all the way to fairy

Chapter 924 Postponement

Yufu also said: "In terms of the plane world, I feel that the Xianmeng's defense against us is more important than the demon race. This beheading action can be seen."

A Dao ancestral realm strongman participating in the battle can change the outcome of a war. Such a strong man does not kill the demons, but has the audacity to deal with a junior.

Wei Lin curled his fingers and tapped on the table, signaling for everyone to be quiet.

His eyes slowly swept across the people in the room, and said: "Unless we confront the Immortal Alliance openly, we will have to face and contact them sooner or later to gain their recognition."

Everyone was dumbfounded. If they could fight against the Xianmeng openly, they wouldn't have been able to obtain the plane world for only one Baixi for thousands of years.

The current Qingyu looks powerful, and it can wrestle with Shen Canghao and other successors of the four families, but the lack of top powerhouses is its fatal weakness.

Once those great masters of the Dao Ancestral Realm put aside their face and make a move, Qingyu will collapse in an instant.

In desperation, everyone unanimously decided that Ye Ying, Zhan Tian, ​​Lan Qing, and Jian Zhu, four great Luo Jinxian powerhouses, would accompany Wei Lin to the meeting in Linshui City, while the rest stayed behind in Qingyu City.

During this period, if there is a strong enemy attacking, you don’t have to stick to it, try to break through and protect the personnel. If the city is lost, the defense area is lost, and you can retake it or find another jurisdiction later.

The silver moon hung high, but Linshui City, which was on the edge of the battlefield, was brightly lit. Palace lanterns floated above the city, as if the stars in the sky had fallen to the earth.

Not to mention making Linshui city as bright as day, the immortal clan with all-powerful means can dispel the darkness, and it is not impossible to change the day and change the day.

These exquisite palace lanterns are nothing more than drawing on common customs to create a festive atmosphere.

However, Wei Lin and his group are not in the mood to appreciate these beautiful scenery at all at this time. In their eyes, the beautiful Linshui City, decorated with lights and festoons, is no different from a beast with a bloody mouth, and they still have to take the initiative to leave. into the mouth of the beast.

Wei Lin looked away calmly, and walked slowly to the reception desk of the city gate to hand over the sect token. The receptionist was very busy, glanced quickly, and blurted out: "The head of the Qingyu School, Wei Lin is here!"

The bustling gate of the city became quiet in an instant, and hundreds of thousands of eyes looked at it. It wasn't until then that the guard at the reception realized something. He raised his head like he was stuck, looked at Wei Lin with wide eyes, and confirmed in disbelief: "Wei Lin?"

Wei Lin ignored the gazes on his body, nodded calmly, "Exactly."


After uttering a word, the soldiers reacted, swallowed the words that had reached their lips, cleared their throats, and resumed their businesslike appearance, "Please show your fairy certificates."

Once the procedure is completed quickly, the car will be released.

Everything is the treatment and process that small forces should have. There is no privilege or embarrassment, as if they are ordinary ones among many small forces.

Under the staring eyes in the open and in the dark, Wei Lin stepped into Linshui City. Behind him, Yeying and Zhantian all looked very dignified.

Linshui City is just a small city slightly larger than Qingyu, if not for the fall of multiple defense areas, this place would not even be noticed by the proud sons of heaven.

The conference was held in a small two-story building in the city. It was not grand or elegant, and the only advantage was that it was large enough to accommodate all the participants.

Before he got close, Wei Lin saw Jun Yushan and Jun Yuqiu from a distance, and behind them, there was a strong Jinxian of Da Luo.

Meeting Wei Lin's sight, Jun Yushan hesitated to speak, and quickly looked away, looking elsewhere; Jun Yuqiu was still weak, covered his lips and coughed, and lowered his eyes naturally.

Wei Lin looked thoughtful, and then received a voice transmission from Nightingale, "It looks like the situation is very serious today, so be cautious."

Nightingale has seen his friendship with Jun Yushan, and knows that Jun Yushan, a playboy, is actually a very loyal person.

He and Wei Lin have shared weal and woe many times, and their friendship is far-reaching beyond the comprehension of outsiders, and even he avoids it, so the severity of the situation can be imagined.

After Nightingale, Wei Lin successively received voice transmissions from Zhan Tian, ​​Lan Qing, and Jian Zhu, all telling him to be careful, and if something went wrong, Wei Lin would leave first after they broke up.

Wei Lin answered several people one by one, and walked towards the small building at a constant speed.

Suddenly, there was a surge of air in the sky, and a battleship floated across the sky. Whether it was intentional or not, the position of the battleship happened to be directly above Wei Lin and the others.

At this location, at this distance, the entire Linshui City is within the attack coverage of the battleship.

Almost at the same time, Zhan Tian and Jian Zhu took a step forward and stood beside Wei Lin, while the figures of Nightingale and Lan Qing were slightly distorted and blurred.

Wei Lin's heart skipped a beat, but the expression on his face remained unchanged, he looked up naturally, and with a bright celestial light flickering, the ship door opened, and a tall and slender girl with a beautiful face flew out from it.

The woman is very beautiful, especially a pair of black pupils, which are gentle and quiet, but if you observe carefully, you can see the burning determination deep in the black pupils.

Although Wei Lin has never met this woman, he has already seen her portrait. In fact, most people in Xingque have seen her portrait.

