Chapter 949
After finishing his sarcasm, Song Zizhuo didn't give Wen Renman a chance to explain. He turned his head and ordered his bodyguard: "Tell Gu Ruochu to pick a capable person. As for this kind of waste who just eats and waits for death..."

He glanced at Wen Renman and said coldly: "For her sake this time, I will let you go."

Wen Renman had experienced this kind of insult many times, and his expression did not change at all. On the contrary, Xu Yaya, who had been completely ignored, was young and had nothing to do. Although she had been warned repeatedly before coming, there was still a bit of anger on her face.

However, when facing Song Zizhan's icy cold gaze, most of Xu Yaya's anger and blood were extinguished, and she lowered her head unwillingly.

At this time, the summons from the personal guards around Song Zizhuang suddenly came on. He glanced at it quickly and unconsciously looked at Wen Renman, with a bit of hesitation on his face.

Naturally, his expressions and movements were not hidden from Song Zizhuang. He immediately guessed that the matter might be related to the Supervision Bureau, and said angrily: "Tell me."

The guard had no choice but to respond respectfully: "Master, Zhuo Yanjun wishes to see you."

Quiet, you can hear a needle drop.

The status of the four families and the four clans is aloof. If the investigation results show that Song Zizheng is not guilty, the stewards and followers of the Song family will just handle it. Finally, it will be summarized and reported together with other matters, and Song Zizheng will have to read it.

Zhuo Yanjun asked for an interview, but there was only one possibility. There was a problem in the investigation, and Song Zizhuang needed to answer it personally.

After a long while, Song Zi let out a "ha" sound and said, "Let her in."

The speed of his speech was neither fast nor slow, and the tone was neither high nor low, but Wen Renman's heart tightened. She silently bowed and prepared to retreat silently. The moment she turned around, she suddenly felt a cold gaze falling on her.

"Learn from your colleagues and see how they do things."

Song Zizhuang's voice was still calm, but Wen Renman could hear the majestic anger contained in it, as well as full sarcasm and coldness.

The air in the room also made her feel suffocated. Fortunately, this stagnation did not last long. As Zhuo Yanjun came in and Song Zizhuo looked away, most of the suffocating feeling disappeared.

Wen Renman let out an inconspicuous breath and slowly stepped aside, acting as a backdrop.

I saw Zhuo Yanjun saying in a steady tone: "This is the latest accusation made by Yue Palace against you. It impeaches you for instructing the supervisory envoy to cut off military information, which led to the annihilation of the entire Jun family's private army, the fall of the defense area, and collusion with the demons." Dislike."

Wen Renman's eyelids twitched. This accusation was similar to the previous one. The difference was that Song Zizhuang's charge was changed from covering up to being the mastermind.

Although ninety-nine percent of this is true, if you break it directly, you really don't give any face to Song Zizhen, especially the last sentence of "colluding with the demons". If you take off such a big label, Yuedian is going to completely fall out with Song Zizhen. !

She glanced quietly, and saw that Song Zizhen, who was standing above him, had a cold expression, and his previous anger seemed to have disappeared.

However, she felt that the atmosphere in the room was even more depressing, like the calm before the storm.

Zhuo Yanjun didn't seem to notice the change in the atmosphere in the room. She opened her hand, and a shadow stone appeared in her hand. The fairy light on her fingertips flashed, activating the shadow stone and said, "This is physical evidence."

After the recording stone finished playing, she took out another document, "This is the confession of Immortal Lord Yingxue, the director of the Cangxuan Supervision Department."

Song Zizhuo motioned to his guards to present him with an expressionless expression. After reading it, he laughed angrily, "What a Feng Clan, what a Shao Haoyue. In her eyes, this young master is actually a soft persimmon!"

From the news of the fall of the Jun family to the accusation against him by the General Supervision Bureau, the timely recovery of the evidence, and the obtaining of Che Yingxue's confession, all these events were carried out at such a fast pace that it could not be a sudden move!

Shao Haoyue had long been targeting him, and the Jun family matter was just an excuse for her to use.

