In other words, the Demon Race must first ensure that she appeared in Cangxuan during those days.

It's not easy to do this, if the Feng clan didn't notice it, Song Ziyong didn't believe it.

Faced with what he meant, Shaohaoyue rolled his eyes bluntly, "You should ask Xunxia about this."

After a pause, she added, "Perhaps, she thinks you are blind and easy to deceive."

Song Zi was so angry that the blush on his cheeks added a bit of blood to the pale sick face. He snorted coldly and said coolly: "Is your Feng clan going to be defeated? Why did you withdraw during the time when Cangxuan's personnel Most of it?"

Since she was not polite, there was no need for him to show any face to the Feng family, if it was too tactful, let's explain.

As soon as he finished speaking, he sat idle beside him and closed the folding fan with Shaohao Jin, who was playing with the Tianji fan, "Brother Song is wrong, what kind of wealth do you have, what is the size of our Yinquan Merchant Group, and the transfer of manpower in various regions. Nothing could be more normal."

Song Ziyi sneered, "The Yinquan Merchant Group has been developing for many years, and the mechanism is not perfect. It is necessary to mobilize so many people to leave. This son really did not expect."

"I need to report to Mr. Song about the internal affairs of the Yinquan Merchant Group?" Shao Haojin smiled unabated on his lips, but it didn't reach his eyes, and the rising end sound was even more chilling.

Shaohaoyue raised her eyebrows slightly, interrupted their euphemistic insinuations, and asked directly: "Young Master Song, what do you mean, is this princess colluding with the demon clan?"

Song Zi snorted coldly and refused to respond positively.

The crime of colluding with the demon clan is too serious, without sufficient evidence, rashly accusing Shaohaoyue of it will cause the Song family and the Feng clan to directly turn against each other, how could Song Zicheng make such a mistake.

Shen Canghao tapped lightly on the table and said, "Okay, time is running out, let's talk about business."

Both parties were unwilling to continue this sensitive topic, facing the steps Shen Canghao handed over, they took advantage of the situation and stepped down.

After everyone was seated, Shen Canghao said: "I called everyone today because I have something to share. A few years ago, Yue Shimei and I went to the lower realms to investigate the Seven Star Rebellion, and finally found a person who was cultivated in the Demon Ancestral Realm. On the Blood Demon Clan, his purpose was to revive the Demon Emperor, and it has succeeded."

The room was silent for a moment, and everyone's expressions became solemn. They had heard about this for a long time, but now that Shen Canghao confirmed it, they still couldn't help being shocked.

Although the Demon Emperor was sealed for several epochs, they had never been in contact with it, but the memory from their blood still made them tremble in their hearts.

That is the Demon Emperor who destroys everything, and killing is the only thing he is interested in.

Shen Canghao's eyes swept over everyone present one by one, and he only talked about their trip to the lower realm in a fair and objective tone, starting from the investigation of arriving at Qingxuan Starfield, the last inheritance of the pagoda in Baidi Garden, and Ye Luo's volleying into the sky. The only remaining part of the sword formula is the first volume, and he narrates it objectively and impartially.

All of you are keen to grasp the key point - Wei Lin who has inherited Ye Luo's volleying sword art.

Song Ziyi was the first to speak: "The Seven Stars Blue Light Pagoda is located below the Demon Palace, and the seventh floor is the closest to the Demon Palace, and the higher up the pagoda's formation, the easier it is to destroy.

There is nothing to understand, Wei Lin is the resurrected Demon Emperor, and the pagoda is designed in such a way that it is convenient for him to leave. "

His words were immediately echoed by many people, "My son said why he is so against the sky, not only is he powerful in combat, but killing the same level is as easy as chopping melons and vegetables, and the level of improvement is ridiculously fast. It turns out that he is resurrected!" Demon Emperor!"

"I have long thought that He is weird. Those untouchables have no resources or background, and the ascension time is short. How could it be possible to improve so quickly?"

The atmosphere in the room is much more relaxed, it is no longer as dignified as before, and some people are even full of fighting spirit.

Fear stems from the unknown. Although Wei Lin is strong, he is not so outrageous that he is completely invincible. He has been thoroughly analyzed in the battle in Silver Stream Fjord.

In that battle, he tried his best to kill Yuan Fei, and after that, he would have no power to fight again. If he hadn't been decisive at that time, and used all the recovered fairy power to dodge footwork, the rest of the fairy warriors would have been killed too. He tried his best to stop the demons from covering him. I am afraid that at that time, he would die under the angry demon army sword.

Now that Wei Linxiu has improved, it can also be calculated that his combat power must not be a powerful opponent in the Dao Ancestral Realm.

And although there are not many Dao Ancestral Realm powerhouses in the immortal clan, there are also many.

Faced with the excitement of these people, Bai Leling couldn't help but look at Shaohaoyue. From the previous meeting in Qingyu City, she naturally knew that Shaohaoyue had another object of suspicion.

Although she didn't like Shaohaoyue very much, she had to admit that the girl in white was very suspicious.

Most importantly, these people are too extreme and too judgmental.

She glanced at Shen Canghao again, and said softly: "Wei Lin may also be just a pawn thrown to confuse our sight, the resurrected Demon Emperor may not be him."

Shen Canghao's eyes narrowed slightly, and he quickly regained his composure. He nodded and said, "It's possible."

He went to see Zhao Yuyan, Shaohaoheng, Lingze and others, and asked, "What do you think?"

These people are the first-in-line heirs of the four families and four clans, and their words can finally represent the positions of each family and clan.

