However, no matter how it is deduced, the possibility of the girl being the Demon Emperor is ridiculously high.

And they, it can be said that they know almost nothing about the girl's real combat power.

Their silence made Shaohao Yue disdainful, and he sneered: "Why, aren't you going to kill the Demon Emperor now? Wasn't the fighting spirit just now?"

There are traces of Wei Lin's strength, and this group of people clearly knew in their hearts that the possibility of him being the Demon Emperor is not high, but they shamelessly insisted on putting the name of the Demon Emperor on him.

Now, when the real Demon Emperor suspects the candidate to appear, they are dumbfounded.

"Seventeen." Shaohao Heng glared at her, signaling her to shut up.

Shaohaoyue shrugged, "I'm just telling the truth, why, they are not ashamed when they do it, are they afraid of me telling the truth?
I think they are the lackeys of the Demon Emperor. I am afraid that they will be exposed, so I have to find a substitute to help her confuse the public. "

Shaohao Heng pinched his forehead with a headache, is this a firecracker?
The few people who expressed their opinions in a hurry just now blushed with shame, and some people retorted unwillingly, "In any case, it is a fact that Wei Lin's sword formula came from the pagoda of Baidi Garden. He is not the Demon Emperor, or he may be a subordinate of the Demon Emperor. Throwing smoke bombs."

The person who spoke was Song Ziyu from the Song family. The Song family suffered the most from the attack of the demon clan. The deaths of many young talents in the Cangxuan Immortal Territory will inevitably put Cangxuan at a disadvantage in the following battle for returning to the ruins. How can the Song family swallow this breath.

Therefore, in the face of Shaohaoyue, the culprit to a certain extent, the children of the Song family hated their teeth a long time ago, but they couldn't help it, so they could only give up.

Facing Shaohaoyue's sarcasm at this moment, how could he hold back his anger.

Shaohaoyue didn't even give Song Zicheng any face, let alone a low-ranking Song Ziyu.

She sneered, "The remnants of the blood demon clan have been in Qingxuan for thousands of years, and your supervisory department of Cangxuan Immortal Realm didn't even notice it. I think there must be help from within you. I think it's better to thoroughly investigate Cangxuan." .”


Song Ziyu was so angry that he wanted to spurt blood, the young generation of Cangxuan had lost a lot, and after a thorough investigation, this trip back to the ruins, they could not expect to gain anything in Cangxuan Immortal Domain.

Song Ziyong reached out his hand to stop the angry Song Ziyu, and said coldly: "The purpose of our meeting is to brainstorm and work together. My younger brother just raised a possibility, but Yue Shimei is protecting Wei Lin like this, which makes people think."

Shaohaoyue was stunned for a moment. Originally, her intention was to disgust these people, and she didn't want to have a fierce confrontation with them, so she couldn't hold back.

She rolled her eyes, and said disdainfully: "I just can't understand your jealousy and unscrupulousness."

These words almost scolded most of the people in the room. They were all noble sons, they were particular about their appearance, and when their hidden thoughts were punctured, they immediately lost their face.

Someone reminded faintly, "This girl from the Blood Demon Race is just the most likely person to be the Demon Emperor. The result has not yet been finalized."

Another said: "Since the Demon Emperor has been resurrected, the Man of Destiny must have also been born."

The implication is to remind Shao Haoyue that it is too early to excuse Wei Lin.

When it came to this sensitive topic, Shaohaoheng didn't give Shaohaoyue time to go back, and immediately changed the subject, "Since this woman is in the Demon Realm, her identity will first cause headaches for the Demon Race. Our top priority is to return to the Demon Realm." Market place."

The people didn't want to keep arguing with Shaohaoyue, the main reason was that she was too merciless in her words, and if the argument continued, who knew what she would say to embarrass them, so they went down this step.

The purpose of Shaohaoyue's trip has been achieved, everyone has a tacit understanding on the general direction of returning to the ruins, and there are precedents to follow, so it is very easy to discuss.

As soon as her mind was idle, she couldn't help but think of Wei Lin, and when she thought of her errands, her heart tightened, was she caught in the magic trick?

No, no, Wei Lin is a swordsman, and I haven't heard that he can use magic and illusion.

Those clear phoenix eyes appeared in her mind, and she suddenly felt a little guilty, how could she miss him so much.

She glanced at a child of the Xuanwu clan who was speaking, and suddenly felt irritated. These turtles are slow to move, why are they talking so slowly, when will it end?
In her torment, the long meeting did not end until the middle of the month.

Shaohaoyue was the first to get up, and went down through the window, but was disappointed to find that Wei Lin had already left.

Lian Yang came up to meet him and said, "Your Highness, the courtyard assigned to us is in the south of the city."

In the next battle, Linshui City will serve as the general command post, so all forces will have a place to stay in the city.

Shaohaoyue nodded, exhaled imperceptibly, "Let's go."

As soon as he went out, he saw Wei Lin sitting on the eaves of the turret from a distance, looking up at the moon.

The bright moonlight poured down from the top of his head, coating his blue and white robe with a layer of silver light, and his whole body seemed to be glowing.

Shaohaoyue stared blankly, suddenly felt some inexplicable familiarity, and the moonlight melted, blurring the figure on the tall building.

"Seventeen, do you want to go together?"

Shaohaoyao's voice pulled her back from her trance, she turned her head and found that other people had also gone downstairs, Shen Canghao and others looked inquiringly, and the brothers and sisters of the Feng clan signaled her to leave with their eyes.

Shaohaoyue understands what they mean, now is really not the time to get close to Wei Lin, no matter what Wei Lin's identity is, it is real for him to gather the Ascension Immortal Clan and want to resist the Immortal Alliance.

Originally, she didn't plan to have too close contact with Qingyu, it was her plan to have nothing to do with it on the surface, but to support her secretly.


She looked back, Wei Linxu was aware of the movement here, and was looking down at this side, his calm gaze had an inexplicable penetrating power, as if he could see into people's hearts at a glance.

She pursed her lips, shook her head firmly and said, "Go back, I have something to do."

As he spoke, he tapped his toes and floated up, meeting that gaze, and landed on the tower.

She sat down beside Wei Lin, looked up at the sky, and asked, "Are you admiring the moon?"

Wei Lin tilted his head to look at her quietly, and gave a soft 'hmm'.

"It's not bad, I'm still in the mood to watch the moon at this time!" Shaohaoyue teased with a smile, and said: "Don't worry, it's just discussing the division of war zones."

"Division of war zones?"

"Guixu, have you heard of Guixu? This battle of immortals and demons is to fight for the total quota of the fairy clan and demon clan. Later, our fairy clan will also need to divide the quota among various forces..."

She walked swiftly, but she confused the others. She really had no scruples. After knowing Wei Lin, she still chose to communicate with Wei Lin in full view!

Previously, everyone thought she was taking advantage of the incident, using the matter of Wei Lin's defilement to trouble them and express her anger about the Ye Yuyu incident.

Now it seems that cause and effect may be reversed.

Edited the details of the chapter of reunion, and changed it to be more subtle

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