Seven days ago, Jun's defense area.

After reading Wei Lin's reply, Jun Yushan flicked on the map for a while, reached out and clicked on an area of ​​the magic army, and said, "Brother, how about we take this place?"

Before Jun Yuqiu could answer, the participating military adviser slapped his thigh and said first: "This place is good!"

After speaking, he also looked at Jun Yuqiu.

That area is also Jun Yuqiu's favorite area. If it is captured, the Jun family will be able to avoid a dangerous place in the follow-up advance. At the same time, it will be closer to the Qingyu defense area, which is conducive to subsequent cooperation.

Naturally, Jun Yuqiu had no objection, nodded and said: "Go ahead with the notice, everyone will rest and set off the day after tomorrow. We will study the route and attack strategy again in these two days."

"Okay!" Jun Yushan raised his voice to answer, and he was about to gear up.

Although the Jun family's private army is not considered an elite division, it has been fighting on the battlefield of immortals and demons all year round, and its combat power is not bad. This time, from the departure to the attack on the stronghold, it is fast.

There was no time for the magic army to react, and within an hour of the start of the battle, they took down that stronghold at a very small price.

Then the army began to form formations and build fortresses.

Just as they were working in full swing, a heavy object fell from the sky, splashing dust all over the floor.

The soldiers working nearby were choked with ashes. They were furious, but when they saw the 'heavy object', they were shocked, "Sister Zhang!"

"Quick! Notify the eldest son!"

The woman who landed was a young scout with great potential in the scout battalion, and they were in charge of investigating the situation around this stronghold.

How long has it been since I left, and I came back like this.

The female soldier forcefully opened her eyes, and said with difficulty: "Devil...devil army, five... divisions, inform the grand... lord and son."

The last faint breath sound of the word 'zi' came out, and the female soldier tilted her head and fell silent.

At this time, Jun Yuqiu and the others rushed over, and when they saw the blood-stained corpse of the female soldier, their complexions became more and more serious.

There was no need for the soldiers to report, but Jun Yuqiu and the others, who came to their senses immediately after realizing the situation, already knew what the female soldier said before she died.

The magic army of the five divisions, not to mention the private army defending this time, is all the troops of the Jun family here, I am afraid that only the entire army will be wiped out.

"Eldest son, take everyone back first, and I will go and see where they are." The old man who had been following Jun Yuqiu said in a deep voice.

The strong in the army are limited. Although the scout battalion is important, the chief officer in charge is only in the late stage of the Celestial Immortal Realm, and the scope of reconnaissance is limited.

The old man is a Taiyi Golden Immortal at the initial stage of cultivation. Although he has only raised one level, the improvement of a large level itself means a qualitative leap in strength.The scope of his reconnaissance is naturally not comparable to that of the people in the scout battalion.

Looking at the female soldier's body, Jun Yuqiu sighed, "It's too late."

Following his line of sight, the old man's eyes also fell on the female soldier, and he immediately understood.

He had an impression of this female soldier, a very talented scout who was trained by the commander of the scout battalion as his successor.

However, her cultivation base is only at the early stage of the Celestial Immortal Realm, and there is a limit to her speed. Now, the magic army should have arrived nearby.

Sure enough, in just a moment, a group of magic army appeared within the scope of his consciousness, like a black lightning, crossing the ground and shooting towards this side.

The old man's face became extremely ugly. For such an elite scout, the army he belonged to must be the elite of the elite. The high-level of the immortal clan must pay close attention to the main force of this level.

But the Jun family did not receive any news, this is absolutely abnormal!
Facing the rapidly approaching demon army, no matter how much doubts and anger there were, the old man could only put aside for the time being, and said: "Eldest son, you retreat first. Although this old bone is old, if you put in a fight, you can still buy a lot of time for your son."

Jun Yuqiu shook his head, "It's not a secret that our Jun's family is stationed nearby. How could the magic army let me go for such a great feat. Stand up and defend the mountain, hoping to hold on until reinforcements arrive."