The incident of Yueqing Realm Demon King Ye Yu's murder has been revealed, but she only tacitly allowed Shao Haoyue to kill a few people to vent her anger. Unexpectedly, the person she was looking for to vent her anger on turned out to be Song Zizhuang!
He was the first heir to the Song family, a Daluo Jinxian, and a genius ranked sixth on the Qingyun list. In her eyes, he was just a soft persimmon!
Thinking of the Qingyun Ranking, Song Zizhuang became even more angry. People usually call the eight pillars of the Immortal Alliance as Shen Song Qi Zhao, Dragon Phoenix White Tiger Xuanwu. This is basically the ranking of the strength of the four families and four clans.

The unified ranking is Shen, Dragon, Feng, Song, Baihu, Qi, Xuanwu, Zhao. Over the years, the heirs of various families on the Qingyun List have basically been ranked similar to this.

This generation of the Zhao family has a stunningly talented Zhao Yuyan, who replaced him as the fourth highest ranking figure. Song Zizhuang was already feeling very uncomfortable. Hao Jin, the young master of the Feng clan, was also ranked in front of him!
Although the Baihu, Qi, and Xuanwu families behind were even more aggrieved, and Shao Haoluo intervened in front of them, the ranking on the Qingyun Ranking still made Song Zi feel like he was stuck in his throat.What makes him even more powerless or frightened is that the ranking on the Qingyun List is not static.

Shao Haoluo was still young back then, and the growth period of the mythical beast was extremely long, so his talent and potential were limited. Judging from his subsequent combat power, his ranking in the new round of Qingyun Ranking will probably rise in the near future.

As for Shao Haoyue, there were rumors 3 years ago that her talent potential was probably comparable to that of Shen Canghao and Shao Haoheng.

3 years later, she successfully achieved Nirvana and became the first among the younger generation of the Phoenix Clan to achieve Nirvana. This has proven that she is the number one genius of the Phoenix Clan.

In other words, Song Zizhuo's ranking will continue to drop, and he will drop two places!

Shao Haoyue's potential was greater than his, and he recognized it, but ranking on the Qingyun Ranking was one thing, and his true strength was another.

Now that Shao Haoyue is only in the middle stage of Taiyi Golden Immortal, she directly targets him and doesn't take him seriously!

Song Zizhen's anger grew stronger and stronger, and he almost spat out three words from between his teeth, "Shao Haoyue!"

Awe-inspiring murderous aura spread out, and the objects in the house exploded one after another from near to far, and dust flew up, almost forming a tornado.

Zhuo Yanjun was the first to bear the brunt. Although he activated his protection in time and used his magical weapon, he was still forced to retreat steadily by the awe-inspiring murderous intent.

Wen Renman, who was serving as the backdrop, was also thrown away. She barely protected herself behind her. She thought of Xu Yaya, who had a low cultivation level, and quickly called out, "Yaya."

The answer to her was silence.

This soft call brought the angry Song Ziqiang back to his senses. He glanced at Xu Yaya, who was completely lifeless, and then at Zhuo Yanjun and Wen Renman, who were struggling to hold on, with a cold look on his face.

He did not restrain his murderous intent, but controlled it and went straight towards the two of them.

He changed his mind.

The little Inspector General has been trying to disgrace him again and again, so he must be taught a lesson.

There was a huge disparity in cultivation between the two sides, and the unconscious murderous aura leaked out had made them irresistible, let alone a conscious attack. The protective fairy shields of the two men almost burst apart instantly.

Zhuo Yanjun noticed the change in Song Zizhuo's expression, and felt a thump in his heart. Immortal light shone around his body, and the milky white armor was added to his body, covering all vital parts of his body in an instant.

"Gui Yujia." Song Zizheng's face became even colder.

The Guiyu Armor is a defense made through cooperation between the Phoenix Clan and the Xuanwu Clan. It combines the lightness and speed of the Yu Clan with the sturdiness of the Turtle Clan. It is one of the high-end armors of Xingque.

Because the materials require the feathers and tortoise shells of high-ranking people from the two tribes, the production quantity is limited, and it is usually only supplied to the elite warriors of the two tribes. It has always been expensive but not marketable.

Shao Haoyue was very generous. He bribed a little fairyland and actually took out Gui Yujia.

No wonder Zhuo Yanjun, the little supervisor, was neither humble nor overbearing when facing him, so he came prepared!

Of course, given the gap in cultivation here, even if Zhuo Yanjun was given the best immortal weapon, it would still be easy for Song Zi to kill her if he was determined to do so.

 Sorry, I have adjusted the status for a long time. I will resume updating from today. Let’s start with 2000 per day.

(End of this chapter)

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