Zhao Yuyan, Ling Ze, Xuan Liu, and Qi Shujun had the same attitudes as Bai Leling. Wei Lin was suspected, but it might also be a smoke bomb thrown by the demons.

In the end, everyone turned their attention to the only Phoenix Crown Prince Shaohaoheng who did not express his opinion, but he looked at Shaohaoyue, "Seventeen, what do you think?"

Shaohaoheng's move surprised everyone, and they all thought about the deep meaning of his move. The only person who can represent one party on this occasion is the first in line heir.

Does Shaohao Heng's move mean that there will be a big change in the ranking of the direct descendants of the Feng Clan?Could it be that the rumors are true, that Shaohaoyue's talent potential is still higher than Shaohaoheng's?

Shaohao Heng didn't know what they were thinking, but he was helpless. From Shaohao Luo's contradictory attitude towards Wei Lin, to Shaohao Yue's strangeness just now, he roughly guessed a little bit.

When it comes to Wei Lin, one has to ask about the attitude of this closely related person. More importantly, Shao Haoyue facilitated this arrangement, and the degree of it can only be grasped by herself.

Shaohaoyue nodded, stood up suddenly, a scroll appeared in her hand, and as she raised her hand, the scroll slowly unfolded on the table.

This is a painting.

The brilliant blood red forced everyone's eyes, and for a moment, they seemed to be in an endless sea of ​​blood, and their eyes were full of blood as far as they could see.

Everyone quickly pulled away from the dizziness, and their hearts trembled a little. For a painting to have such power, the painted object must be extraordinary.

The picture scroll continued to unfold, a smear of pure white appeared in the bright red world, and the pure white gradually increased. When the whole picture scroll was fully unfolded, everyone in the room froze in place, holding their breath involuntarily.

In the center of the picture scroll is a beautiful girl in white clothes and a white skirt, holding a wide and long machete in a stretched posture, as if she just swung the knife, and there is still blood on the tip of the knife.

From the posture of holding the knife, the force point of the arm, the angle of turning the blade, and the trajectory of the knife, it is not difficult to see that this is a demon who is good at fighting.

"Blood Demon Race!" Someone couldn't hold back, and exhaled in a low voice, with an uncontrollable tremor in his voice.

Shen Canghao's narration just now has proved that the Blood Demon Clan has not been exterminated, and there were remnants who escaped from birth, but seeing it with his own eyes, he still couldn't hide his shock.

The Demon Emperor was born in the Blood Demon Clan.

For hundreds of millions of years, there has always been a rumor in the demon clan that as long as the blood of the blood demon clan continues, one day the demon emperor will return from the blood.

Shaohaoyue seemed to think it was not enough, and threw out another shocking news, "Guitu is dead."


"She killed it."

The atmosphere in the room was stagnant, and it was so quiet that a needle drop could be heard for a while.

Shaohaojin raised the Tianji fan to cover the corners of his slightly twitching mouth. Strictly speaking, whose hands did Guitu die in?
If she hadn't pushed Gui Tu to a desperate situation, she had no choice but to break the boat and cast the taboo trick Reaper's War with [-]% of the original magic energy, how could the blood demon who is suspected of being the Demon Emperor kill Gui Tu so easily.

In Gui Tu's state at that time, any little fairy who had just entered the fairyland at the beginning of the fairyland could kill him.

After a while, there was an uproar in the room, Prince Long Lingze stood up awkwardly, and asked in a deep voice: "Sister Yue Shi, are you serious?"

Compared with the human race and other races, the dragon and phoenix clan and the blood demon clan have a longer history of grievances. As early as the beginning of the prehistoric era, they were in a state of hostility.

What's more, the trigger of the catastrophe of desire was also related to the blood demons.

Not guilty at all, Shaohaoyue pointed to the unfolded scroll and said, "This is the scene after she kills Gui Tu."

She looked at Shen Canghao and Bai Leling, "I mentioned her to Brother Shen and Sister Leling before. The first time I saw her was the battle in the Mingsha Wasteland. At that time, she was only in the Heavenly Demon Realm;

See you again in Fangshi near Kong Shiyuan a few years later, it will be the middle stage of the Heavenly Demon Realm; and just now, she is already in the late stage of the Heavenly Demon Realm. "

Shaohao Luo stared wide-eyed, why did he feel that she was helping Wei Lin clear his suspicions?

Also very targeted!
Once this blood demon girl comes out, who can put the devil emperor's hat on her head?

He is strong in battle, can he be stronger than the blood demon girl who killed Gui Tu?

Gui Tu is not comparable to Yuan Fei and his ilk. As the number one successor of Qimen, his talent and actual combat power are the strongest in his generation, and he has also learned the secrets of Qimen.

Although Gui Tu's brain is not very good, but among the first heirs of the four great demon sects, he is only under the hook base in terms of combat power, and he is the strongest among the four in terms of explosive power!

Wei Lin's cultivation speed is fast, isn't it still a bit slower than this Blood Demon girl?

Moreover, that was a real blood demon.

Now, the reason they just decided that Wei Lin was the resurrected Demon Emperor is completely untenable.

Doesn't she have no memory about Wei Lin?Why did you protect her when you just met?
Everyone was not in the mood to pay attention to Wei Lin, nor was they in the mood to pay attention to Shaohao Luo's expression. They all looked at the picture scroll spread out on the table solemnly, and deduced whether the girl was the resurrected Demon Emperor, and what level of strength she had.

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