"No!" The old man hurriedly said, "Young master is the hope of the family, how can he be buried here?"

His eyes flashed, revealing a bit of hesitation, then he gritted his teeth, as if making up his mind, turned to look at Jun Yushan: "Second son, you have the same origin as the eldest son, you have deceived the devil..."

"Uncle Wang!" Jun Yuqiu yelled, interrupting the old man.

He lowered his face and looked serious, "The enemy is in front of me, as the commander, how can I escape first?"

"Young master, think twice!"

A look of complexity flashed across Jun Yushan's eyes, and he said in a low voice: "Brother, Uncle Wang is right, you are the hope of my Jun family, you cannot die here."

Jun Yuqiu resolutely refused.

Uncle Wang was so impatient, he wished he could knock him out and fight back, "My lord, if you don't leave, it will be too late!"

He suddenly knelt down on one knee and shouted: "Young master has fought against powerful enemies many times. Saving me is like fire and water. This subordinate is willing to use himself as a wall to hold back the enemy for you!"

The soldiers were silent for a while, and they also remembered that Jun Yuqiu led the army with a sick and weak body. He never fulfilled his duty. Almost every time he blocked the strong enemy, his life was hanging by a thread many times.

After a while, the soldiers knelt down one after another, and echoed with their voices: "I am willing to use myself as a wall to hold back the enemy for my son!"

At first, the echoes were a little messy, but soon they became neat and unified, and the shouts shook the sky, bleak and resolute!
Jun Yuqiu was stunned, "You, you..."

"My lord, please go first!"

"My lord, please go first..."

The soldiers shouted again, their voices getting louder and their tone more firm.

Jun Yuqiu's eyes were a little blurred, "You don't need to persuade me anymore, I've made up my mind."

"My lord, please go first!" the soldiers shouted again.

When the two sides were in a stalemate, a tall female general stood up and walked over. She stretched out her hand and stroked Jun Yuqiu's hand, and blood beads burst out, as if being lifted by invisible ropes, and fell into her hand.

"Brother Qiu, let's go, leave this place to me."

"Cousin Yu Hui." Jun Yuqiu was stunned again.

The woman's name is Jun Yuhui, and she is from a side branch of Jun's family. Due to her poor talent, she could not be ranked together in their generation. In the private army of Jun's family, she is only a middle-level general.

The Jun family struggled for power and profit very fiercely, and the schemes between brothers and sisters, all these years, have made Jun Yuqiu feel at ease and have a good relationship, and Jun Yushan is the only one.

His relationship with Jun Yuhui is not close. To him, such a cousin is no different from other generals with foreign surnames.

I didn't expect that she would stand up at this time.

"If you drag it on any longer, you really won't be able to leave."

Jun Yuhui made a reminder, jumped up and flew into the air, looked at the army below, held up the long sword in his hand, pointed the tip of the sword at the sky, and said word by word: "I wish to share the blood with you, and fight to the end!"

The soldiers regarded death as home and shouted in unison: "Fight to the end!"

Jun Yuqiu pursed his lips, bent down slowly, and bowed deeply to Jun Yuhui and to all the soldiers.

"Brother, the Jun family will be handed over to you." Jun Yushan took a deep breath, pulled himself up, and was about to join the soldiers.

Just less than a foot away from the ground, a pressure on the top of his head pushed him back, and then Jun Yuhui's light reprimand sounded: "With your three-legged kung fu, what can you do so blindly? You will have to work hard in the future."

Jun Yushan blushed, "My cultivation level is a bit low, but I am a swordsman, and my actual combat power is equivalent to the early days of the Heavenly Immortal Realm."

Jun Yuqiu pulled him back, shook his head and said, "Let's go, what Cousin Yu Hui said is right, there will be times when you will work hard in the future."

Jun Yuqiu spoke, but Jun Yushan had no choice but to obey, and Uncle Wang picked four more guards from the late stage of the Celestial Immortal Realm, and left with them.

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