This is a person who must be remembered, a person who cannot be provoked or offended.

Zhao Yuyan, the number one heir to the Zhao family of the four major families of the Xianmeng League, is now the fourth-ranked genius on the Qingyun list.

Wei Lin's heart trembled slightly, this is a swordsman, a swordsman who is restrained and back to basics.

After Zhao Yuyan, there were the rest of the Zhao family's juniors. When his eyes swept to the last person, Wei Lin's pupils shrank slightly.
Zhao Yuyan is already a Da Luo Jinxian cultivation base, she already has enough power to protect herself, and she no longer needs the guards of the Dao Ancestral Realm.

At this time, she came with a Dao ancestor...

"Yuyan, you're here."

A warm voice came from behind him, Wei Lin turned his head, and saw Shen Canghao appearing at the door at some unknown time, with a smile on his face and eyes all the time, making one look like a spring breeze.

Zhao Yuyan nodded slightly, and greeted with a light smile: "Cang Hao, long time no see."

After the two exchanged pleasantries, many people gathered around, those who greeted each other greeted each other, and those who greeted each other said hello.

Soon, after dealing with everyone, Zhao Yuyan went up to the second floor with Shen Canghao.

Throughout the whole process, neither Shen Canghao nor Zhao Yuyan paid attention to Wei Lin, as if he was really just the head of an ordinary small sect, not worthy of their attention.

After Zhao Yuyan, the Song Family, Qi Family, Dragon Clan, Tiger Clan, and Xuanwu Clan arrived one after another, and each faction had a Dao Ancestor Realm expert.

As for the leader of the Song family, it was Song Zicheng who had been missing for many days. At this moment, his complexion was still a little pale, obviously his injuries were not healed.

After the Danling City incident, more than half a year has passed, and the injury has not healed after such a long time, which shows the severity of his injuries.

Seeing him, Wei Lin couldn't help thinking of Shao Haoyue who was pretended by Xun Xia, and his heart became more worried, wondering if she escaped danger?

As soon as the thoughts came here, another fairy boat appeared above the small building.

There are only four families and four clans who can drive the fairy boat here in a grand manner.

Wei Lin raised his eyes and saw the phoenix emblem on the fairy boat at a glance. Immediately afterwards, the direct descendants of the Phoenix clan headed by the Phoenix prince Shaohaoheng came out in a file. Sixteen people, except Shaohaoyue, all came.

Seeing him, Shaohao Luo's eyes flashed complicated, and he turned his foot, and was about to come towards him, and Wei Lin also planned to ask him about the situation.

No way, just as Shaohao Luo moved, the gentle young man walking beside him suddenly stretched out his hand and put it on his shoulder.

The young Wei Lin had seen it in Lingzhou's memory, and also in the brochure of the famous elites of the Immortal League, Shao Haochen, who was ranked fourteenth in the Feng clan.

He seemed to have transmitted something to Shaohao Luo, Wei Lin saw Shaohao Luo, first struggled in surprise, then obediently followed the young man followed by the elder brothers and sisters, and walked up to the second floor.

Wei Lin was stunned, even the lawless Shaohao Luo of the Feng Clan had to succumb, what would the Immortal Alliance do to deal with him this time?

Can they put the hat of the Demon Emperor on his head?
As the four families of the Xianmeng went to the second floor, the elites of the aristocratic families and sects breathed a sigh of relief, the atmosphere was no longer as tense as before, and many acquaintances walked around to communicate.

Wei Lin and his party found a place to sit down. At this time, he received a voice transmission from Jun Yushan: "Don't look up, listen to me, you should find a way to leave quickly, the meeting will be held tomorrow, and tonight there will be a The banquet is actually a separate meeting of four families.

I learned this news from a close friend. According to him, when they entered the city, the reception staff informed them, but they ignored my Jun's family. They must have doubted my friendship with you.

In this meeting, they are going to deal with you. With so many Dao Ancestral Realms, it is useless for your Dao Ancestral Realm powerhouse to come. "

Wei Lin's expression changed slightly. He knew that this was a grand banquet, but he thought that they were trying to cover it up, and they would not attack him directly without a legitimate reason.

What the Qingyu faction wants is to be hypocritical, to gain more time to develop and grow, and to give him time to grow.

But judging from what Jun Yushan said, either this group of people found an excuse to put him in a disadvantageous situation, or they planned to throw away the fig leaf, directly erase him, and make up for it later.

He looked up at the door, repeatedly rehearsing the escape method he had prepared.

At this time, a whole gray boat with wings and clouds carved like a sharp arrow approached, deftly turned around outside the small building, and stopped firmly.

The lines of the fairy boat are smooth and elegant, and it doesn't look very gorgeous, but whether it is the joints of the hull, or the carvings on the hull and railings, every detail is very elegant, even the flow of clouds is natural, that is An unassuming luxury.

At this time, are there still people from four families and four clans...

The next moment, Wei Lin's mind went blank, and all the voices faded away. In his field of vision, there was only the girl in the light yellow dress who walked out of the cabin.

A pear.

He wanted to call out, but his voice was blocked in his throat.

At this moment, the past suddenly became alive, those long years seemed to no longer exist, and they were still lovers who had been together day and night.

As if aware of his gaze, the girl looked over.

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