Chapter 934
Almost as soon as their front feet left, there was a continuous roar in the mountain area, and the strong light of the attack and collision almost enveloped the entire mountain area.

Jun Yuqiu couldn't help but look back, in the extremely bright light, Jun Yuhui's figure appeared and disappeared from time to time.

In the sky, there are still many members of the Jun family.

At this moment, he suddenly understood that the Jun family has never been a Jun family with one person and one house. No matter whether the talent is good or bad, or the cultivation level is high or low, every clan member is a fulcrum of the family.

When everyone is united, it is the Jun family.

The army of demons is pressing down on the territory. Flying in the sky at this time is a shining target. Even if they fly on the ground, they have to use the forest terrain to cover up their bodies at all times. Sometimes they have to hide underground in order to avoid the army of demons.

As a result, their speed slowed down. It took them five days to reach the edge of the original war zone, which was originally less than an hour away. However, at this time, this place has become a demon realm.

In this surprise attack, they took away the vast majority of the private army, and only a small number stayed behind. How could they stop the elite magic army.

Even if they didn't raid that stronghold, combining the power of all the emperor's family and private army will not help, it's just the speed of defeat.

Looking at the tents of the magic army as dense as stars, one after another patrols monitored the entire defense area in all directions and without blind spots, and there were still many elites searching around, Jun Yuqiu's heart sank to the bottom of the valley.

Their defense zone has all fallen, and there is probably no one left behind that stronghold.

After struggling for so long, the Jun family still cannot avoid the end of defeat.

He smiled wryly, and said: "Continue to go down and go around to the Qingyu defense area."
At this moment, in the area controlled by the fairy clan, a small fairy boat was speeding towards the defense area of ​​Jun's family. The endless clouds were as thick as an abyss, and it seemed that countless monsters were lurking.

Passing through a group of thick black clouds, hundreds of feet ahead, there are two huge warships floating in the air, and they stop, end to end, straddling the road ahead.

These two warships are so dilapidated that they look like scraps. However, warships are warships after all, and the materials forged are not comparable to the fairy boat, and there is also a gap in size. If they collide, this small fairy boat may be destroyed Disintegrated on the spot.

However, with such a short distance, it is extremely difficult to stop.

At this moment, several figures came out of the battleship, floating in the air, and a big man raised his voice and shouted: "The Supervision Department is conducting routine inspections, stop!"

Its sound was like thunder, rolling in, and the surrounding clouds were stirred up like sea waves. Fortunately, the fairy boat had its own protective magic circle, otherwise it might have been overturned by the clouds.

"Don't stop, hit it!"

Following a sound, a blue and white figure flew out of the fairy boat.

Holding a blue long sword in his hand, he turned into a blue and white light and shadow, cutting through the clouds and heading straight for the battleship.

Flying over him, there was no momentum around him, and even the fluctuation of his spiritual breath was very weak, but the corners of the eyes of the few people on the battleship were twitching, feeling the danger.

Soon, they recognized each other, and someone shouted in amazement: "Wei Lin! You actually..."

The man quickly came to his senses, swallowed the words back to his lips, and sternly shouted: "The Supervision Department is a routine matter, please show the warrant and fairy certificate."

Wei Lin didn't stop, and when he came close to the battleship, Mo Li raised his sword high and slashed at the position where the two battleships were connected.

The green leaves on the sword rustled, and it swept like a wind, and in an instant, the two warships were separated and drifted away to both sides.

The people on the battleship were shocked, and hurriedly urged the tokens to control the battleship. However, at this time, the fairy boat of the Qingyu faction had already approached, passed through like a sharp arrow, and disappeared from the sight of several people in a moment.

The people on the battleship shouted angrily: "Wei Lin, how dare you ignore the Supervision Department!"

However, they can only speak harshly, chasing after him is impossible.

These two battleships are already scraps. They can fly and float in the air, which is the limit. How can they chase and intercept the fairy boat.

It's not that the supervisory department can't come up with a good warship, it's just that it's not worth it for a little Jun's family.

Wei Lin turned a deaf ear to their threats, and just looked ahead, his heart sank to the bottom.

Since someone specially set up a card here to intercept, not only the courier from Qingyu could not reach the defense area of ​​Jun's house, but also the distress signal of Jun's house might have been intercepted.

This time, Wei Lin brought out fifty Taiyi Jinxian powerhouses.Of course, his safety is of paramount importance. Even though the battle in the Lantau defense area was tense, after everyone discussed it, they still sent Nightingale to follow him as a countermeasure.

Nightingale walked to his side, sighed, and said, "You adjust your breath first to recover your immortal power, there's no point in worrying now."

This Jun's family is also unlucky enough. When they were in Yueqing, the Wang family in the neighboring district colluded with the demons, and the Jun family was on the verge of extinction several times; after carrying the Wang family, they were sent to perform the most dangerous mission, and once again struggled on the verge of extinction. .

Now, it has been hit again.

Wei Lin nodded, "Uncle Master, don't worry, I have a sense of proportion."

An hour later, Nightingale suddenly opened her eyes, frowned, and said hesitantly, "There seems to be movement ahead."

Wei Lin cheered up. In this situation, any movement is good news, indicating that someone may still be alive.

He immediately swung his consciousness away, but he didn't notice anything.

After all, he only had cultivation in the Celestial Immortal Realm, and the scope of his spiritual consciousness was far from that of Nightingale, the Great Luo Jinxian.

The subordinates were very clever, and without waiting for Wei Lin's order, the person in charge of driving the fairy boat had already controlled the detection circle of the fairy boat, and went in the direction that Nightingale said.

After a while, the situation in the distance appeared in front of everyone. They saw a dozen figures galloping in the air as fast as thunder and lightning. In front of them, the two figures looked so weak. They were Jun Yuqiu and Jun Yushan. .

"Accelerate! Accelerate with all your strength!" Wei Lin gripped Mo Lijian tightly and ordered in a cold voice.

The soldiers also unconsciously clenched their weapons and waited for the battle. Although they had expected it, seeing this scene with their own eyes, they still couldn't help their scalps tingling.

As the distance drew closer, Xian Zhou had already appeared within the scope of Jun Yuqiu's consciousness, but at this moment, he was so nervous that he was unable to detect the surrounding situation.

The two brothers flew forward sullenly, with only one thought in mind, fly, keep flying, never stop.

They can't perceive it, but it doesn't mean that the magic soldiers chasing them can't perceive it. A soldier turned his head to look at his leader, "General, their reinforcements have arrived."

The devil general's face darkened, "I heard that Yanyuan, under Gui Tu's command, has suffered from this Jun Yuqiu many times, and it will always be a disaster to keep him."

Saying that, she took out a giant bow.

This demon general was in the late stage of Youmo Realm, and was at the same level as Jun Yuqiu. With the superior number of people and the exhaustion of the opponent, she originally didn't plan to take action herself.

The Jun family was obviously sold by their own people. As long as they chase him down, they will be able to drag Jun Yuqiu to death sooner or later.

(End of this chapter)

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