all the way to fairy

Chapter 925 Reunion

As soon as Shaohaoyue got out of the fairy boat, she felt a series of eyes falling on her body. She didn't pay attention to these usual things, but among the many eyes, she caught a special one.

That feeling was very strange, but she couldn't tell what was so strange, she just felt very special, very special, and she couldn't wait to know who this gaze belonged to.

She thought so, and did so.

Sword-browed and phoenix-eyed, the jet-black eyes were as quiet as a clear pool, and she drowned in just one glance.

At this moment, it is clear that the night is getting dark, but she seems to be in the spring of March, the breeze is gentle, gently brushing her cheeks and ears, she seems to see a tree and a tree blooming one after another, shattering the spring light.

The young man in blue and white robes was sitting by the window, and the watery moonlight fell on him, soft and hazy.

A strand of long hair was blown up by the wind, casting a silhouette on his delicate face, which was picturesque.

It's so beautiful.

She pinched the window frame unconsciously with both hands, "Who are you?"

It was only when she said the words that she realized that she was getting too close. Would it make people feel offensive?

This thought flashed across her mind, and before she could decide whether to take a step back, she saw the young man's long eyelashes move slightly, his clear eyes rippled, his Adam's apple slipped, and he uttered two words, "Wei Lin."

The voice was low, slightly hoarse, and there were a few subtle tremors when you listened carefully.

Well, it seems that he doesn't mind the distance.

Shaohaoyue nodded, "I am..."

In the middle of speaking, she paused, blinked her eyes, and said in astonishment: "You are Wei Lin?!"

If I had known that he was Wei Lin, I should have arranged for more people. If Uncle Fourteen is unreliable, if he is drunk again, the arrow will miss, and she will not be able to meet him.

Wei Linfeng's eyes lit up instantly, and he asked nervously and expectantly: "You...know me?"

"Of course, it's like thunder." After speaking, Shaohaoyue felt that the wording was a bit inappropriate, and added, "There should be very few people who don't know you in Xingque..."

At this moment, those bright phoenix eyes suddenly dimmed, melting into the silent night.

She stopped what she was talking about, what was she talking about, what pot is not open and which pot to lift!

She quickly changed the subject: "I'm Shaohaoyue, ranked seventeenth in the Phoenix clan."

Wei Lin sighed unrecognizably, and parted his thin lips lightly: "I know."

"Uh, I forgot, I'm quite famous too." Shaohaoyue realized it at this moment.

The people around were stunned by this inexplicable unfolding. Seeing Shaohaoyue, they were surprised at first, and then they planned to come forward to greet him.

As a result, as soon as the hand was raised halfway and the mouth opened, they saw her figure flash, and she arrived at the window in the next second, and the subsequent unfolding made them drop their jaws in shock.

Is this still Shaohaoyue?
Is it still the little princess of the Phoenix clan who is arrogant and domineering, gets mad regardless of the occasion, and loves to slap people?

Why do you feel that she is a little silly in front of you?Why did she want to get to know Wei Lin?
Lian Yang in the back closed his mouth wide open, with a solemn face, lamenting in his heart, how can this image be saved?

As early as when Xianzhou arrived, people from the four families upstairs also felt it. Everyone was talking and laughing, waiting for Shaohaoyue to pass by, but they were also stunned when they came out.

Everyone looked at the Feng Clan, especially the Feng Crown Prince, who gathered most of their gazes. Everyone was silently asking, what the hell is Shaohaoyue doing?

Their plan this time is to put pressure on Wei Lin first, and then start the follow-up. Now Shaohao Yue Baba went to talk to Wei Lin, isn't it causing trouble?
Prince Feng sat still, as if he hadn't received their signal, he only glanced at Shaohaoluo vaguely, seeing that he was extremely nervous, he immediately understood a little bit.

All the people present were human beings, no matter how subtle his movements were, many people would notice them, and immediately everyone looked at Shaohao Luo in unison.

At this time, Shaohao Luo didn't notice this at all, he was terrified, didn't Shi Qi go to see his uncle?Why did you come here so soon?
Does she not remember?Why did they go straight to Wei Lin as soon as they met, without pausing!
At this time, his arm was hit by someone, and he came back to his senses, only to find that the eyes of the people in the room almost stopped on him.

He immediately suppressed his expression, cleared his throat, and pretended to be brisk and naturally shouted: "Seventeen, I'm just waiting for you, come up quickly."

The conversation was interrupted, Shaohaoyue suddenly became irritable, and looked up angrily: "It's the soul-crowding child!"

As soon as she said that, she regretted it. How could she be so irritable when they met for the first time? Thinking about it again, her reputation is more cruel, arrogant, and self-willed, especially in the upper circles, her reputation is almost stink. .

Wei Lin should have heard of it too, and when they met for the first time, he got mad in front of his face. Would he think those rumors were true?
Well, these rumors seem to be true.

She tried her best to show a gentle and harmless smile, and explained bravely: "Well, in fact, I seldom get angry. It's just that I'm born... with a loud voice, which is easy to be misunderstood."

Wei Lin smiled, she was still the girl who was obsessed with becoming a little fairy, but could not suppress her nature from time to time, and ran counter to gentleness.

