking of his usual cautiousness, Nightingale felt a little relieved, and she gave him a sideways glance, "Don't be careless, the Dao ancestral realm powerhouses are infinitely close to the Dao itself, and their understanding and use of Dao is beyond our imagination."

Wei Lin agrees with this point, but he has checked his body many times and found no abnormalities, either he is really fine, or the opponent's methods are not what he can detect now.

In either case, there's not much he can do now.

"I've recovered, and I'm going to sit in Qingyu City next, Shishu, you go and guard the rest with Senior Zhantian and the others..."


Before he finished speaking, Nightingale flatly refused, "The Immortal League is very firm in suppressing us, who knows what other crazy things will be done.

Those theaters are unimportant. If you lose it, you can think about it later. You are the hope of all of us, and you must never lose it! "

Wei Lin: "..."

Since the cultivation, they have been relying on themselves. It is the first time that they are valued and protected by a high-level expert, and they are really not used to it.

He knows how important the plane world is to these powerhouses who have no hope of their path, so he will not continue to persuade them. What he can do now is to improve his cultivation as soon as possible to protect his own safety.

Outside the window, a group of patrolling soldiers walked by, and several people were looking at this side anxiously and earnestly. Of course, with the magic circle, they could not see the situation inside, but this did not prevent them from doing so.

In fact, almost every patrol team will unconsciously look this way when they pass by.

Wei Lin once again realized the importance of himself, he looked solemn, and said seriously: "Master, don't worry, I value my life very much, and I won't take risks lightly."

After saying that, he realized belatedly that there were many more soldiers patrolling outside than in the past few days.

Thinking of Nightingale's attention again, he immediately had some vague guesses, "Is Xianmeng making a move again?"

Nightingale sighed softly, "Recently there have been a few gossips that have spread. The first one is that the demon army's slack in fighting is due to the resurrection of the demon emperor."

"Resurrection of the Demon Emperor?" Wei Lin was stunned, "Didn't the Demon Emperor be sealed? He is not dead, how can he come back to life?"

Nightingale shook her head, "I don't know, maybe it's a method similar to that of golden cicadas shedding their shells."

"What about the second news?" Wei Lin asked. Although the news of the Demon Emperor's resurrection was shocking, it was not enough for Nightingale and the others to strengthen their protection against him.

Nightingale's expression immediately became weird, a little annoyed, a little ridiculous, and also a little cryptic.

"It is reported that you are the resurrected Demon Emperor."

Wei Lin's head is full of black lines, what is this called, people are sitting at home, and the pot comes from the sky.

Nightingale shrugged amusedly, "It's really difficult for the people of the Immortal League to make up a story with a nose and an eye. According to them, your original plan, the resurrected Demon Emperor, was to go deep into the enemy's rear to divide the fairy clan.

The fall of Cangxuan's many fronts this time is a good show played by the magic army in cooperation with you, helping you form your own forces faster.

Shen Canghao, the future successors of the various forces of the Immortal Alliance saw through your tricks and deliberately ignored the Qingyu area. The demons were caught in a dilemma, and had no choice but to slack off. "

The corner of Wei Lin's mouth twitched, "Such stupid news can be spread outside, is Xianmeng treating the public as fools?
How many years have the four great demon sects ruled the demon clan, and there really is a revived demon emperor, who are used to being 'emperors', are they still willing to bow their heads and serve as courtiers? "

Nightingale let out a long sigh: "All talk makes money, and accumulation destroys bones. The horrific rumors have long been confirmed.

Your cultivation speed is too fast, your strength is far beyond the same realm, and you are also practicing such a sharp Ye Luo Lingkong sword art, which cannot be doubted. "

She paused, "Actually, Zhantian Lanqing and the others all had doubts. If I didn't know the origin of Ye Luo's volleying sword art, I would have doubts too."

Wei Lin turned his eyes and looked out of the window. It turned out that the patrolling soldiers not only had eager expectations, but also vague doubts in their eyes.

People's hearts have always been unpredictable. If you want to break the blockade of the Xianmeng, the difficulties you face are not only the Xianmeng, but also internal problems.

He nodded to show he understood.

Nightingale couldn't help asking, "Have you thought about how to refute it?"

"It's just a rumor, don't pay attention to it." Wei Lin still looked out of the window, his voice was very calm, almost indifferent.

If you can't even stand this test, how can you talk about overthrowing the blockade of the Immortal League.

Nightingale looked out of the window following his gaze, saw the patrolling soldiers passing by, and understood what he meant, so she couldn't help but remain silent.

This battle is not Wei Lin alone, it is everyone's battle, and everyone needs to be responsible for their own choices.

A few days later, Zhan Tian, ​​Lan Qing, and Jian Zhu, the three great Luo Jinxians, all returned to Qingyu City, accompanied by several important Taiyi Jinxian powerhouses.

At the same time, an envoy sent an official document: Currently, the situation in Cangxuan is temporarily stable, and the forces in various defense areas of Cangxuan are called to discuss the follow-up affairs against demons in Linshui City.

After sending away the envoys who had a business-like attitude throughout the whole process, Wei Lin looked at the dignified people in the room, and said slowly: "In any case, if they go now, they will be considered to have acquiesced in the achievements of Qingyu City."

"I can't go. A group of young talents from the Immortal Alliance have gathered. If they act shamelessly, there will be no hope of escaping!" An old man with a white beard and hair and late Taiyi Golden Immortal cultivation base was the first to speak.

The words of the old man were echoed by most people.

"Yeah, the words are nice to talk about. We can discuss the follow-up affairs against the demons, and we can do any dirty things in secret. This is a conspiracy, and the Immortal Alliance will not let us easily obtain the plane world."

(End of this chapter)

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