"I have to go up." Although she said that, she didn't mean to leave at all.

The corners of Wei Lin's lips raised, his eyes were stained with a smile, and he said slowly and softly, "Okay."

Shaohaoyue subconsciously smiled back, and then jumped upstairs. After landing, she couldn't help but turn her head to look again. Wei Lin was still looking at her speechlessly, those phoenix eyes in the deep pool and abyss were very peaceful, There seemed to be some other kind of emotion in the depths of his eyes.

She suddenly had a feeling that this gaze would follow her forever.

There seems to be a feather brushing in the heart, bringing a slight itching, and inexplicable joy breeds in the bottom of the heart, growing wantonly, like sake that has been shaken, fermenting and bubbling uncontrollably.

The corners of her lips curved slightly, she turned around lightly, and walked into the room.

After the people downstairs were quiet for a short time, the pot exploded. Young talents from various families and factions gathered together to discuss in a low voice, and from time to time cast their gazes at Wei Lin by the window.

Different from the previous attention, this time, their eyes were a little more dignified, not like the previous ones who were watching a show, or pity, or contempt.

The four of Nightingale secretly exchanged glances, and they all saw solemnity in each other's eyes. The only one who was happy in the audience was probably Jun Yushan.

This time, he walked over boldly, bumped into Wei Lin's shoulder, and winked: "There are not many people who can enter Yue Palace, congratulations."

Wei Lin withdrew his gaze and said softly, "Today is indeed worthy of congratulations."

So many expectations have failed, but today is an unexpected encounter.

The friend's plight ushered in a turning point, and seeing the hero whom he had admired for many years, Jun Yushan was overjoyed and blurted out: "This is all right, Yuedian has always been unscrupulous and played cards out of common sense. Back then, the mermaid... ..."

"Cough, cough, cough..." A series of high-pitched coughs suppressed Jun Yushan's voice.

Hearing his elder brother's coughing, Jun Yushan finally regained his senses. Some things just need to be well known and cannot be announced to the public.

Furthermore, in his capacity, he couldn't openly express his joy that Wei Lin was about to get out of trouble, besides, the disciples of the four families were all upstairs.

He silently mouthed 'Yerren Lingzhou', signaling Wei Lin not to worry.

In Xingque, there are very few geniuses with the same status and talent as Yuedian, but it is not impossible, but in the hearts of almost everyone in Xingque, the first person who cannot be provoked is her.

You can have the courage to challenge Shen Canghao, Zhao Yuyan and other four families and four clans who are the number one heirs in line, even if you hold a chicken feather as an arrow, it is not impossible to fight against the strong in the ancestral realm.

But if he dared to provoke Yue Dian, it would be really boring.

She will not weigh the pros and cons, nor will she care about your status, whether you have righteousness or not, and act completely according to her own logic.

In order to help Lingzhou out of the siege, she suddenly had to participate in the college assessment, which made everyone's scores extremely ugly, even her own brothers and sisters from the Feng clan, she did not give up their scores.

Not to mention the little flower fairy she sees like eyeballs, that's the kind that you scold little flower fairy in your heart, and she will help you scold back.

Now that Wei Lin has caught her eye, the forces of all parties have to carefully consider and weigh the pros and cons.

In the final analysis, there is no unresolvable conflict of interest between the forces of all parties and Wei Lin. All along, they have relied on their power to seize the treasure and suppress his rise.

Offending Yue Dian for the sake of Wei Lin is not worthwhile.

As for the plane world, Wei Lin is not No. 1, and Bai Xi is a good reference plan.

With Jun Yushan's beginning, many people also used Huatou to talk to Wei Lin, some were tentative, some were pantothenic, and some were contemptuous.

Downstairs is undercurrent, and upstairs is not calm.

Shaohao Luo didn't want everyone's attention to stay too much on Shaohao Yue's dangerous behavior just now, so he took the lead and said, "Don't you want to rest for a while, why are you here?"

Shaohaoyue knew what he was really asking, she was called away by Feng Jun to talk, and all the brothers and sisters thought it would be a long time, so they didn't wait for her and came here first.

However, she has set up the stage, and Wei Lin is knowledgeable~ No, he cooperated with her tacitly to perform, now someone wants to tear down the stage, how could she not come.

She said lightly: "It's just a minor injury, there's nothing to rest for."

While talking, she saw Song Zicheng with a sick face, and immediately thought of this shameless Xia Xiao who coveted Wei Lin, forcing him to hide in XZ and blatantly spy on Huahua.

Immediately, the topic changed, and he made no secret of his sarcasm: "Furthermore, Mr. Song can get up from the hospital bed to attend the meeting. I have a small injury, so how can I not attend?"

Song Zicheng's complexion suddenly became colorful, and he gritted his teeth bitterly: "Hmph, this matter is also strange to me, why does Xun Xia dare to pretend to be a younger sister openly?"

They are all descended from famous families, their every move attracts the attention of all the forces, they openly pretend, even if the other forces are not sure for a while, the Feng Clan should have a general understanding of her whereabouts.

Thanks to book friends 20220902082114361, Xichuang Jianzhu, and Butterfly jojo for their great rewards;
Thanks to all the little cuties who voted monthly and recommended tickets!

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